catrose66 Member


  • I'm 5'0" SW 226 CW 167 GW 140 then I'll see from there.
  • When I do my couch to 5k workout on the treadmill I listen to an mp3 recording of the chaplet of Saint Michael.
  • I'm 5 feet tall and 4mph on the treadmill is a jog for me. Maybe as more weight comes off the speed will pick up. Being short I'm not so sure. Search the internet about your calorie burn during your workout. Hopefully there may be a website where you can type in your height and weight with your activity to get a more…
  • I use the wool yarns from Thinking about trying the wool/silk blends but they do cost more.
  • Height: 5' 0" Age: 45 SW: 236 CW: 174 GW: 140 Last year when I was considering weight loss surgery the surgeon wanted me to get to 140. Not sure what an ideal weight would be for me. Losing 50 lbs feels pretty good so any further weight loss will be even better.
  • I agree with Rich. If you have lot's to lose take it easy with the running. Even better talk it over with a Dr. first before doing any type of exercise. I was in the process of getting bariatric surgery. Jumped through all the insurance hoops and was just waiting to set a surgery date. Started MFP in late July because the…
  • No more chins. I'm beginning to see cheekbones. Can almost see collar bones. My knees and hips don't hurt anymore. My wedding ring is very loose. Earlier this year I had to wear it on a bracelet. I've lost three pants sizes. I'm in a 16W now. When my 10 year old gives me a hug she can grab her hands behind my back. A…
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. Especially since you weighed yourself in the afternoon instead when you normally do in the morning. I've been told your body weight does change during the day. Not sure how much but I believe it is at least a couple of pounds. Tammy
  • Way to go! Our stats are very similar. I'm 5' 0". Joined MFP in July. Starting weight was 236, current is 192. I'm 45 and I haven't weighed below 200 lbs in over 10 years. My weight was/is really starting to affect my health. HBP and pre-diabetic. This website helped me realize just how many calories I was actually taking…