

  • Swimming? Bah....definitely frustrating. Maybe some sort of chair aerobics...sounds crazy I know but if you can get every other part of you moving (except your right foot) and get your heart rate up, it could work?
  • I have a pretty good feel for what I actually burn because I wore a BodyBugg for almost 3 years. :) When I very first started doing Zumba I was burning about 800 calories per class. After a few months, my burn was in the high 500's or low 600's, and that's where it still was when I took my bugg off not too long ago. Plus I…
  • I second the PB2 notion! It's really good, and it's natural as well. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed!
  • I haven't yet decided what to do about these "exercise calories." I never heard of eating them back before. I teach Zumba twice a week, and it is two 1-hr classes back-to-back. So on Tuesdays and Thursdays I easily burn an extra 1,200 calories. There is just no way I am eating an additional 1,200 calories on those days!…
  • Nice! Thanks for sharing, it certainly makes me feel a lot better about this plateau that I've been experiencing! :)
  • Ohhhhh, Amy! Congratulations!!!!! I literally got goosebumps when I got to your last picture, it is SUCH a difference. So proud of you! How wonderful to learn from a tragedy and do something good about it. Now you will be around for your own kids and grandchildren for a long, long time. Happy Birthday to your mom, I'm sure…
  • You'll need to just see what works with your personal schedule, and also see how you feel. Even 2 nights a week plus Saturday mornings would probably be great. I know when I first started doing Zumba, my legs would get sore until I got used to it. So make sure you aren't overdoing it. My sister-in-law WAY overdid it on the…
  • x 8,0000! EDIT: Darn it...I thought I had pics on this computer but I guess I don't. But I have 3. The 1st one I ever got I have to admit IS a bit generic... it is a small heart on my right hip (although I DO have a bit of an obsession with hearts, and it's filled in pretty with lots of colors, so I do love it). The 2nd…
  • Stick with Zumba, girl! It's so much fun, and it's a great workout too! Don't worry about doing it just like the people on the DVDs, it's perfectly OK to do your own version of the moves, as long as you're feeling the music, moving and having fun! Unfortunately, I don't have any advice on the other stuff, as I've never had…
  • I'm 5'6" and I too have always weighed more than I actually look... when I met my husband I was 165, looked and felt GREAT. I have 25 pounds to go before I see that again. Hubby doesn't want me to go much below that. I'm thinking, for the record I'll be thrilled to be back at 165. My personal "I can't allow myself to go…
  • I actually have bones in my hands! LOL. Not to mention collarbones! Who knew?? :)
  • My name is Jan, and I am a Zumbaholic! LOL. To answer your specific question, I do not have it for Kinect. Please take the plunge and go to a live class! You will LOVE it! It's so much better to be in that party atmosphere with a room full of people, rather than doing it by yourself in your living room. You get so much…