

  • thats what i do , but you just dont panic if it doensnt go down every day , the best thigs to stay focused and dont panidc if it hasnt shifted for a couple of days cause it will.
  • Been eatin good for a few weeks now and back under what i was (if that makes sense lol). Down to 13 st 10 and want to get in good shape for the summer. Before i just done dieting but want do some weights now to get in shape . 1 - Will it make a bid diff to weight loss 2 - How long to tone up and what kind of weight am i…
  • well cut the booze full stop or your fightin a loosin battle ive no drank in 12 weeks , only way 2 loose it in my opinion , you do all the good work durin the week and the drink mucks it all up.
  • pull a sickie mate
  • Is this an accurate guide , I remember i was 13 stone and i was slim the bmi says for me to be healthy i need to be 11 stone 7 or somethin .I would be skin and bone is there any other bmi calculators for guys with a bigger build? cheers any body that can help ?
    in BMI? Comment by maclea98 November 2008
  • thanks 4 the help , think uz are right the start ur goin 2 loose more was jst bein hopefull .Just such a long time though, ive been drinkin like 5 pints of water a day to curb the hunger . Cheers
  • Started dieting about 2 weeks ago ive lost 8 pounds, though i know its quicker to begin with.Is it possible to keep this up or is it impossible?
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