Fast Food at the Gym??



  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    Do you have kids? Work full time and then cook a healthy dinner EVERY night? But still have the time to get them into the bath, read to them, and then get them to bed on time? If so you should be cloned! :happy:
    My kids are teens now, so I've been there too. They don't get junk food as often lately, but it still happens (more often than I like). I was a bit rash about the NEVER feeding them crap food comment. I totally understand how convenient it is in a pinch. But, I would NEVER bring it to the gym though.
  • bfaith7
    I read this post earlier and then lo and behold, a young guy was eating McDonald's as I walked into the gym. haha He was like "It's only a single cheeseburger", which he had two of. We were joshin' him that it was really a double with more bread! After I got out of Zumba, the girl at the front desk was eating Mexican. YUM! Good thing I was too wiped out to crave it at that moment.

    I think when your mind is set on losing weight and wanting to eat healthier, it doesn't really bother you what other people indulge in.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member

  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    In our gym, we keep it simple. No food allowed and nothing other than water allowed. That way no sugary sticky messes from people spilling their sugar-filled Gatorade! :) Simple. And I like it that way ... but that's just me!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    If it were a perfect world, you wouldn't need to be in a gym to loose weight in the first place. You have to understand that people are going to make their own choices, you just have to make the right choices for yourself. Its easy to sit back and judge parents for what they feed their kids, but at the end of the day all that should matter is what you feed to yourself and your own kids. That being said, I don't think anything is wrong with kids having a cheeseburger and fries. Maybe it isn't ideal in a gym, but whos to say you wouldn't get the same craving DRIVING BY a McDonalds on your way home? You just have to stay focused on your goals and your own personal discipline. Personally, I think that the gym is a waste of time..
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    If it were a perfect world, you wouldn't need to be in a gym to loose weight in the first place. You have to understand that people are going to make their own choices, you just have to make the right choices for yourself. Its easy to sit back and judge parents for what they feed their kids, but at the end of the day all that should matter is what you feed to yourself and your own kids. That being said, I don't think anything is wrong with kids having a cheeseburger and fries. Maybe it isn't ideal in a gym, but whos to say you wouldn't get the same craving DRIVING BY a McDonalds on your way home? You just have to stay focused on your goals and your own personal discipline. Personally, I think that the gym is a waste of time..

    The gym is a waste of time? :noway:

    Strength training and cardio training have excellent health benefits. If you are saying it's a waste of time because you can do those things outside of a gym, well, to an extent, that's true. However, there are more options available at the gym than you would otherwise have around your house or be able to do with your own body weight. And if "changing up your routine" is an important factor, then gyms are fantastic!

    I personally wouldn't be able to strength train at home because my toddler and limited time at home don't allow for that. My hour at the gym is my own sacred, uninterrupted time where I can shut out everything else that I couldn't otherwise! And having that escape has great mental health benefits as well! I LOVE THE GYM!!!!! :bigsmile:

    EDIT TO ADD: I do agree that we are quick to judge others. And although i do feed my son healthy foods, I have given him crap food out of convenience and urgency. Luckily, most kids, when they are still at a young age, eat until they are full and then stop. Unlike adults, that don't stop when they are full.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Personally, I think that the gym is a waste of time..

    I'm VERY curious as to why you feel that the gym is a waste of time.
  • Melrimba54
    I guess they are trying to keep you buying the memberships! I remember the first time I looked at the nutrition facts for a KrispyKreme.... I almost fainted!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Amy- I sent you a friend request with a message re: food therapy. Your description of your daughter sounds exactly like one of my 8 year olds. I did not know there was a treatment or hope for her. Please respond and hopefully I can go from there with finding a professional to help her. If you have never had a child go through this- it is really complex and not as simple as saying "just eat." Thanks in advance for any info you can give.
    *ps- She suffered with severe reflux from birth to age three. I believe in her mind she has established "safe foods" ie foods she was able to eat and not violently throw up. This small list of food (chicken nuggets, fries, plain pancakes, peanut butter, grapes, apples, bacon, steak, and cap'n crunch cereal) is literally all she will eat. She has never tasted other foods most kids love like pizza, burgers, mac & cheese, etc. It's really tough for her socially with staying away at friends houses (I pack her safe foods). I may be an enabler but she would literally starve if she did not have these options. It is an eating disorder and I am worried sick about the future. Sorry to hijack thread!