

  • They YMCA at Estes Park is beautiful and very kid friendly. They have cabins you can rent and activities for all age levels. We have not been there in about 7 years but I would love to go again.
    in Colorado! Comment by Plwarder May 2010
  • I have lower back spasms and sciatica. The sciatica is in my lower right side and runs down the back of my leg, like a shooting pain. I'm not sure what caused it but believe it happens from a nerve being compressed either by bulging disc or injury. I see a chiropractor and use muscle relaxers. I don't really have any…
  • You can customize a workout plan or you can pick an activity each time. I customized a yoga plan to follow in the mornings but sometimes I just do the balance and cardio activities.
  • I'm sure that is part of the problem. I do eat the same thing almost every day because it is easier to track and then I know I'm not going over my calories. I'm afraid to eat more one day and less the next because I'm afraid I will just continue to eat more and more. I don't think I have enough will power yet. But I agree…
  • Checking In CW 169 I went through my clothes last night and put all of my 14's in a bag to give away. I'm officially in my 10's, most of them, but still have some 12's. Cant' wait to get into the 8's. I have a huge stack of 8's........
  • Uncle Ben Boil in a Bag brown rice and steamed veggies with protein shake
  • Checking In CW 169 Yay I"m in the "160's". I know only by one pound but I'll take it.
  • I do not have the rebounding work out dvd's but have thought about getting them because I do have a mini trampoline, I jump on the trampoline while watching tv or while playing wii tennis or wii boxing. It really gets my heart rate up and jumping on a trampoline is fun. I have read about the health benefits and it seems…
  • Challenge Update 320 min of exercise for week 99 oz of water each day
  • Checking In SW 180 CW 170.6 Met my mini goal (well with 1/2 lb to go). Goal 170 by 5/1 Next Goal 160 by 6/1 Sometime this week I shoudl start to see 16 somethign on the scale.
  • Checking In SW 180 CW 170.6 Met my mini goal by 1/2 pound. Goal 170 by 5/1
  • I ran into an old friend and she had dropped over 50 lbs. She was doing the HCG shots. She said she would do the shots and was only allowed to eat 500 calories per day. She did not exercise, of course. It is not for me because I know I would just gain the weight back and I also play a pretty aggressive sport so there is no…
  • I replaced Milk with Almond Milk. "They" say it is healthier and it does have less calories. I use it in my protein shake and if I eat cereal I choose an organic bran cereal and the Almond Milk tastes great. I do not miss milk and I thought I would die without it. I use Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla.
  • Plwarder – My goodness, you are losing up a storm over there! What’s your secret?? How did you do on the water challenge? I forgot to log my water intake but I have a bottle that holds 32 oz and I drink 3 of those a day, plus what ever I drink during exercise. So I'm getting at least 96 oz a day. I make sure I do some sort…
  • I have not used my wii fit since January. But I do play the wii resort several times a week. I jump on a mini trampoline while playing tennis or boxing. It really get my heart rate up and gives me a good sweat. I don't know how many calories I burn but I normally just log it as jogging in place and just put less time than…
  • Wiegh In SW 180 CW 173.2
  • Today's Weight 174.2 I started the 200 sit-up/crunch challenge. I did poor, but at first I was trying to do a real sit up but that was too much strain on my lower back. When I switched to crunches it was a little better but I was still in the "poor" category. Sad, but I will stick with it for as long as my bulging disc and…
  • Found. But I posted last week goal on the old thread of working out 4 days. I worked out 6 days of last week. I will start this week's challenge for the 200 sit ups and meditating.
  • I am currently drinking the shakes but not really as a meal replacement but more for a supplement. I drink one in the morning for breakfast and then have a snack (fruit) mid morning. Then I drink one with lunch but I also eat fruits and/or veggies at lunch. I use the shake to help keep me at my calorie goal but still eat…
  • Mon - 30 min walk Tues - 60 min walk Wed - 90 min skating Thurs- 60 min walk Fri- 30 min walk Sat - 45 min run/walk Sun - 90 min skating
  • SW 180 CW 176
  • If it's not too late to join. SW 180 CW 177 Mini Goal 170 by 5/1 Mini Goal 160 by 7/1 Goal Weight 150 Final Goal Weight 140 and maintain
  • Lost 2 lb's at 178 today
  • I play Roller Derby for in Kansas City, MO. It is amazing on so many levels including the exercise. This is my 4th season.
  • I'm new to MFP. I'm in for the Army Weight Loss. CW 180 GW 140 Would Like to be 170 by 5/1 Hope to reward myself with a Cruise in the summer.