mexico4fun Member


  • You are headed in the right direction. Keep focussed on you and you will be a better professional for all of your clients. The idea of going to the gym in the afternoon is great. I was working from home last week one day. I was reviewing/editting policies. I started working at about 7:00am after I ate breakfast, I stopped…
  • Good luck in Feb! Hopefully your strategies will work as they all take discipline. One thing that has helped me with regards to declining any alcohol at functions is the fact that I am on heart medication that is not alcohol friendly! There were no comments this last trip about me not partaking in having anything to drink…
  • You are right! My sleep has been back to normal and I am plowing through the assignments. I have recruited some help from my management team and we are getting it done. That is one thing that we as women are horrible at...ASKING FOR HELP! I am also moving forward with the 80% rule. I am not looking for 100% perfection as…
  • I just watched the videos and I am so in! They are both so simple and I can do them anywhere; even while on the road in hotels.
  • Good for you! Honestly, I have spoken to many of my male counterparts and they actually only schedule 1/2 of their day. They leave the other 1/2 open for "other stuff" that happens. My problem was that my schedule always was back to back with little "open time" because everyone would just whine and say....can't you just…
  • Sounds quick and tasty! Do you then pop it in the microwave and if so for how long (minus the tin foil I'm guessing)?
  • Can you post the recipe of how you make it?
  • Welcome! Glad you joined with us. Take a look at the other discussions and see what we've been talking about. We are here for you!
    in New Comment by mexico4fun December 2012
  • Hi MidgeN27, Great goals and activity that you have set. My issue has never been the food prep as I love to cook but have always had issues stopping work to eat. I have just made up my mind and found strategies to ensure that I eat six meals a day. Good for you to do something good for you. I work on our local military…
  • You are on the right path. Together we can change our behaviours and suceed! One small change at a time. Welcome!
  • Great strategies so far. What about setting the goal of only concentrating on two-three clients a day until the work is done? Rather than trying to do a little on a bunch or whatever screams loudest, stay focussed on getting what you see as the most important first. Once you start to see success, you will feel more in…
  • Hi Midge, Our time is NOW! As effective and successful as we are with everything else in our lives, we need to turn that same dedication and determination towards ourselves. I find my biggest mistake is not eating several times a day. I baked several different kinds of cookies and sweets yesterday for others in my…
  • Welcome to everyone who has joined our group. Posting our struggles and our successes will keep us all moving forward together. What is your plan for success?
  • Awesome! Take a look at my Blog and then we can see what kind of support we can be for each other. :happy:
  • Many things can affect the scales. Don't get discouraged and completely fall off the wagon. Take stock of the honest effort you have put in, stay on track and celebrate the overall changes you have made and the weight you have lost so far. Too many times, I have focussed on the short term rather than the big picture. I…
  • Just starting the 90 day challenge. Have a trip to Mexico booked for Dec 1 so am motivated again to get going.
  • Not sure if anyone responded to you yet but you are not alone! I have 60+ lbs to lose too so we can travel this together.:bigsmile:
  • I will be your buddy! I am 44, need to lose about 70lbs now to reach my goal. I too used to have a smoken body and am motivated to make the changes required to regain myself!