Looking to meet people with hypothhroidism

Hello to everyone. I'm looking to talk with people who are dealing with hypothyroidism and weight loss. I started to get serious about getting this weight off about a month ago and while I'm down 10 pounds I'm looking for advice or direction. Always looking for recipes that are low carb and low cal.


  • annalise_p
    annalise_p Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I have hypothyroidism. I'm consistently up and down with energy levels as my Dr is yet to find the right balance. I'm finding this is currently holding me back as I over eat and crave sugar as I'm always sooo tired.
    I have lost weight successfully in the past before I knew of my diagnosis purely through calorie counting and light exercise. I kept my calories down by buying frozen veges and eating them every night for dinner with a different sauce (not too much though). Remember you should not eat soy and seaweed at all and eat only 1 serve of veges with goitrogens such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower per week.
  • jenf040315
    jenf040315 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. I currently have hypo and am still trying to regulate the meds. I'm currently on 50 mcg and still at a 5.5 which is still high (4 is normal high). After 3 years of trying to lose weight, I'm finally down 6 lbs! My goal was 10 lbs for this year to put me right at 129 and a side goal was to get to 125 lbs. I'm not dieting, since I love food so much, I just watch what I eat and portion control. I am a couch to 5k drop out and I am currently using Endomondo, Garmin Connect and zombies, run 5k app. I am starting week 2 of ZR5K today. My user name for everything is jenf040315. I bought a Garmin Forerunner 15 and wear it non-stop. It gives you step goals and you can also use it for running. Everything logs onto the computer through the Garmin Connect. That really keeps me on track with exercise more than anything. I never log my calories because it just drives me crazy limiting myself and then I overeat. Good luck!
  • allison4224
    allison4224 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello. I take synthroid and get my levels checked once a year. I have found that having an underactive thyroid in no way impedes my weight loss. Years and years ago, I used to think it did. But, then I started taking a good look at how many calories I was eating. And, turns out, I was using hypothyroidism as an excuse for me not losing. Good thing I realized I was wrong! (for me at least, I realize everybody's different and another could have struggles due to their thyroid.)
  • DeniseCole5
    DeniseCole5 Posts: 24 Member
    hi feel free to add me, i have an underactive thyroid. I have re started today to try and shift a lot of weight. My problem is i work shifts and make unwise choices after a long day at work.
  • jnorr993
    jnorr993 Posts: 18 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'd love to be connected with others suffering with hypothyroid or Hashimoto's. After a decade of struggling with weight and other issues in the standard way, I'm trying something new with the help of a personal trainer. I'm actually INCREASING my caloric intake for the first time in years, and I'm excited to see where it goes, and would love to share with other hypothyroid sufferers if/when it works! I would also love to see what you all are doing that works for you too! Let's help each other on this journey. :) feel free to add me here.
  • bulshtdecorator
    bulshtdecorator Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'd love to connect with you all here.

    The signs and symptoms of Hashimoto's have been getting increasingly worse over the past year. I took time off to heal my thyroid naturally, but I continue to get worse.
    I've always been very disciplined and live a strict "4 Hour Body" slow carb/ketogenic lifestyle so I adjusted that with the thyroid/endocrine diet. I incorporated meditation and careful control over my cortisol levels. Regardless, I suddenly gained 15 lbs in December and for the first time in my life have no control over my weight and the symptoms continue getting worse.

    So for now, I'm continuing to work out (I'm on week 6 of the Insanity Workout), build muscle, and resist the urge to just eat baguettes and sleep all day. :)

    I'm hoping to be officially diagnosed this month and get on medication (the herbal thyroid supplements aren't enough). I'd love to connect with others who are living with this condition and this is a great place for it.

    As a bit of an introduction, here's my favorite low carb/keto/endocrine meal:

    2 hard boiled eggs
    2 TB guacamole
    Dandelion Greens

    Chop it all up and mix it together. So satisfying and delicious.