30 lbs GONE by Halloween



  • edithejaime
    edithejaime Posts: 23 Member
    i want in (:
    We are friends in Houston, San Antonio, and East Texas who are committed to entering the holidays a little lighter this year. We're each doing what is right for us, and checking in with each other both IRL and here.

    You are welcome to join us!
  • uidb5259
    uidb5259 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm starting late but I am in. I so need some motivation and maybe a group of support is what I need. Lets do it. I am starting today!
  • Happy Monday - how's everyone doing? Please check in and let the group know what's going on with you, so we can encourage and support you.

    I had to replace the batteries in my scale, so I will weigh in the morning.

    One of our group members (w/out computer access) has already lost 14 lbs!!!! Talk about encouraging!

    I had a great NSV today....last summer I bought a shirt at Goodwill that I loved - great color, design, etc. - but didn't fit; couldn't even get it over my shoulders or buttoned. Well, today I wore it to a job interview!!!! I felt so powerful and successful, knowing I had earned my way into a goal shirt. This is also a great reminder that our journeys shouldn't rely completely on that number on the scale --- there's so much more going on with our mind & bodies.

    I'll update challenges with my weigh-in tomorrow.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I updated my blog with my weight update and my vlog about JMBR month 1 results - http://tiktok9.blogspot.com

    Challenges last week:
    - Getting bored with eating salads with protein or greek yogurt
    - Craving ice cream and cheesy pasta or pizza
    - Being in control when I eat out with friends

    Successes last week:
    - I finished week 4 of Body Revolution
    - I didn't miss a day of workouts - 24 in 4 weeks
    - I lost another 1.4 lb

    Plan for this week:
    - stay on my workout plan
    - Stay closer to my calorie goal
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I'm starting late but I am in. I so need some motivation and maybe a group of support is what I need. Lets do it. I am starting today!

  • ladymax1023
    ladymax1023 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone - I love seeing what everyone's been doing and how well! It's great to see that everyone is on track with what you all want to do. Keep up the good work. I wish I could say the same thing. I've been watching what I eat, going to the gym and working out and yet in the last 12 days I've only last 1 pound - really? I've been working with a personal trainer so I wasn't getting on the scale, I was going to wait and see what her scale at the gym said - hoping it would be a nice surprise - ummmm yeah No!

    I'm not a salad person, so those are totally out of the question for me. I do have a weakness for ice cream and chocolate. But it's not like I'm eating those all the time either. Maybe once or twice a week - where as before I started this I was eating it 5 or 6 nights a week, so I have cut this way back for me. I have switched from white bread to wheat bread, eating way more veggies than I have ever eaten before. So yes I'm eating way healthier than before, little meals more often during the day, the water intake has increased, the soda intake decreased.

    The good news, however, is that I am under 170 pounds for the first time in probably 10 years! So that is definitely a step in the right direction. But now I'm done working the personal trainer. So for the next two months I will have to do everything on my own. I will just need to find my own rhythm with things and stick with it.
  • midus56
    midus56 Posts: 4
    Im in i have to lose about 20 lbs by Halloween... and awesome job to all of you, your doing a great job at motivating me :happy:
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    ladymax - I know exactly how you feel. I only lost 1.5 lbs this week but I worked out 6 days with Body Revolution and tracked my calories. I like to think all the 1 lb losses will add up!
  • aruiz13
    aruiz13 Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to join as well, if im not to late... :) I wont be able to lose 30 but i would like to do a short goal by then.

    CW 152
    short goal :140
    GW 130
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok so I have to admit I had kinda forgotten about this challenge until today, I had gotten off track since being sick about mid month July and I am just proud to have complete logging for the last couple days. I guess I will officially weigh in tonight and let you know how I am doing.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Great job to everyone on keeping it up!!!
  • Ok so I have to admit I had kinda forgotten about this challenge until today, I had gotten off track since being sick about mid month July and I am just proud to have complete logging for the last couple days. I guess I will officially weigh in tonight and let you know how I am doing.

    welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    hope you are feeling better and look forward to hearing how things are going.
  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    i'm down to 260 now and maintaining. I can't remember when i posted last. I have had to use my phone until i reach a computer, so sorry for the lag in posting :-(
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Maintained this week.

    Challenges - definitely hectic in my life right now and hard to eat on a good schedule. Hoping this changes when school starts Tuesday.

    Successes - well, I didn't gain.
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    I am all for this :)
  • Oh how I would love to lose 30lbs by then! I'll give it my best shot! :)
  • schparks
    schparks Posts: 74 Member
    I'd love to lose 10 or 15 by halloween, but then again I jumped in a couple weeks after the original post. :)
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    This week is going a lot better than the last several have. I was doing horrible at logging and watching what I was eating and I ended up gaining about 7lbs total, but that has changed!! I am now down 2lbs of the 7 I gained and I have logged everything the last 3 days at least!! Yay for small victories!!

    Challenges this week:
    - The husband has Dr. Pepper nice and cold in the fridge and I am addicted!!!
    - Not having a lot of energy for working out.

    - Lost 2lbs!!!!
    - Worked out a little bit everyday, even when I didn't feel like it.
    - Actually logging in.
  • CallMePat
    CallMePat Posts: 74 Member
    Looks like I'm entering this a little late but, I would love to weigh less than 230 by halloween. I need to work hard for that 15-20 pound loss!
  • I`m entering in late as well, but I love this challenge, its like a game. I am so in! This game keeps things interesting, and its so motivating.. My weigh ins are on Mondays. After dieting on and off, and constantly failing, I`ve made up my mind to stay on track this time. This is day 4 of dieting for me, and I`ve stayed on track so far. I`m about 185 and my goal weight is 140. After my weigh in, I will post my progress.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Great view point GetFit! Good luck! and same to all!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    Since I'm a couple of weeks late I'll go for 25
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    3 pounds a week for 10 weeks is tough sledding. Good luck.

    bump! yeah.. thats a lot to loose and fast.. too fast maybe...
    i have a goal to hit a certain weight # (for me) by nov 3rd.. and thats 17#'s away.. almost half of the 30# goal that you have for basicaly same date! and im not sure if i'll make it but im motivated!!! (have a mud run i signed up for on nov 3rd.. and been exercising a LOOOOOOOOT
  • ladymax1023
    ladymax1023 Posts: 3 Member
    Well I see I'm not the only one struggling. So we'll have to see how things go this week. I'm changing things up on my workout schedule. I'm no longer working with the trainer. That's all said and done and I'm now working out on my own. The trainer was more all about "core" strength training then really pushing me to get into shape like I really wanted to. So I'm pulling from past history from over 10 years ago and using some things that she taught me and combining the two to see what happens now. So only time will tell now. I sure hope everyone else is feeling better and good luck to the rest of you. Now let's these pounds disappear!!!!!
  • uidb5259
    uidb5259 Posts: 138 Member
    Ok so I am down 7.5 so far. Only 22.5 more to go. Lets do this!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I injured my lower back working out yesterday, which throws me off on the Body Revolution program. For the 3 day Labor Day weekend, I'm head to LA with my family. I'm going to have to be very careful with my eating since that's what gets me in trouble.
  • Well I see I'm not the only one struggling. So we'll have to see how things go this week. I'm changing things up on my workout schedule. I'm no longer working with the trainer. That's all said and done and I'm now working out on my own. The trainer was more all about "core" strength training then really pushing me to get into shape like I really wanted to. So I'm pulling from past history from over 10 years ago and using some things that she taught me and combining the two to see what happens now. So only time will tell now. I sure hope everyone else is feeling better and good luck to the rest of you. Now let's these pounds disappear!!!!!

    Glad you know what works for you, and what DOESN'T. Not every trainer is a good fit for that particular point in our life. KUTGW!
  • Ok so I am down 7.5 so far. Only 22.5 more to go. Lets do this!

    WOW! What a great job! Thank you for sharing and giving us all encouragement!
  • It's FRIDAY!!!

    So, what are your plans for success this weekend?

    I have a birthday party tonight, a benefit/fundraiser tomorrow evening, another birthday party tomorrow night (I'm thinking these were New Year's babies....LOL).

    My plan for success is to have an on-plan meal before I leave the house, and I offered to take something to both of the parties, so I KNOW there will be something I can snack on.

    What is your biggest tip for surviving parties & get-togethers?

    Monday is weigh-in for most of us, so I look forward to hearing all the successes as well as challenges. Have a safe & happy Labor Day weekend!

  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    I just did my Labor Day goal weigh in. I met my 10. Woo Hoo. I lost 2 this last week.

    Still a little behind on my Halloween goal, but this was encouraging.

    At parties, I tend to get my drink and just sip it till it turns watery. I try to drink a lot of water before going hoping not to be too thirsty. Also, I tend to get small bites of things - just have to remember to track it.

    Some days, if I've been good - I choose to make that my borderline or splurge day. I'm learning that if I don't get frustrated with myself, I will be less discouraged and not continue to splurge once I'm home from the party. If I focus on how badly I did, then I tend to give up.