Is 1500 cal. a day equal to starvation? Should I up my calor



  • dannylives
    dannylives Posts: 611
    Im scared to eat more calories because I might gain weight.
  • dannylives
    dannylives Posts: 611
    full title: Is 1500 cal. a day equal to starvation? Should I up my calories to lose weight safely? Can I still lose weight if I'm eating 1800 calories?
  • endgame013
    put in your stats into MFP and itll figure it out for you with your goals and weight..

    my current daily calories is 1540 with a 1.5 lb loss a week...

    if you just started with the dieting... i would say dont start out at 1540... your body wont be use to it and youll have mad hunger cravings.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Make sure you select the lifestyle that is compatible with your current style on your profile, calculate your intake goal and that will already factor your deficit to loose weight. If you're very strict about weighting everything and are very accurate I'd say stick to your goal intake or thereabouts if you do it mostly by eye however being under 400-500 isn't bad, I think by the contrary since we have a tendency to overestimate calories!!!

    That's only my opinion though.

    Good Luck
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    In my opinion Starvation Mode is a myth...I haven't seen actual real medical documentation to back it up.

    If you eat 1500 or 1800 calories and you are exercisin regularly you'll be at a deficit and be fine.
  • cranda58
    cranda58 Posts: 11
    I'm doin between 1500-1600 and I think it's workin pretty good. A tip to avoid putting your body into starvation and keep your hunger satisfied is to eat every 2-3 hours, even if its just somethin small, also keep the protein up, drink lots of water, and keep exercising and you should be fine. Your body will let you know if you are in need of more calories, give it a shot and if you don't feel good or arn't seeing results, make some changes... Don't stress too much about it, keep workin and you'll find a groove. Best of luck!
  • uberlaut
    uberlaut Posts: 44
    If you give honest answers to the questions when you set up your "diet profile", you should be fine. Always remember, if you exercise, you "earn bonus calories" to eat. So even if your profile appears to suggest 1500/day, if you walk or bike or swim or do yoga for 30-60min a day, you will probably be eating closer to 1700-1800 calories each day.
  • Crystalchaos72
    Since mfp calculates it for you you should eat as much as it tells you, make sure you NET calories are where thay need to be. When you sign upo mfp has a deficit that is already created for you, it assumes you won't exercise. If you create MORE of a deficit that is where you may come to stall in your weight loss. The body needs fuel to work, for instance myself, I am so hungry all the time I need to eat a ton, just to feel good, today was 3133........I exercise a lot and have a physical job, so it may be different for you, although I see you exercise a lot. If you feel you need to eat more, do it, just choose healthy options. And protein :) good luck
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I have the same question. I am terrified to eat more cals. and really don't like eating back my cals that I burnt off from exercise. I'm not seeing much if any weightloss the way I'm doing it and I workout almost every day. Plus I never go over my cal limit.... Hmmm.

    So, what did you decide to do?
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    my fiance was eating about 1400 to 1500 calories and dropped 18lbs in 5 weeks maybe less. He was working out on weights 3 times a week and biked for about 20 to 30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week.
  • marulm
    marulm Posts: 26 Member
    Also log how many minutes you do strength training in the cardio section of exercise, that will add calories to that day's allotment. The strength training box is just for keeping a record for yourself.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    In my opinion Starvation Mode is a myth...I haven't seen actual real medical documentation to back it up.

    If you eat 1500 or 1800 calories and you are exercisin regularly you'll be at a deficit and be fine.

    Here is just a sample of the "real medical documentation" (ie peer-reviewed, reproducable medical studies) that prove "starvation mode" is NOT a myth. It is a well-documented fact that RMR will decrease, and there will be increased loss of lean mass, both of which will slow/stop weight loss in the right circumstances. Aside from that, there can be longterm health issues.
  • uberlaut
    uberlaut Posts: 44
    Depending on your metabolism, it is completely possible to eat too little and gain weight. That's how I ended up at 312 lbs. I would eat one big meal every day, but it averaged out to only about 1500-1700cal a day.

    As someone else said, make sure you spread your calories out throughout your day. Even 100 cal snacks do a lot for your metabolism.

    If you want to be ABSOLUTELY SURE you are eating the proper amount, go to a nutritionist and have your BMR tested. That will tell you how many calories your body burns every day BEFORE daily activities. You'd be amazed how high that number usually is. When I had mine tested, my BMR was 1815. That's how many calories I'd burn if I was bedridden. Daily life adds another 500-700calories to that, and any exercise I do is just cream on the top.

    The reason I went to the nutritionist in the first place is because I was eating 1400-1600cal a day while training for a half marathon and I was lethargic and crabby. She told me point blank that I was not allowed to eat less than 1800cal a day. I've been eating 1700-2000cal a day (and losing weight) for the past year.

    For the record, I work out 5 days a week, including running/elliptical, yoga, and strength training. I currently weigh 185lbs. When I had the BMR test done I was 210, so I've lost 25lbs, but I've gained 10lbs of muscle mass in that time (tested by my personal trainer).
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Thanks for sharing the info uberlaut, you definitely got me rethinking my not so successful so far plan.
  • dannylives
    dannylives Posts: 611
    Thanks y'all
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    I am so uncertain of which way to go on this either. I will continue not to eat my calories back for another week and see. After that, I will change it and eat it back and then compare which method works for me. Please let me know which way you decide too.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I'm thinking of upping my cals a tiny bit. I'm still nervous though :0/