Good Advice. This just caught my eye because I will be going in for a lumpectomy next Friday. I have been through this before and so far no cancer but these lumps have been monitored for over a year now. And since they began to grow again in the last six months. I cannot stress enough how important it is. I am only 39 and…
Looks pretty good
I am glad I haven't run into anything like that here. I did post something yesterday that I felt a few people over read but nothing offensive was posted and nothing definitely in the realm of name calling. I just got opinions. I know a couple weeks ago, I had bigger problems on facebook then I ever did here after I posted…
Isn't that so. But understanding ourselves sure helps. I know I am not that germophobic either. We are all individuals! Leaning this about myself this last little while has been a good starting point! Best of luck to you all!
Did a little bit through free videos on the internet. I have joined a is way more fun. I go twice a week. I recommend the class. Check to see if you can drop in. I know they have that option where I am. They just pay a $10 drop in fee where I live. That way you can at least try it. out.
Personally I think you look great in it. I have been eyeing up those skinny girl dresses for a while. I am jealous that you can look so good in it. Maybe it is just not your friend's taste or like one other person said......she is probably Jealous. I haven't been able to wear something that short for a long time. I have…
Also From Saskatchewan. Been here since Mid-July.......Just love it here. It was just what I needed to keep on track. And it's great to cheer each other on! You Can Do It! If you need a buddy to cheer you on......just ad me!
I am a dog person but an animal lover for all. I love them all. Are these yours?
- more thing that I heard before.......make sure you do increased amount of stretches in the knee area before attempting anything exercise that involves the knees. Do something that you can't work up to it first. And it doesn't hurt to have them monitored on a regular basis like I do.
I am not a doctor or expert at all but I also suffer from bad knees. Unfortunately most of my family has had them and both my father and grandfather has not. My chiropractor called it Hypermobility in my knees. Regardless, due to this, there is evidence of some wearing down within the knees itself. The advice my…
I was taught by a professional cook once that was a roomate of mine years ago. He said they crack and role the egg on the counter until most of the shell is broken. Usually the shell peels off easily. But you need to get under the skin that separates the egg from the shell. Once under that skin, the broken shell pretty…
WTG! You look absolutely fabulous.
I offered a few weeks ago to walk the local parade for our place of work. I offered to bring my daughter and husband. The volunteer coordinator asked how old my daughter was and when I replied that she was 15 she couldn't believe it. She said she thought I would be pushing a baby stroller. Then I told her I had a twenty…
I have even added it to breakfast burritos to give them flavor
I am with ya there. I think it is because when we have put so much crap into our bodies for so long, when it finally gets a taste of what is healthy,,,,,it can't stand the crap anymore. It was not just because I was overweight but I also had been having gastro-intestinal problems, gullbladder problems and more with all the…
I just bought it and I am hoping to start it next Monday. I am heading out of town tomorrow and the weekend is a total blow out for me. So I have decided til wait til next week.
I don't always go by what they say on this system. Here is why. I work in Health care. And in my career, the activity I can do can be more than "Active" as per the terms of their activity level described here. Yet because it isn't constant enough (meaning not always on every shift) I can really rate my profession as…
I have been using them as well since about mid July. I don't know how you are doing your workout but I actually entered them as circuit training. I incorporate cardio in with it as well. Maybe someone else can shed some more knowledge on it.
Initially using just the elliptical and walking worked well for me. It still use it but not as the only form of exercise. However I know I lost the first 10 lbs with quite a bit of ease utilizing it. And that was in the first 3 weeks. Initially, when I had no endurance I started doing about 5 minutes stretches at least 4…
I had a shin splint about six or seven weeks ago. My chiropractor just ordered me to stick to the elliptical at that time and no walking for at least a week. He did accupunture (he is an accupuncturist as well) a few times and then when I started back to walking, I only walked on grass for a few the next few weeks or sand.…
Try convincing my mother of this one. She gets a severe migraine everytime she consumes anything with aspartame. And I have met several people just like her since. It is common for drug administrations to issue statements of debunkinng this. It is what you choose to believe.......It is a chemical and if your body is not…
Just a little note that I have picked up from my naturopathic studies and also from naturopathic consultants. Here is a question to ask yourself; Do you bath yourself in juice (or mud) or do you bath yourself in water? Drinking water is like cleaning yourself in the inside! And drinking juice of any kind (solely) is like…
Thanks Guys, I just wanted to know what direction to go in.....I didn't know what everyone recommended (there seemed to be a few choices). I have contacted the Zumba instructor the other night and she is gonna keep me posted when the class starts (I am so excited) but I like the fact of having something regular to work on…
You definitely need at least the three lbs weights and a mat. I started with two-five lbs and found them too heavy. I just love it and. I have moved up to level 2. But I find that even the low impact hard on my knees especially when they go to the plank exercises because I one knee cap that is migrating to the side…
Thanks for the tip as well. I may have to buckle down and just try that grapefruit oil. I personally was using Ocatee Oil initially to regulate blood sugars initially as when I started working out and calorie counting I would get light headed. Now that I have established a more active routine my body isn't requiring it so…
This sounds delicious. Thanks
I want to be in on this. How to we join this challenge? Shannon
Thank you so much......this has all been a great help. I am now starting to add the squats, lunges, etc. as I am finding that cardio is not cracking it anymore. My intention is to add more as I go. My body responded real well to adding some of these with the resistence bands with the exercises. You have all provided a real…
I also use as I have a better idea of exercise on it......I guess I just got used to the way was set up. But I find this site consistently comes up lower with the calories that fatsecret. Which is right, I don't know. I like this site because it breaks the nutrition down further for me that the other site and…
I agree with the low blood sugar idea! When I first started, I was taking in around 1200 calories. I didn't have any strips either to check my blood sugar but I noticed that it regulated out when I put one drop of ocatee oil in my two litre jug of H20. Ocatee essential oil has been known to help regulate blood sugars…