sykin Member


  • I get up at 4am for work, so I totally understand the breakfast concerns! I usually wait to have coffee and breakfast until about 7am. Coffee with heavy cream, and then I'll whip up some eggs with more heavy cream added, salt and pepper. Sometimes I'll add cheese and meat. I know you don't prefer savory...every once in a…
  • Back on track after the holidays and craving WATER. hahaha - I forgot how incredibly thirsty I was when I first started Keto. I felt like I couldn't drink enough. That's a good way to keep my water intake up. Happy New Year, all!!!
  • I'm checking in for the first time this month here, though I've been tracking all month. I just finished updating the spreadsheet. You can see where I let go a little. HA! This last week, I have not been too worried about sticking to Keto, but enjoyed a cookie or two each day. We have been so busy with the holidays (plus…
  • I'm loving this thread. I also find it hard to fit in exercise because I want to do it all at once and then be done for the day. I should break it up. I get up at 4am for work and don't get home until 6:30pm, then spend as much time with my kids as I can before they go to bed at 8:30. It's hard to feel motivated to work…
  • Thanksgiving was wonderful. Gained over a pound just from the one day of sweet potatoes with marshmallows, jello salad, and all the pie I could eat. I actually was pretty proud of myself for NOT feeling guilty afterward, because I knew I’d drop the weight again, and I did within 24 hours. I did not even attempt to work out…
  • Happy Thanksgiving, my American friends! Today is only one day. Whether you choose to let loose or not, it's only one day and you'll be completely fine whichever way you decide to go. <3
  • Not much to report except I can’t wait for Thanksgiving 🦃
  • Went on vacation last weekend and didn’t have access to a scale, so I’m using my Friday weight as my starting point this month. Gained 2 pounds while on vacation, lost it all by Friday and then gained back a bit this weekend from lack of water. It happens :) I did buy my “goal pants” and surprisingly, I can get them on and…
  • Started Keto: June 21 Starting Weight: 167.4 Sunday 10/28: 144.0 Goal Weight: 141 Sunday 11/04 Sunday 11/11 Sunday 11/18 Sunday 11/25 My goal for November is to be on a work out schedule of 3 times a week by the end of the month. I am horrible at working out. Ugh. I put down a goal weight but honestly, I’m more worried…
  • Happy with where I’ve ended the month. I was 142.6 Saturday, which I almost used as my weigh in as I had a planned cheat night Saturday night. The pizza, Dr Pepper, cheesy bread and cupcake were worth the overnight gain. LOL Biggest success was in size. I finally bought new pants and I’m 1 size away from my goal!! I…
  • Popcorn and potatoes were my hard things to give up, then it was ice cream. I've found alternatives to fix my cravings for all of those. I've never really had a sweet tooth (even ice cream, I preferred creamy with fruit over chocolate/caramel/whatevers) but now all I want is chocolate. Today, chocolate chip cookies. I…
  • I've not personally tried it, but the logic makes sense that slowly decreasing should help with some of the keto flu symptoms. How would you step down your carb intake? Once a week? Once every other week? I'm curious what you're thinking.
  • @zanyterp Mmmmmm - they hit the spot as far as feeling more "normal" about what we were eating, but honestly, the next morning I ended up with such bad gas and bloating (from the noodles or the veggies I had afterward, I'm not sure) that I will be more cautious next time. I recommend not having it as a full meal as it will…
  • Exercise still hasn’t happened this week, but we’ve been experimenting with food. Tried a great chocolate mousse. Tried shirataki noodles for the first time, also pretty good but not filling so we’ll have to find a filler to go with it. I go shopping next week for new clothes so here’s to hoping I finally drop a pant size!!
  • Thank you so much, @Re_Banana !! That really is helpful to hear. ❤️❤️❤️
  • Sooooooo, question for you guys doing this with your spouse. When I started in June, I was doing this solo. My husband cooked, he knew I was doing it and was supportive. In September, he decided to do it as well. Ever since, all I want to do is cheat. Like, I know it's mental, but I struggle now. Feel like I'm dieting, not…
  • I failed to weigh myself today before coffee and breakfast. I’ve been teetering within the same pound all week (this being the highest). I’ve not started exercising yet, which is my goal. I am below my ultimate goal of 145, so size is what matters now. I’ll get there, I know I will :)
  • This month, I need to work on toning and getting back to a normal exercise routine. Less focused on weight and more on size. Size 12, here I come!!
  • This may help :)
  • I have already determined that I will be eating Thanksgiving dinner as it comes. :) As someone pointed out earlier, it's one day and I will enjoy it as it is. I used to try and count calories and eat right while at Thanksgiving and I always regretted it afterward. So if I want pie, I'm having pie. If I want stuffing, I'm…
  • Hi, @wendaeh ! There isn’t a way to edit original posts so typically people either copy/paste from past posts and then repost with the new details, or quote their last post and update with new details :) whatever is easiest for you!
  • Ending September close to my goal for the month so I definitely can’t complain! I’m now to the point where weight doesn’t matter as much to me as size does. I am still wearing a size 14 jean but could probably fit a size 12 if I tried. I’m scared to though. In case they don’t fit. My goal for October is to be in a size 12…
  • 100 days in to Keto and I’m thrilled with my progress! Tomorrow, I start an exercise routine with my husband. 145 is the lowest I’ve ever been since starting MFP in 2011. I am so excited to continue this journey. And seeing everyone’s progress is still so inspiring!! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Thank you to those who gave me suggestions of good home exercise things! I am going through and planning out exercise days/times to keep myself accountable. I have been doing keto for over 90 days now and my husband just started as well. He’s a week in and starting to get his energy back. I remember that feeling from…
  • Seattle's a bit far to come for it, but I hope the event is a blast!!!
  • Leveling out after vacation - I'm good with where I'm at, given that post vacation, I was up almost 5 pounds. LOL My husband made a comment about how I should start exercising now that I'm pretty confident in my food choices. I think he may be right. I was not thrilled to think about it because I hate working out at home…
  • Wow! I did not expect to lose more than my vacation gain. I’m excited about that!! I was thinking I’d struggle to hit my September goal because of vacation, but maybe I’ll make it. That’s kind of refreshing!
  • I actually weighed in on Wednesday, August 29th because that was my last chance at a scale, but I made my August goal of 150! I then went on vacation and ate and drank all the things I shouldn't. LOL - when I got back, I weighed to see what the damage was. Up 4.4 pounds. Oh yeah!!! I knew it was coming. But I'm not…
  • Honestly? My craving was ice cream until I made Keto ice cream. Cured the craving right away by making me realize it's nothing like the real thing. LOL
  • I was traveling earlier this week and while on vacation, I ended the weekend with letting go a little on what I was choosing to eat. And on the flight home, I went all out and ate like I normally used to while traveling - that involved Cool Ranch Doritos and Cheese Combos. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Combos. Those have always been my…