MamaC977 Member


  • Howdy! Yep, I'm from Austin, Texas! My name is Cheryl. I have been off and on with MFP, but got serious with it about a month ago. I am 45 and have been diabetic for about 10 years. Recently my levels have been going up and I have really have to get on top of them before they start doing damage to my body that it can't…
  • Just wondering... Even though you are burning the calories, does eating fried food and the like effect your cholesterol levels or does the exercise take care of that too?
  • Welcome! I have been on and off MFP several times. I always loose weight when I am tracking and exercising!
  • I have always heard that it is total calories in verses total calories expended. I try to maintain a balance of carbs/protein/fats. Since I am diabetic, but LOVE carbs that works best for me. If I try to really limit my carbs I get frustrated and end up binge eating.
  • My first few times I would have to just set the weights aside and continue with the motions without them. That kept me from quitting all together. You WILL be sore the next day.
  • I WANT to be a cyclist. My hubby bought the family great bikes last Christmas. I do enjoy riding, but not in the cold! However, since I live in Austin that's not a problem for most of the year. I have gained weight in the past 6 mo and am looking forward to getting back on my bike to help get that weight off. My biggest…