

  • I'm interested! Can anyone tell me how it compares to taking an actual class? I do a Zumba class 3 times a week and love it. I just don't know if I'd enjoy it the same via video game.
  • I read this post earlier and then lo and behold, a young guy was eating McDonald's as I walked into the gym. haha He was like "It's only a single cheeseburger", which he had two of. We were joshin' him that it was really a double with more bread! After I got out of Zumba, the girl at the front desk was eating Mexican. YUM!…
  • I used to always lose weight in my chest first. However, this time around (and 17 lbs down), these suckers aren't moving! I'm in an F cup and would LOVE to get them down. I'm doing Zumba mostly and Strength training. I'm going to start chanting when I work out: "I must, I must, I must decrease my bust!" LOL
  • I made a pizza for dinner, yum! Even the husband loved it.
  • I'm not really keeping tabs on how often I'm eating but I will from now on. I also am going to start drinking protein shakes as I haven't been getting enough protein in my diet. On the days I'm not doing Zumba, I do a step class and a powerlift class. Will the powerlift be enough training or should I add in some more? The…
  • I love me some Zumba. I'm doing it 3 times a week! The other days I do a step class and a powerlift class. I'm eating about 1700 calories a day, and definitely not eating my exercise calories. I'm drinking about 7 glasses of water a day but trying to up it everyday. Thanks for your reply! :)
  • Just checking in! I burned over 700 calories in Zumba today, yay! I'm also staying under my calories every day but I feel like the weight isn't budging like it should. Any suggestions, tips? I workout everyday except Saturday.
  • I have to third the Bolthouse Farms yogurt dressings. I LOVE thousand island and the one they make is so yummy. Way better than most dressings. They only have 70 calories for 2 tablespoons.
  • The same thing happened to me. I wrote them an email as well. They'll send you a coupon for a free meal. :)
  • I created my own under cardiovascular. I put the time in and how many calories I burned (from my heart rate monitor).
    in zumba Comment by bfaith7 November 2010
  • Looking good! Congrats!
  • There are some really tasty meals on I recently made the turkey lasagna and it was fabulous. My 17 month old couldn't stop eating it. :)
  • I'm completely in on this one. I'd love to be 50 lbs lighter by my birthday on June 6th! :) I've lost 14 since mid September so my starting weight for this challenge is 261.6. I will be 211 if I lose the 50 lbs by June, yay!