

  • If you only want to do it for a week I recommend a juice fast the only thing is for the lbs to stay off you need to add allot more raw foods to your diet after and you have to be a vegetarian other wise your efforts will be watsed.
  • Please be kind to her...she came on here for advice obviously so if your advice is that she needs more calories advise her on how to get more calories on a raw vegan diet. If not then leave her alone :(
  • To add more nutrition and calories to your diet eat more nuts,bananas,mangos,chia seeds,avocados,squashs,zuchini. Its good that youre trying to keep track of what you're putting into your body but at this point you need to put more into your body especially if you're exercising allot. and I know its very hard so im not…
  • I feel your pain...I suffer from PCOS and it is not very fun. One thing that has helped me is going vegan and cutting out processed foods,fast foods all together. Ive been doing allot of research lately and a large consensus is that going raw vegan will help tremendously.But if you arent ready to give up meat just yet…
  • Thanks for the feed back I've been looking closely at the FT7 im glad I asked for feed back because I probably would have fiddled around for a while as well.
  • I love them too! :)
  • I agree about the soy they also increase your estrogen levels which would be more of a red flag if you're a man but I still don't think its a good thing.
  • Ive been vegan for a while transitioning to raw if you buy patties make sure that they're certified vegan and not vegetarian. Look for black bean patties they're yummy and high in protein.
  • Tempeh,chia seeds,setian,beans,flax seed,tofu,soy beans,cashews,peanuts,walnuts,(any type of nut really)
  • Raw foods are the best when im at work I pre package apples,celery peaunut butter,mango,straw berries,grapes,nuts etc. Try to stay away from processed stuff as much as possible,
  • I just started this work out yesterday and I love it! I'm used to fast paced aerobic excercise so I started with the 4 mi. If any of you are familiar with down loading torrent files you can find the videos on the pirate bay .
  • ok...ill try to incorporate doubling my protein during 2 meals so I can meet my calorie minimum...thank you for the advice.