Are we allowed to post sites in here.. There is a health food store near me that has a link that tells you what your BIM, calorie intake, Body fat, and where many other things should be.. I would post it if it's ok.. if not email me and I will send it to you. I am really impressed with the site...
If you lose weight based on calorie in calorie out.. How do people lose so much weight on a low carb high protien diet where they eat all meats and cheese and everything VERY high in calories and still lose lots if weight some people in the 100 pounds... I have done that diet before and the amount of caloiers you take in…
I was just wondering how many or you have what is called a FREE day, My hubby and I call it a Fat day. But it is just a day of the week usually the same day each week where you don't worry about what you eat and you treat yourself to things you don't have all week long.. Dr. Oz said people who do this lose more weight than…
How do I know where my targets should be for the day? I mean like my Protien, carbs, etc... can anyone help me?
When you do your food diary do you log down what you eat when you eat it? or plan your whole day and then eat it.. I plan my all my meals.. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and anything I will drink or snack on.. when I have ate what I logged for the day I am done eating..