Weighing more in the morning

naku Posts: 109 Member

There are always topics about when you should weight yourself and when do you weight less. There seems to be a general consensus that the best time is in the morning after going to the toilet as this is when your body is the emptiest.

What I find in myself though it completely different. As an example I can give my weight fluctuation today...
I woke up, went to the toilet and weighed myself. I was 64,1kg (141,3lb). That was at about 9AM.
I haven't done anything special today (enjoying a rare free day during the week) and have also eaten lunch which consisted of 3 slices of ryvita, philadephia cream cheese, beef pastrami, cucumber, 2 apples and some blueberries. Also I had 2 cups of coffee in the morning and have consumed about a litre of water.

I just weighed myself again and my weight has dropped to 62,5kg (137,7lb). That makes the difference between these 6 hours a good 1,6kg (3,5lb). This seems to happen to me almost daily and has been happening all through my weightloss journey. Sometimes I even go to bed lighter than I then wake up.

1st of all I would just like to point out that I am not upset by these fluctuations. It doesn't get me down in any way even though I weight more on some days/times of day. It's normal. But what I was wondering was why this might be happening as it seems to be normal (and logical) that you would weight Less not More in the mornings...

Anyone have any insight into this?

EDIT: Just to point out more clear that I'm NOT worried about my actual weight or how much I have lost/not lost. The actual number on the scale is irrelevant to me and doesn't concern me in regards to this issue. What I am looking for is understanding my body better and finding out the reason I seem to retain more water in the mornings than I do during the day/evening.



  • jnettiedotson
    I have the same problem. I always weigh less around 2 p.m. than I do at 7 a.m. I think everyone is different, and for what reason I have no clue. Interested in seeing responses to this.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    According to my partner I do not sleep -eat or -drink either! :D
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I'm thinking scale issue maybe? Is the temp the same in the room where you scale is each time, or has someone showered etc.? Weird things like that make a difference. Weird, though, I agree!

    My scale is our bedroom and the temperature is pretty much exactly the same all through the day..
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    You weigh less in the morning...at least I do...unless youve had a heavy, carby, late meal....then it looks like youve gained...
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I always weigh more in the morning as well. I usually weigh myself after I do #2 (which is after breakfast and coffee) and I am usually less weight. I record that weight. I am also more puffy or swollen in the morning (water retention) then I am through out the day. I drink a ton of water through out the day as well.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    You weigh less in the morning...at least I do...unless youve had a heavy, carby, late meal....then it looks like youve gained...

    This isn't the case either. I eat quite light dinners and I have them at 8.30PM latest. The same thing happens even if I wouldn't have any dinner.
  • swimmamum
    swimmamum Posts: 12 Member
    This is definitely odd. I rarely weigh myself in the evening and then again in the morning, so I can't offer any mutual encouragement.

    I would check your scale. Maybe you need a new one. Is it in the bathroom? Sometimes humidity can affect them. It seems like a big discrepancy in weight though: 2 kilos is a lot.

    All I can say, is don't get too disheartened and most importantly...don't weigh yourself everyday. You should have a time once a week that you do it. I weigh myself first thing in the morning on Monday. It seems to be my best day emotionally to start, or start over.

    Best of luck!!
  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    I always weigh less around 7pm!
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I always weigh more in the morning as well. I usually weigh myself after I do #2 (which is after breakfast and coffee) and I am usually less weight. I record that weight. I am also more puffy or swollen in the morning (water retention) then I am through out the day. I drink a ton of water through out the day as well.

    Yeah I definitely recognise it being a case of water retention as during the day I pee loads. But I don't really understand why my water retention seems to work the "wrong" way around.
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    that's strange, I weigh less in the morning after pee-pee :). I would pay more attention to your evening weight then :drinker:
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    This is definitely odd. I rarely weigh myself in the evening and then again in the morning, so I can't offer any mutual encouragement.

    I would check your scale. Maybe you need a new one. Is it in the bathroom? Sometimes humidity can affect them. It seems like a big discrepancy in weight though: 2 kilos is a lot.

    All I can say, is don't get too disheartened and most importantly...don't weigh yourself everyday. You should have a time once a week that you do it. I weigh myself first thing in the morning on Monday. It seems to be my best day emotionally to start, or start over.

    Best of luck!!

    Like said before, my scale is in the bedroom! No humidity or temperature changes! And also like said, I do not get disheartened by it at all, I'm just looking into understanding my body and how it works better! Don't really care about the actual number at all.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    You need to pick a set time of day to weigh in and stick to that time.

    That is your gauge for losing or gaining. Not throughout the day or at different times.

    Who cares if it is morning, noon or night as long as it is the same time. As long as the scale is going down from that set point, then you are losing weight.

    Do not drive yourself crazy with the scale!
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    oops double.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    You need to pick a set time of day to weigh in and stick to that time.

    That is your gauge for losing or gaining. Not throughout the day or at different times.

    Who cares if it is morning, noon or night as long as it is the same time. As long as the scale is going down from that set point, then you are losing weight.

    Do not drive yourself crazy with the scale!

    My reason for this topic isn't actually about weight loss and how much I'm losing or not. I don't really care about the actual number on the scale that much at all....
    More so I am looking to understand my body and how it works better than I am now.... and this includes understanding why I seem to retain more water in the morning than I do in the evening. Not how much I weight or how much I have lost.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I think many people on here are so used to people freaking out about things the scale is doing that they're not sure how to respond to a logistical question...lol

    Anyway, I think there could be any number of reasons why this happens. I know it has happened to me quite regularly. Sometimes I eat a heavy (or late) dinner the night before, sometimes I sleep late or don't sleep well, and sometimes my body just hasn't completely purged itself of the day priors "trappings". Some of those things, purging, rest, digestion, don't complete themselves until later that day, and that's when I weigh less.

    It could just be that your clock is running a little later than all of the other weigh-less-in-the-morning folks.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I think many people on here are so used to people freaking out about things the scale is doing that they're not sure how to respond to a logistical question...lol

    Anyway, I think there could be any number of reasons why this happens. I know it has happened to me quite regularly. Sometimes I eat a heavy (or late) dinner the night before, sometimes I sleep late or don't sleep well, and sometimes my body just hasn't completely purged itself of the day priors "trappings". Some of those things, purging, rest, digestion, don't complete themselves until later that day, and that's when I weigh less.

    It could just be that your clock is running a little later than all of the other weigh-less-in-the-morning folks.

    Thanks for your reply!

    I hadn't even thought about the part that actual sleep plays in this, silly me. Might be something to do with that as I have to admit being really stressed out by work for the past few months and not sleeping well at all...

    Thankfully there is a long holiday just 2 weeks away.... can't wait.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I weigh myself in the evening and in the morning. I weigh less in the morning and 1lb - 2lbs more in the evening. Might be your scale.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My guess is you're retaining water in the mornings because you haven't had anything to drink all night while you were sleeping. I've never weighed myself later in the day, thinking I would be heavier. But my fingers are usually more puffy in the morning until I've had a couple glasses of water. I wonder if I, too, would weigh less later on in the day.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    This is reasonable. Your body's digestive rate and stress levels plays a role too. I'm curious, you mentioned coffee, but do you eat breakfast? If not, maybe your body finishes last nights meals and reserves between then and lunch and has learned not to get rid of everything until new fuel comes in.
    I think many people on here are so used to people freaking out about things the scale is doing that they're not sure how to respond to a logistical question...lol

    Anyway, I think there could be any number of reasons why this happens. I know it has happened to me quite regularly. Sometimes I eat a heavy (or late) dinner the night before, sometimes I sleep late or don't sleep well, and sometimes my body just hasn't completely purged itself of the day priors "trappings". Some of those things, purging, rest, digestion, don't complete themselves until later that day, and that's when I weigh less.

    It could just be that your clock is running a little later than all of the other weigh-less-in-the-morning folks.

    Thanks for your reply!

    I hadn't even thought about the part that actual sleep plays in this, silly me. Might be something to do with that as I have to admit being really stressed out by work for the past few months and not sleeping well at all...

    Thankfully there is a long holiday just 2 weeks away.... can't wait.