

  • There are competing views on carbonation and calcium,but this article says that it is not harmful. My experience with these type of things is: Moderation. too much of a good thing can be bad..even if they can't prove it (right now). http://www.ehow.com/about_5365577_harmful-effects-carbonated-water.html
  • Great start! can't wait to move my counter over soon :)
  • Thanx for ALL the replies. Very Helpful! I get it now :bigsmile: @cmiles23 Thanx for the link
    in CONFUSED Comment by minyME June 2011
  • @Hotsouthernmess I like the picture on your counter :) Congrats on the 50lbs lost! Where can I find one like it?
    in CONFUSED Comment by minyME June 2011
  • :drinker: Hi lulu, Me too :) check out my page...I'd love to get some feedback. I'll have to make my diary public:blushing: Yikes!
    in Newbie here Comment by minyME June 2011
  • Why does you're calorie intake vary so widely? 1200-1400 is a difference of 200 calories. When you eat the extra 200 calories are you exercising extra to burn it off?