

  • I have had the same problem. But I have gotten alot of comments and I have decided to just take them well, love that people are noticing my hard work and try to let it remind me that I have made progress and as long as I'm healthy thats what counts. But I will tell you I am creeping up on my Highschool wieght which I…
  • I've had similar problems. I have made sure all the can i buy now say low sodium or no sugar added. But everyone told me as long as its sugar due to fruits and veggies don't worry. I sort of agree I've lost 16 lbs, feel good and my blood pressure is still coming up on the low end. So kust keep counting calories and try…
  • I did a double take too, I love how confident you look in the second picture. Great job and keep up the good work you look amazing.
  • Some really cute new cloths, black heels, and size 10 pants.
  • Wow thanks for the info. Scary to think we are all so uninformed!
  • Another good way is slicing it into rounds and throwing it in a pan thats been sprayed with pam then sprinkle a little parmasan, bread crumb and gralic powder on it. They taste kid of like fried zuchini but much healthier. I think it was a weight watchers recipe my girl freind gave me.
    in Zucchini Comment by MrsHephron July 2011
  • This is a great way!
    in Zucchini Comment by MrsHephron July 2011
  • I'm new to so you can add me. I'm trying to make my family live healthier and definatly lose some pounds. Good Luck on your mission. You can do it!
  • These websites have great lists. Thanks and if anyone else is looking for an actual list they can follow check it out.
  • Thanks a ton! Thats what I was kind of thinking and hoping for. I do enjoy my twice weekly homemade smoothie. And thanks for the link to the other sugar posts, I tried looking for some and didn't find any until after I decided to post. Happy and Healhty Weight Loss to you all.
  • I don't eat red meat so around this time of year vegie patties are a must. The morningstar veggie "Garden"burgers are amazing. I also like the ones from costco (I think they come in a four pack).