

  • You can do it lesa! I'm fairly new to the site as well and I must say logging in my calorie intake and exercise really helps me be accountable for my weight loss goals! Add me if you like and we can motivate each other in our endeavor in becoming healthier! Happy Thanksgiving! Jenny
  • Hi mez and welcome to the site! I've been logging in about a month as well and boy does it help you stay on track and accountable. We can do this! We'll get healthier together! See ya!:happy:
  • Hi Nikita! I just joined the site and weight lose program on yesterday, so I'm new too! Congratulations on your weight loss so far! I'm sure we can help each other! Welcome aboard! Jenny :smile:
    in I'M NEW Comment by jcruzin April 2010
  • Good luck to you monica! We'll on our way to healthier (and smaller:tongue: ) bodies!!! Jenny
  • Welcome to MFP Jules! I'm very new to the site as well, today is my 2nd day dieting and so far so good! Good luck to you!!
    in new... Comment by jcruzin April 2010