

  • It's FRIDAY!!! So, what are your plans for success this weekend? I have a birthday party tonight, a benefit/fundraiser tomorrow evening, another birthday party tomorrow night (I'm thinking these were New Year's babies....LOL). My plan for success is to have an on-plan meal before I leave the house, and I offered to take…
  • WOW! What a great job! Thank you for sharing and giving us all encouragement!
  • Glad you know what works for you, and what DOESN'T. Not every trainer is a good fit for that particular point in our life. KUTGW!
  • welcome back! :flowerforyou: hope you are feeling better and look forward to hearing how things are going.
  • Happy Monday - how's everyone doing? Please check in and let the group know what's going on with you, so we can encourage and support you. I had to replace the batteries in my scale, so I will weigh in the morning. One of our group members (w/out computer access) has already lost 14 lbs!!!! Talk about encouraging! I had a…
  • A trainer to get me more comfortable with a routine
  • 42 - single - and working on the outer me being as appreciated as the inner me!
  • Super quick egg salad method - Place boiled, peeled eggs on an egg slicer, and make the slices Then turn the whole (now sliced) egg to the opposite direction and slice again. Now you have lots of perfectly sized egg bits, and it took about 2 seconds per egg!!! Black office clips (aka "binder clips") are cheaper, last…
  • hmbrandon: WTG!!! :flowerforyou: Congrats on your loss thus far. I gave up (dragged kicking & screaming) my soda habit on June 29, 2011. It's so hard to believe that it's been over a year. I drank between 6-12 cans of diet soda a day...especially if I was stressed out. Now, the only thing carbonated I drink is Monster…
  • Sounds like fun! ///checks day planner
  • Welcome to our newest matter what your goal is - we'll help encourage you along the way. I've had a couple of rough days, I'm hoping it is the medication shift. Definitely didn't stay on my eating plan...blech. So, to get back on track, I spent an hour cooking! - 24 sausage patties in the oven - pot of spicy…
  • WTG ladies! Congrats on your losses, even on vacation (I'm so jealous!!! :) I'm in the beginning stages of a medication switch, and the Dr. even mentioned that one of the ones I'm tapering off was a weight inhibitor, and I might find dropping a few lbs a little easier - YEA! Was standing in line somewhere this morning and…
  • OK ladies -- it's Monday. Time for most of us to check in. I'm down 1 more lb this week, for a total of 5 lbs so far during the challenge. This is definitely a good start on the way to my goal of 30# by Halloween! Challenges last week: - stomach/colon issues that began Friday night - lack of motivation to work out…
  • first and foremost --- Confidence. Added attraction --- Bald - tattoos - big & broad - facial hair = I'm asking for YOUR number!!!
  • Kenda -- You are an amazing inspiration, and wrote some very wise things in your post re: VSG. WTG, and keep it up!
  • Yea for you! I can't wait for that to happen...LOL
  • Excellent job! So inspiring.
  • Thanks!!! It's pretty much my standard no matter what forum I'm on...LOL So, I'm really sick - something is going on with my stomach/colon. I thought at first it was a pulled muscle, but it comes & goes...Hmmmm. I'm so thankful tekavincent was here during onset, she gave me a lot of help and good advice. I'm going through…
  • Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!! Had a nice dinner at Olive Garden - yes, it's possible to eat low-calorie there! LOL Just finished my left over shrimp as a snack with my night meds. Remember, tomorrow is the time to PLAN AHEAD for your success over the can do this!
  • EXCELLENT post! :flowerforyou:
  • Wow - we're getting a lot of people that our challenge resonates with. What a way to enter the busy holiday season; lighter, healthier and probably a little happier too. For those of you who don't have 30 to lose, or feel late coming in --- it doesn't matter!!! 30 is just a number that worked for the original 4 of us.…
  • thanks Angel! Just a little frustrating when there's time to tell me how hard it will be but not to offer encouragement....LOL OK y'all (yes, I'm from texas!) tomorrow marks the beginning of our "week" --- how's it going? Any struggles? Any successes? Because I felt so blech about yesterday's menu, I went for a…
  • Well, I stayed under my calorie goal for Tues, but it was close!!! LOL Glad I didn't drink any alcohol - that would have been my downfall. I'm still going to stay off the scale until Monday.
  • So glad to welcome all our new folks!! Thank you for joining us - please post often! Because I broke my stall and passed one of my huge weight loss goals, I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. Cut, color, the works. It's a great reward for me, because I've not been in so long, and it will be nice to be pampered a little and…
  • Happy Monday everyone....let's start sharing our victories for "week 1" (no matter if it was one day, or one week for you until now....) Mine: - I'm down 4 lbs - Broke my stall - Hit a HUGE personal weight goal, then passed it! Can't wait to hear yours!!!!
  • Ha! Great minds think alike! Here's to all of us being healthier and at our goals! OK everyone -- what have you done to plan for success in the upcoming week? I baked a sausage, egg & cheese casserole for a high-protein meal/snack (used low-fat/fat-free cheese, milk & sausage!). One of my struggles is waiting too long to…
  • *hugs* Find one thing that you're happy about and build on that. Can you exercise longer? Have better stamina? Take a flight of stairs quicker? Then you've made progress!!! As Scarlett said...."tomorrow is another day!"
  • Muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat! 1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat. That aside, your A1C will tell the truth. Also ask for a full CBC and tri-panel. Those numbers should blow that doctor away. If they don't, find a Dr. that is more involved with sports medicine-minded people. That Dr. will be able to appreciate your new…
  • Best of luck on your new life! MFP has been one of my greatest tools over the past years...being accountable and knowing that other friends fighting the same fight might be the difference between a good choice and a better one...LOL
  • We have some great guys here on MFP (how Y'ALL doin'?!?!) --- and they're right. No good man treats the woman he claims to love with that much disrespect. The longer you stay and continue to allow this to happen, the more ingrained the children will be that this is normal, and that men should act this way, and women should…