30 lbs GONE by Halloween



  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    so far as of 13 August down 2 lbs!!!! 266 now.
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    I would love to join! Halloween will happen to be my 27th birthday! I am determined to lose 30 by then, which will put me either 5 or 15 lbs from goal, depending on how I feel when I get there!

    Good luck to everyone!

    Happy early Birthday! You can do it!

    Thank you, that's sweet!
  • delude_007
    delude_007 Posts: 4 Member
    This sounds perfect. I want to be 25 pounds lighter by then. I'm definitly in.
  • Ally1290
    Ally1290 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like a good challenge! I'm going to push for it, but since I just started 20 pounds sounds awesome even.
  • Well, I stayed under my calorie goal for Tues, but it was close!!! LOL

    Glad I didn't drink any alcohol - that would have been my downfall. I'm still going to stay off the scale until Monday.
    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    @watchmelose1978 -- high protein and low carb diets work great for me, and drinking 2 cups of green tea daily
  • ouimouton
    ouimouton Posts: 34 Member
    I'd love to join this group. Can you tell me how you plan on losing 30lbs by Halloween? I need some tips--I don't lose that fast! Thanks. :)
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    3 pounds a week for 10 weeks is tough sledding. Good luck.

    You are correct! For me, not having a goal is a bigger problem than not meeting the goal!!! :)

    Love it...so true!!!! :happy:
  • thanks Angel! Just a little frustrating when there's time to tell me how hard it will be but not to offer encouragement....LOL

    OK y'all (yes, I'm from texas!) tomorrow marks the beginning of our "week" --- how's it going? Any struggles? Any successes?

    Because I felt so blech about yesterday's menu, I went for a high-protein / low-calorie liquid day today. I feel so much better and cleansed, if you will. also, I plan on having a high-calorie day Friday, so having a couple of low-calorie days in preparation for that.

    Have a great night -
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:

    My goal is lose 20 lb by the new years, i feel like a slacker compared to you guys :laugh:
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    My goal was 25 by November 1st, to put me in my healthy BMI range. 30 could work too! ;)
  • Although I still have quite a ways to goal, I'd like to really surprise my extended family at Thanksgiving with what I have lost. 30 pounds by Halloween would be a huge jump. I'm definitely in. Thanks for the idea and motivation.
  • I will honestly try. It seems like alot. I am having trouble with weight loss. Since June 15 I have only lost 9 pounds. Are you not eating?
  • count me in too :)
  • I am with you on that.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Successes. I bought my scale and discovered I had lost 8 pounds in the last month and a half. That was cool. Since I just weighed yesterday, I'm going to wait till next Wednesday to weigh again - ooooh that will be hard. I'm not counting my 8 as part of our campaign, so I'm hoping for 6 since I'm getting a late start (at least 4 and I can average the other 2 in with the other weeks if I need to).

    Happy day, I got nearly 4 miles in which helped me to stay well under on calories - small victories - right? Still struggling getting my water in which is crazy in this heat!
  • nhernan6
    nhernan6 Posts: 21
    I am totally in! I weigh in on Mondays - my 1st week I lost 4.6 pounds! I am so excited to do this! I am leaving for Seattle on Friday not looking forward to the challenge of fitting eating right into my vacation - i am scared to death!
  • jen350z
    jen350z Posts: 48
    I'm in. I already lost 6 since Friday 8/10. :)
  • Wow - we're getting a lot of people that our challenge resonates with. What a way to enter the busy holiday season; lighter, healthier and probably a little happier too.

    For those of you who don't have 30 to lose, or feel late coming in --- it doesn't matter!!! 30 is just a number that worked for the original 4 of us. Whatever your goal is by 10/31 or 11/01, you've taken the first few steps by acknowledging your desire and joining a challenge for support.

    Please post often, and share what's going on in your world that's challenging you as well as helping you succeed.

    OK - on to personal notes...
    - I *love* my new hair! It's a big change, the biggest in at least 5 years, and I am very ready for it.
    - I did not get on the scale this morning: one day down, 4 to go.
    - I'm planning on another low-cal/high-protein day, because I plan to have pizza toppings tomorrow. *drool*

    Have a great Thursday!

    PS: you should all be jealous, I get to hang out with tekavincent (who's in our challenge!) this weekend!!! :drinker:
  • I'm in! I am already excited about Halloween as it is, this only makes it better. If I can lose 20lbs I'll be at my pre pregnancy weight of 158lbs, so if I could reach 148lbs by Halloween that would be awesome. That would leave me with only 13lbs to my goal weight. lets do this. By the way, I'm in Texas too. Born and raised! :wink:
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I'm in too! My goal weight is 140 - so that's 31 lbs away. I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution - started 8/1, which ends right before Halloween!
  • I'm in.... I'll try my hardest to get there. That'll be awesome I would have lost a total of 60lbs.
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    Some successes this week...

    Now that I can fit into my size 12 jeans, I've bought some 10's for motivation! I also bought some cute dresses in a size small because my mediums are getting too big. I will post some pics when they arrive!

    I entered the 150's this morning. 159.8 :) 6 more pounds until this shorty is no longer "obese" in the BMI department. Now just 29 to go for my birthday/Halloween goal!

    Congrats to your successes this week!

  • Count me in! I am turning 40 and single so I want to live my second half of life to the fullest.
  • MamaKay3
    MamaKay3 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in! I only have a goal now of 20lbs but I'm loving the challenge. I weigh-in on Monday's. I will update then :) This is week 1!
  • Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!!

    Had a nice dinner at Olive Garden - yes, it's possible to eat low-calorie there! LOL Just finished my left over shrimp as a snack with my night meds.

    Remember, tomorrow is the time to PLAN AHEAD for your success over the weekend....you can do this!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Some successes this week...

    Now that I can fit into my size 12 jeans, I've bought some 10's for motivation! I also bought some cute dresses in a size small because my mediums are getting too big. I will post some pics when they arrive!

    I entered the 150's this morning. 159.8 :) 6 more pounds until this shorty is no longer "obese" in the BMI department. Now just 29 to go for my birthday/Halloween goal!

    Congrats to your successes this week!


    Great job Marie! I haven't seen the 150's for awhile, can't wait to reach them ;)
  • sapphirewind
    sapphirewind Posts: 55 Member
    I'm In! Love your avatar btw!
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I don't have 30 lbs to lose, but 20 and I am so in if yall will have me!! I am in Texas too, originally from north east Houston but now in Waco.
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    Some successes this week...

    Now that I can fit into my size 12 jeans, I've bought some 10's for motivation! I also bought some cute dresses in a size small because my mediums are getting too big. I will post some pics when they arrive!

    I entered the 150's this morning. 159.8 :) 6 more pounds until this shorty is no longer "obese" in the BMI department. Now just 29 to go for my birthday/Halloween goal!

    Congrats to your successes this week!


    Great job Marie! I haven't seen the 150's for awhile, can't wait to reach them ;)

    Thanks!!!! You can do it!