timeformetofly Member


  • oh my. how happy I would be to loose 29 pounds even if I never lost another pound. Sorry but sometime we need to SUCK it up and be glad for the blessings we have and STOP dwelling on negative stuff.. Sounded like you were getting lost of support to me, it's your choice to take it or not. And I don't see "absolute failure"…
  • I think it has to do with the low carb intake.. Lot of people like pizza but scream at the amount of carbs in it.. they can take in calories and even some extra fat for the day but not the carbs.. This gives them that choice. If they are on a low carb type of eating.
  • Cauliflower Crust Garlic Breadsticks Serves 2 to 4 1/4 of a large head of cauliflower (about 5 1/2 oz/160 g) 1 teaspoon olive oil 2 cloves garlic, grated or minced 1 large egg, lightly beaten 4 oz mozzarella cheese, freshly grated and divided (low-fat cheese is fine) 1/2 teaspoon dried Italian herb seasoning, divided 1…
  • cauliflower is not really considered fake, just an alliterative for people that can not have all those carbs but enjoy pizza I made this and you really can't even tell it is cauliflower..But I understand where you are coming from.. :)
  • sorry meant for this to be a quote under Suns post. .cauliflower is not really considered fake, just an alliterative for people that can not have all those carbs but enjoy pizza I made this and you really can't even tell it is cauliflower..But I understand where you are coming from.. :)
  • I made bread stick out of the cauliflower too.. very good..
  • I suggest swimming, and you do not have to do laps or be a great swimmer to do that, just get into the pool in the shallow end and move for and little while and work yourself up to 20-30 minutes, but if you do not have access to a pool.. there are table equipment that you can use for your arms and some others for your feet…
  • I eat Bead on my LC diet, it's all about choice I eat bread that has only 4 Net carbs. Just like any diet you give up things you like to loose, and if you do not have control over it you will gain weight back. I lost 25 pounds over a year ago, Never gained any of it back and now I'm taking it one notch lower and already…
  • I find it hard to eat healthy with WW because they allow you all those veggie chips and I end of eating them for my points instead of good choices. on LC I eat more veggies, nuts, good protein, that keeps me full and satisfied. Just like you are saying.
  • Thank you this is exactly what I was trying to say earlier sugar and carbs and what it does to the body! Hang in there it is reversible and I know people that have even gotten off all their meds..
  • If it helps you to know. I have every Sunday like that! I call it fat Sunday! some can do this some can't and it has not hindered my 40 pound loss.
  • Just what I was going to say.. it's in ya not on ya, you will look the same. Just don't weigh.
  • if they saw my low carb diary I do believe I eat better then most non-carbers.. My diet is full of veggies nuts, good protein. They think low carbs means we eat bacon and cheese all day. NOT!
  • Remember, if you have a day that you cheat on.. Your body looks the same as it did yesterday. even if the scales go up. it's not on you yet, just get back on it and don't feel guilty and keep blowing it or it will show up on ya.. :) I always tell myself when I cheat, it's in me not on me!
  • Great post.
  • I agree..
  • and I still do just to see what it does to me.. even though I no longer need to.. And I know what it does when I take in high carbs foods.. Not good! bye.
  • sounds good to me.. I don't to the fruit, but I eat healthy everyday! Carbs are my downfall too..
  • for every web site you find there is another one to dispute it.. Isn't the internet great! He says, she says.. this site says this, this site says that.. :)
  • well, I have a better study then Book study. I was diabetic and my health made me learn what to do.. it was not calories that changed it. It was low carb. and not even weight loss... so in this case I take life smart over book smart.. No longer diabetic and still heavy.. By watching what spikes my sugar in my foods.. that…
  • talking about foods that are high in carbs.. ever heard of the Glycemic index on foods? some make your sugar spike some don't even if you if there is no medical problem.. Never said that insulin was the enemy..It just has to kick in and when it does over and over again and people eat lots of carb foods, they not only get…
  • not really true.. there are many people that eat large amounts of high calories meats on Atkins do not exercise and loose tuns of weight.. My sister is on...
  • Here is what I have learnt about grains and pasta. Here is how they make you gain weight, and may not be the best option. Carbs.. which these are, go into your blood stream, your glucose levels start to spike, your insulin kicks in. with pasta and grains it takes A lot for your insulin to work and bring your glucose levels…
  • process meats, bacon and jerky, etc.. have nitrates added into them .,. it is a know cancer causing agent. I'm not talking about anything home made or natural...
  • no LOL not salt nitrated
  • Beef jerky? full of salt and nitrates that are cancer causing.
  • I agree I eat REAL foods on my low carb diet.. nothing filled with all that junk.. and the meal are filled with junk too.. I would rather make my own meals, with real food then have all that "STUFF" in it.. a person can take come turkey, broccoli, cheese mix it all together, come up with a meal about like Atkins with none…
  • I do low carb.. I eat this bread and I loose 2 pounds a weeks.. it's what is in the bread.. not just bread.. Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 slice ( 1.5 Ounces or 36g) Servings Per Loaf Approx. 16 (24 Ounces or 1.5LBS) Amount Per Serving Calories 60 Calories from Fat 10 % Daily Value Total Fat 1.0g 1% Saturated Fat 0g 0%…
  • over eating is an addiction and just like any addiction a lot of people do it when others know nothing about it.. some go through a drive through on their way home and then eat dinner with their family, you get the idea.