Skeith5 Member


  • You'll lose some, depending on how much you have to lose you might see pretty big drops. Exercise definitely helps though. If it's a financial constrain you can use anything around the house, even lifting a pot of water repeatedly would count as exercise. If it's a physical constrain you should still be able to do…
  • Are you just looking for something to drink straight? Or are you mixing it with something? I like Silk soy light, but still use regular old 1% cow milk for some things.
  • I normally select a few things to eat and then just take one serving. So for pretzels I would have grabbed as many as I would have eaten for the night and made a guess from that. If you take a few here and there then you will never really know how many you will be eating and will probably underestimate when the night is…
  • A bag of animal cookies washed down with a big red...
  • I don't think it really matters as much if you are always measuring it the same. I would measure it how it normally is. If you walk around all day sucking it in then measure it sucked in. If you are more relaxed during the day and it hangs out a bit measure it that way. I think the most accurate way might be to get a set…
  • I'm just some dude on the internet that gave an opinion based on what I saw. It might be wrong, it might be right, that's sort of the nature of posting on a forum. I didn't look past the last week in your diary and to me, making yourself throw up is abnormal. Maybe it's more common than I think it is, who knows? Maybe I'm…
  • Yes I've been sick... and still 495 calories is not enough. I never told you you had a disorder, I'm not a professional and wouldn't diagnose something like that. Grow some thicker skin.
  • I took a peek at your diary. You are not eating enough... I saw one day and you were, 495 calories for the day? You should be at a minimum of 1200. You are seriously putting yourself in danger eating as little as you do and I'm not surprised that you are having problems. If you are comfortable making yourself throw up I'd…
  • When I eat somewhere and I don't know the exact calories I will either find something similiar and enter that or add quick calories and estimate it (which can be dangerous...) For example, There is a little tavern by my work I go to lunch at every once and awhile. They don't have any food listed in MFP nor do they know how…
  • Yep.. I'm at my half way goal and have been lingering here for about 2 weeks... Try changing things up. Different exercise program, strength training. Are you eating enough calories? Scott
    in Plateau Comment by Skeith5 October 2011
  • There's a lot healthier things you can put into your body than slim fast. Most of the diet drinks are loaded with sugar and chemicals, is it worth it? The only one I drink on occasion is the Atkins shakes with low sugar. Scott
  • Work out more, eat less junk food, eat more healthy food, log everything in MFP (my fitness pal), don't ask what NSV means (non-scale victory). Don't spend more money than you have, make sure you save some. Be nice to people. Scott
  • forget around the house! I'll be walking outside naked for a week or two...
  • Keep in mind that the Joe lost a LOT of muscle in addition to the fat. No thanks, although I do juice frequently and did a 24 hour juice fast. Scott
  • How many calories are you eating every day? How much fat and sugar? Are you eating natural or more processed foods? How often do you exercise? Are you taking measurements? How long have you been on the program? Scott
  • I'd stick with the 1800 and work on doing a lot of core exercises like crunches, etc. Make sure you are eating good healthy calories too.. Great job on reaching your goal!
  • Fiber absorbs water. If you don't get enough water and boost your fiber intake it could make you constipated.
  • I think MFP calculates goals light on the protein side. I went in and adjusted my goals to balance out my protein and carbs. Scott
  • Men can't get pregnant... So if we have some pudge up front everyone knows it's because we are fat...
  • I hear you. I used to go to restaurants and I could barely walk when I was done with dinner from eating so much. Appetizer, Entree, Dessert... I really enjoy not feeling that way anymore! Scott
  • So... what's happened?
  • What sort of games does he like? I really like the call of duty games. Black ops is pretty good but they are fairly graphic and contain foul language The ratchet and clank series is great for family fare. Raving Raymond rabbids (er... something like that) Is a great multi-player family game. I also like the lego games such…
  • 1000 calories a day and working out? You need more fuel... I know it sounds counter intuitive but 1000 calories is not going to do you any good. Try aiming for 1200 net a day (meaning if you burn 600 calories you are going to eat 1800 that day.) Scott
  • do you have any dumbells that you might be able to do an upper body workout with? Or stretch bands work really well... I've had pneumonia for a couple weeks and haven't done much working out. I have still lost weight since I'm eating less. I just saw you were from Beaumont... I lived in Nederland a LONG time ago... Scott
  • There are a lot of "flavored" coconut waters out there as well. Lost of potassium. I've had it a couple times, not my most favorite thing to drink. I haven't tried the flavored variety though.
  • Lori, I changed my eating habits a little over 3 months ago and things have been great. The biggest help for me was to get rid of the 3 meals a day mentality. I went into the settings and changed my meal names to give me 6 meals, breakfast 1, breakfast 2, etc. I eat 200-300 calories per meal.
  • Check out the USDA website. You can pull up nutrition information and they specify whether you are eating lean only or not. Of course there will still be some fat content, but it sounds like you eat your steak like my wife and I do. They don't specify the different…
  • I like Redfie1d's advice, if it's a last resort. What about sending her a text along the lines of... "Hey I haven't seen you in a few days There's something I'd like to ask you in person. can we meet sometime tomorrow?" So you aren't really asking her out over text but you are setting up the meeting to ask her out.
  • 2lbs in 2 weeks shouldn't be much of a concern. Your body fluctuates quite a bit. Are you getting enough potassium? It could be water. Are you strength training? Could be muscle (a good thing!) Seriously I wouldn't worry about it... Scott