timbrophy Member


  • In my experience P90x3 will not get you in good enough shape for a tough mudder. It's a good program for people who are time constrained but it does not get you as fit as p90x, despite what is claimed. I have always got the best Tough Mudder results by doing either a p90x/Insanity hybrid or just Insanity by itself. Good…
  • I have been off of soda for 2 months now. It took maybe 3 weeks for the habit to break. I drink LaCroix sparkling water or canned Club Soda. Not quite as tasty but it does give you the carbonation kick. I don't think about soda now.
  • No, don't count the peel. Only count what you eat! That goes for anything
  • Well, I totally support the farm/agri business. I am doing a vegetarian 90 day test. Purely for health reasons and not ethical ones. I will go back to meat eventually but am planning on only buying organic/locally farm raised. Good luck with the p90x, it is difficult in a very good way!
  • The nutrition guide to p90x gives mixed messages. The calorie goals are WAY to high for someone trying to shed fat. They subscribe to the high protein/low carb way of shedding fat so therefore when you combine the overstatement of calories with the high protein diet you get an insane amount of protein needed per day. A…