

  • They are just jealous. From my experience they are only acting that way for 2 reasons: 1) they want to do it, but don't have the willpower or knowledge 2) they don't want to be alone in their unhealthy habits (misery lives company), and they naturally resort to mocking and ridicule to bring you back to the dark side with…
  • My suggestion is to just kinda guess to begin with, and once you are closer to that number you'll be able to more accurately decide if that number is where you want to be or if it needs to be adjusted :)
  • You definitely don't NEED a protein shake for any reason, but if you are looking to include more protein in your diet, it tends to be a much quicker and easier way to consume 25g+ of protein than taking the time to actually make chicken, or eggs, or whatever. Also, whey protein is often used post-workout because it is the…
  • try adding some more nuts and cheeses to your diet. Just a handful of almonds is packed with calories, lots of protein and good fats, and are easy to snack on even if you arn't that hungry. Same thing with cheese. Will fill in some of those extra calories if you are worried.
  • lots of fruits and veggies, cant go wrong there. also cottage cheese is good, any sort of lean meats, but most importantly avoid the dessert section! haha its real easy to stray when you're in college and they give you a buffet and everyone around you is eating terribly without caring, but you can do it, just stay strong…
  • I would recommend at least looking into some whey protein for post-workout if you are looking to gain muscle. Do some research on pre and post workout nutrition to get the most out of your workouts. If you're looking to gain lean mass while you drop fat, pre and post workout meals will be your two most important of the…
  • E/C/A Stack (Ephedra / Caffeine / Asprin) is by far the best from everything I've read, but since ephedra is hard to find and you have to register your name with the DEA, and the possible negative effects, I am assuming you want to avoid that haha I'm not a big fan of the diet / weight loss pills - they are all super…
  • I'm doin between 1500-1600 and I think it's workin pretty good. A tip to avoid putting your body into starvation and keep your hunger satisfied is to eat every 2-3 hours, even if its just somethin small, also keep the protein up, drink lots of water, and keep exercising and you should be fine. Your body will let you know…
  • hey welcome to MFP, and thanks for the add, glad to see another sober friend on the boards, keep up the good work