

  • I would think it is a safe bet that just about anything with the word Caramel in it is probably going to be calorie heavy. And if you add that it came from McDon'talds, makes it even more likely to be full of unwholesome sweet fatness. Step away from the fast food counter, you are standing too close to the poison!
  • everyone calculation I have tried for my age and weight and goal weight have came up with 1200 as the minimum calorie for me per day.
  • Well as far as accuracy goes, these devices are not extremely accurate. But the do not have to be. I have an omron pedometer. I assume yours uses similar information. You enter in your stats, age, weight etc. You calibrate to your step length. Then it counts your steps and tracks the time and makes an estimation of…
  • You are dead on. Keeping track of what you eat is a great tool. I lost 40 lbs before finding MFP, it made it so much easier. But the mere act of logging in your calories for the day helps you visualize your goals and feel empowered to achieve them. As a male, I am a visual thinker. I can only focus on 1 thing fairly well.…
  • As someone who quite smoking many times I can tell you it is easy to pick up old habits back up right where you left off. Instead of trying to quit all at once, I found it much more effective with smoking and more recently with snacking binging to quit 1 binge at a time. If you want some chips take 100 calories of chips…
  • Welcome!
    in helllooo Comment by uli2477 April 2010
  • Welcome and Keep at it!
  • I am a guy 195 lbs heading to 165, so far I have lost 40 lbs since December. I have been using 2lb weights while do my cardio, I hae to say they start to get heavy after 25 minutes. I am going to move up to 5lb now. Thinking that if they get too heavy mid workout I can always sitch back to the 2 lb to finish up.