
My boyfriend has been feeling like he's been 'mocked' lately by his friend's for getting healthy, when getting healthy, did you ever feel mocked, or that if you ate a piece of cake your friends would dissaprove?


  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    oh yeah, at the beginning, everyone tries to put you off, it's only because you are doing something about it and they aren't quite there yet and are a little envious.
    You gotta ask yourself, do you want to live and be healthy and is that more important than a few jibes about what you eat, cos mark my words, as the pounds fall off they'll soon shush!
    Good luck to your boyfriend, he can do this!
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    my partner calls me anorexic and bulimic. hes just jealous that he is overweight and im happy and living a healthy lifestyle and i look great.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Only women. But it's in their nature to attack others instead of doing for themselves
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    friends who mock you aren't true friends.

    however, I have asked my friends and co-workers to help hold me accountable...and that if I go to order something unhealthy, to ask me if I'm sure I want to do that. So, when they do as I ask, I appreciate it.
  • cranda58
    cranda58 Posts: 11
    They are just jealous. From my experience they are only acting that way for 2 reasons: 1) they want to do it, but don't have the willpower or knowledge 2) they don't want to be alone in their unhealthy habits (misery lives company), and they naturally resort to mocking and ridicule to bring you back to the dark side with them. The interesting part is that you will probably find the people who are mocking you the most will likely end up asking you a lot of questions and becoming interested once they start seeing the results and benefits of your new healthy choices and may even jump on board. People are weird, just ignore them and wait it out and remember you are making healthy changes for yourself, not other people, and your real friends will support that.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Many times I find it is family and friends who see you struggle, who try to persuade you to give in to temptations.

    Many times I go over it is because someone wants to go out to eat, or has cooked something. They guilt me into eating saying "Don't tell you won't even try it. I made it just for you." Stuff like that