amoreamore Member


  • I am at 24.5 percent body fat. I actually have a device to measure. Which is another reason I don't think I'm too thin. Almost 25 percent is quite a lot of fat!
  • That's the odd part! You would expect fat logic from fat people! But they are healthy weight/size. Perhaps a bit heavier (10-15 extra), but that's to be expected since they are up there in age. They eat right and work out. It was like a mini intervention. "We don't wanna tell you what to do amoreamore. But we really think…
  • Yeah... I guess 125 and below is underweight for 5'9, which is why I don't want to drop below 130. My body fat is still at about 24 percent. So I still have lots of working out to do. And fat to lose.
  • You know what, this is probably it. I honestly don't feel as if I'm too thin. I still have a decent amount of body fat on my body, and would have to lose another 20-25 pounds before being considered underweight.
  • I have no recent ones, I apologize.
  • Yes, I understand that 130 would be pushing it... which is why that is the lowest I want to get to. It's sort of a goal and challenge all wrapped up in one. And yes... You're 46, so I could see you not wanting to be as thin. But I'm 23, I feel like it would suit me better. :expressionless:
  • Those blueberry pie tacos though!
  • I can't say I feel discouraged per se... but I understand the "jeez I still have so much to lose!" mentality. I try not to let it get me down, because weight loss just takes time. If I were you, I'd look back at the 20 I'd already lost as encouragement... *kitten* yeah! You lost 20 pounds, keep doing what you've been doing…
  • I can't speak for you, but I personally get headaches and mood swings with any drastic change in my diet. Almost as if my body is having trouble adjusting, or getting used to living without the junk/carbs/dairy etc. Sometimes if I fast for a day it helps. It's very uncomfortable, I'm not gonna lie. But I remind myself that…
  • Probably has a lot more to do with the fact that super fit people are considered much more attractive. If you were attractive enough to hook up with an attractive person pretty much whenever you wanted, I'm not saying you would, but just the fact that you could would most likely increase the frequency of it.
  • Yeah... I hate heels, period. And I'm fairly sure they'll hurt your feet no matter how much you weigh. My only solution to making heels feel better on the rare occasion that I wear them out is to self-medicate with copious amounts of alcohol... but that's probably counterproductive when it comes to your weight loss efforts.
  • Don't pay attention to those contributors who obviously have better nothing to do aside from patronize you... Anyway, you'll be fine. It's pretty simple. If you're thirsty, drink. If you're not, don't. You'll only run into problems if you're forcing yourself to drink when you're not thirsty. Even then, it takes quite a bit…
  • Next year you'll be 41, then 42, then 43, then 44, then 45... You'll never stop aging. But you don't wanna look back at 50 and think "damn I wish I could have been a hot tamale at 40!" Doesn't matter how much time has passed. All that matters is that you stop wasting time and start today. Today you wish you'd started a…
  • I'm 5'9... Start weight was 172, current weight is 151, my goal weight is between 130 and 140. I felt really chubby when I started, but was technically only 2 pounds overweight. Now that I've lost 20 pounds, I'm well within a healthy range for my height, and every one tells me I look great... But that doesn't change the…