

  • When I was 420lbs and I was sent to see a Dietician, Nutritionist, and Weight Management Specialist. Heck they put me on a 1200 cal intake. I thought I couldn't do it because it didn't seem like enough food. Within 6 months I had lost 42lbs. So if a team of specialist who are certified said it was okay, then it must have…
  • Welcome to the group. I am new as well. Although you don't have any equipment you can always go walking or jogging in the park or near the lake which is a nice view. Since you have access to the internet there are many workouts on You tube you can watch and go along with, and different apps you can download to your…
  • Lol..you was honest
  • Well if you want to lose weight like the Biggest Loser you have to fight as hard as they do, to the point where you feel nausea. Losing weight isn't an easy challenge. When I was 420lb I thought I was hot...rude awakening, I wasn't. I was put on a 1200cal intake and i got down to 295. Well depression sat in and I gained…
  • Good luck and you can do it.
  • Maybe you should plan ahead. I don't know how many calories you have set for your goal, but if you read the labels on your food you will have an idea of what you are consuming before you enter your daily dairy. Something as small as a cup of coffee with cream and sugar can take away from your calories, especially if it is…
  • Hi, I am Jennifer. I tried this application before but didn't take it serious or didn't put the time in to calculate what I did for the day. Now I am looking forward to see what will happen if I follow my caloric intake. Wish you well and success.
  • They have decaffinated herbal teas. You can check out different brand at Trader Joe's, Jewels, or the health food store. I usually keep a packet of crystal light in my purse. However, I never use the whole packet at one time, I use enough just to give the water a little taste or you can squeeze a lemon in your water.
  • I recently got the Nutri-ibullet, and it was my first time blending vegetables with protein mix. I also did a couple with fruit, which worked out well too. I think you have to see which protein powder you would like the best. Try buying it from somewhere you can return the merch if you aren't satisfied. GNC has a good…