leosmom1220 Member


  • I also repeat the day until I can finish it. I'm currently on week five. Especially if you aren't a real strong runner it's better to work slow and build your endurance than push yourself too hard too soon and risk injury.
  • Lindsay said we will be using Wednesday as a weigh in day but I know how you feel. I gave in today and I'm praying my scale is acting goofy because it said I gained 2 lbs rather than lost and I have web drinking way more water than normal.
  • My house is super old too and every little jump everything on the walls shake.
  • My two year old is the same way with hot dogs. But I started letting him help me with the meal planning and eating with big people plates, cups and utensils and it has gotten a lot better. He still asks dlfor the hot dog out of routine but then I say do you wanna help mama make supper and then dinner goes as normal with…
  • I found that people on here are very supportive and it helps make this enjoyable. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm going to do the advanced ones as well but I think I'm going to make a print out to hang on my fridge so I don't forget to do it everyday. With a two year old some things can be forgotten and I don't want this to be one of them.: )
  • Lindsay I have perfect faith in the fact that I know you would have gotten to goal either Way. But I'm glad I could be of some assistance.
  • Hi my name is Brandi. I'm 22 years old, a wife, and a mother to a very energetic boy who turned two a week ago. I was always the skinny girl due to an extremely high metabolism until I turned 18 and gained 70 lbs in three months. I started to work out again and I was able to maintain my weight at 130 lbs and still look a…
  • Good luck! Feel free to add me
  • I've been at it abouta month an no the feeling. Feel free to add me.