30 lbs GONE by Halloween

We are friends in Houston, San Antonio, and East Texas who are committed to entering the holidays a little lighter this year. We're each doing what is right for us, and checking in with each other both IRL and here.

You are welcome to join us!


  • sounds like a great goal. 30lbs by halloween. im in
  • revgosik
    revgosik Posts: 62 Member
    I have a goal to lose 34 lbs by Halloween. I started my journey Halloween of 2009 (have had a baby since then too) and would love to lose 150lbs even by then!
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    3 pounds a week for 10 weeks is tough sledding. Good luck.
  • I'm so in!!! I have a MFP friend and our goal is to lose 30lbs to get into the sexy Halloween outfit of our dreams (I still dont' know what I want to be)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    30 lbs is close to my goal. I'm in. :smile:
  • 3 pounds a week for 10 weeks is tough sledding. Good luck.

    You are correct! For me, not having a goal is a bigger problem than not meeting the goal!!! :)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    3 pounds a week for 10 weeks is tough sledding. Good luck.

    True, a lot has to do with how much they have to lose. I was able to lose 5 / week for 28 weeks, but I had a grip to lose and was extremely strict and dedicated.
  • It's Saturday! A great day to swim some calories away!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    There's a group for this already! The Hot 4 Halloween Challenge. The creater even has a spreadsheet set up for weekly monday weigh-in's. Many of us have also buddied up in this group with a "twin" to keep everyone in check! My goal is actually to be down to 160 by then, which is 23 more pounds!
  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    I'm game and in for it.
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Halloween is my favorite holiday!!!! What a great goal! You guys can do it! Halloween is the date of my goal weight, although it's not a 30lb loss but still, it's my goal!
  • There's a group for this already! The Hot 4 Halloween Challenge. The creater even has a spreadsheet set up for weekly monday weigh-in's. Many of us have also buddied up in this group with a "twin" to keep everyone in check! My goal is actually to be down to 160 by then, which is 23 more pounds!

    Ha! Great minds think alike! Here's to all of us being healthier and at our goals!

    OK everyone -- what have you done to plan for success in the upcoming week?

    I baked a sausage, egg & cheese casserole for a high-protein meal/snack (used low-fat/fat-free cheese, milk & sausage!). One of my struggles is waiting too long to prep my meal, which leaves me with something off-plan or less-than-nutritional because I don't have the energy or patience to prepare something.

    How about you?!
  • I am in I need to lose 30lbs to reach my goal!! Does anyone have any great workouts and eating plans that can help this process?
  • xojessieannexo
    xojessieannexo Posts: 95 Member
    I would like to be 15 lbs down by halloween.. that will be 148 for me.. im starting at 163..
    Jessie xo
  • Happy Monday everyone....let's start sharing our victories for "week 1" (no matter if it was one day, or one week for you until now....)

    - I'm down 4 lbs
    - Broke my stall
    - Hit a HUGE personal weight goal, then passed it!

    Can't wait to hear yours!!!!
  • My weigh in day is Saturday and I've lost 1lb and 1.5 inches from my waist thanks to Turbo Jam; I love that workout!!!
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in. I have to pick up a new scale. I've been depending on one at someone else's home, but I'm not living near them anymore. :ohwell:

    I'm going to have a bit of a late start on this, but I'm in for both the 10 by Labor Day and the 30 by Halloween - just means I'll have to double up on my effort some.
  • i would love to join:) i am curently 142 lbs, and trying to get down to 125 lbs by october 24th(exactly a week before halloween) - my sixteenth birthday:D
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    I would love to join! Halloween will happen to be my 27th birthday! I am determined to lose 30 by then, which will put me either 5 or 15 lbs from goal, depending on how I feel when I get there!

    My "Week I" Victory...

    I was able to fit into a size 12 jeans! I haven't fit into those since before I had my first baby at 21. Big personal goal. Looks like it's taking me 15-20 lbs to lose a pant size because I am pear shaped. If that's the trend, I might be a size 8 by Halloween! Visualizing it now!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I too need to purchase a scale. Payday is tomorrow and I think a trip to Target is in order.

    My goal for this week is to get to the gym since I skipped most of last week (I was outside a lot in 115+ heat, yuck). Also, tomorrow I will take my measurements since it's been a month. I don't like to weigh/measure daily or weekly. I've neve been one for "numbers" and always more how I look/feel but I'd like to try to track some progress this time.

    My good news? A skirt and top that were quite tight previously now fit. The top is still a tad tighter than it used to be before I gained but I will take the small victories. :)
  • 30 pounds?! I'm in!
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    I'm In !! Sounds like a GREAT plan !!
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    count me in!! i planned to try to drop 30 by that time anyways.. add if you want :)
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    TOTALLY IN! I'm in a wedding Oct. 27, and my dress is at least a size too small! I need to lose 30 or I will look like a hideous embarrassment :embarassed:
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I would love to join! Halloween will happen to be my 27th birthday! I am determined to lose 30 by then, which will put me either 5 or 15 lbs from goal, depending on how I feel when I get there!

    Good luck to everyone!

    Happy early Birthday! You can do it!
  • Count me in! My goal weight is 36lbs. away so I am going to aim for that:) Go Team!!! We got this.
  • So glad to welcome all our new folks!!

    Thank you for joining us - please post often!

    Because I broke my stall and passed one of my huge weight loss goals, I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. Cut, color, the works. It's a great reward for me, because I've not been in so long, and it will be nice to be pampered a little and catch up with my hairdresser whom I adore.
  • Kswiss83
    Kswiss83 Posts: 41 Member
    I am definitely in! Let's do this.
  • I am not in Texas, but would love to lose 30lbs by Halloween. I have been up and down on the scale due to torn ACL, and my motivation is definitely not there. Need some inspiration and support..

    I am in!
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    I am down for this. 3lb every week is pretty hard but I think if we all put our mind to the test we can do it! I am ready to be a lighter version of myself this fall/halloween season. Good luck everyone!