I cheated... again



  • I like that...even if you go over your calorie intake it's not the end of the world...but like you said, plan for it. For example, I'm a food addict....Even after gastric bypass, I am a food addict. I like to eat. Right after surgery, I felt like I was being starved..haha....that's exactly what is going on but mentally I was also being starved....I like sweets, I like snacking at night....so I plan for that...twizzlers, strawberries, a bannana....now if only I could plan those calories better...
  • seaflyer
    seaflyer Posts: 7 Member
    I'd suggest eating your normal calorie intake the day after "cheating" but maybe add a little more exercise to stay on track.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I just had a bad week - lots of processed stuff, an ended up with two days - massive 500+ over my target - weight went up, I feel bad. But I just decided to try and have a better day today, I have, but it is making me miserable to think I don't have the self control I feel I should have. But hey, I am in a much better place than I was, and each new day is an opportunity to start afresh. :smile:
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I put away the scale (no use beating myself up more than I do already) and put on my smallest pants to remind myself I still fit into them. Then I hop right back on the horse. My friends here keep me focused and it is a lot easier to jump back on the horse when I have the support. If I do go too far my back starts hurting and I start getting nightmares so my body stops me when all else fails. I think the best thing I ever did for myself is to change my weaknesses to more healthy things. Now I crave veggies and dark chocolate instead so the damage is never that bad anymore. Whenever I am quiet my friends start with their questions whether I am ok or not. Me being quiet is usually a bad sign.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I don't "cheat" because this is neither a game nor an exam. It's life. I sometimes eat over my calories but no big deal. It's only one day. Log it. Don't let it affect the next day and DO NOT feel guilty. If you cheat in a test or a game you should feel guilty. If you eat more than you planned you might feel a little disappointed that the day didn't go as planned but it's just a very small delay on the road to where you are going.

    I hate the word "cheat" in this context. There's NO POSSIBLE way to cheat. Your body keeps an accurate record of what you fuel it with. Be kind to it and yourself.

    I agree.
  • timeformetofly
    timeformetofly Posts: 64 Member
    I always feel really really bad after I cheat with my eating. Some days I just cannot help myself! Do any of you guys ever cheat and if you do, how do you get past the feeling of beating yourself up about it? And also, when you cheat do you make up for it somehow or just keep eating normally after that?

    Remember, if you have a day that you cheat on.. Your body looks the same as it did yesterday. even if the scales go up. it's not on you yet, just get back on it and don't feel guilty and keep blowing it or it will show up on ya.. :) I always tell myself when I cheat, it's in me not on me!
  • tbullucks06
    tbullucks06 Posts: 128
    I have days where I cheat and obsess over it and then days when I accept it, don't regret it an just move on. How about you think this way - dont do it if you think you are going to feel guilty and obsess. If you know you'll be able to do it, be ok with it and move on then I say go for it.