jnorr993 Member


  • Add me!! https://www.fitbit.com/user/22K525 I would love more friends to invite to challenges and help keep me motivated! :smiley:
  • I'd love to be connected with others suffering with hypothyroid or Hashimoto's. After a decade of struggling with weight and other issues in the standard way, I'm trying something new with the help of a personal trainer. I'm actually INCREASING my caloric intake for the first time in years, and I'm excited to see where it…
  • Same here! The more accountability the better! :-)
  • Similar goals here! :/
  • Oddly enough, I am just starting the gluten free journey as well. I don't have any noticeable stomach or digestive issues, but I DO have other issues that can be caused by intolerance to gluten... such as excess cortisol, low thyroid and excessive weight gain in my abdomen area only. So, I figure it couldn't hurt to try.…
  • I am thinking about starting the gluten free journey as well, so I would also be interested in anyone's responses to this post. I have been doing a lot of research on my thyroid issues as well as apparent excessive cortisol production, and it seems this might be a good option for me to explore. Any tips for a newbie would…
  • Burger and Fries (McDonald's French fries being my favorite!) Pizza Kettle cooked chips Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Sausage and Crackers Graham Crackers and milk Fudge All of the above would be AWESOME!! :-)
  • Sons of Anarchy, The Tudors, and The Riches.... these are just a few of the series I have watched...
  • I am glad to see so many other FitBit lovers here! Like I said, I just got mine, and like many of the responders here, it has really helped me to see how sedentary I am in my desk job. It is motivating me to take more stairs and just get up and walk around some more to get more steps in. For those who might be concerned…
  • Hi Mic! I don't live in Canada, but I am in Wisconsin... that's KIND of close right? :tongue: Anyway, I just joined this site too. I have tried others including Traineo and Sparkpeople and they all have their perks. Like you, I like the app for this one better, so we shall see how this goes! Welcome! :happy:
    in Hello Comment by jnorr993 February 2012
  • What about venison? :-) I just made this recipe not that long ago, and it was phenomenal!! (I used oatmeal in place of the bread crumbs) http://allrecipes.com/recipe/venison-meat-loaf/
  • I have a pull-up bar that can be put in a doorway (and easily removed and stowed if you don't want that constant "gym" look in your living space). I also have a pair of rings that I can slip through there where I can do some other things such as suspended push-ups, lat-pulls, etc... with more of a TRX kind of feel.…
  • Nice job! You look wonderful!! :drinker:
  • Most definitely veggies! If I am looking for sweet - raw carrots or sugar snap peas are some of my favorites. If I am looking for something more "robust", I like to chop up celery, mushrooms, garlic and onions and cook them in some coconut oil in a skillet. Mmmm.... For a more Italian flavor, I do the same with some…
  • I completely agree with you! I am not the best at getting a workout done in the morning, but I SURE feel GREAT when I DO! Personally, I am more of an evening person. I can work out as late as 10pm and still sleep like a baby. It really comes down to what works best for you.
  • C25K is a GREAT program for beginning runners... and for people like me who feel like we are perpetual "beginning runners." :-) I LOVE that program! I can't tell you how many times C25K has reinvigorated my desire to run. Week 1 is so do-able that you won't get discouraged. You will come out of it thinking how EASY it was!…