Cheetahgirl88 Member


  • There are scientific studies. As well, as a scientist, I know for a fact that the chemicals in diet soda (and some in all sodas) have negative effects on the bodies metabolic systems. The studies are there if you do the research!
  • I know exactly what you are going through! I gave up diet soda in January and I literally never felt better. I won't lie to you, the first month is HELL!!!! But after that it is a walk in the park. You are almost half way there, don't give up! I have tried it since and it tastes disgusting now and I never want it anymore!…
  • Hi all, my name is Alex and I am from beautiful Sacramento, CA. I am 24 and have been on this site for a while. I am getting married in October 2013. I want to get fit for my wedding, but also I want to live a healthy lifestyle for my family. I currently do not have kids, but I want them some day. I want to get down to…
  • My results weren't so great either I had a net gain of 1 lbs so I know have 35 lbs loose, but I have also had a very trying week! I can do this though!
  • I'm in. I say I want to be 200 lbs even by halloween! This is 34 lbs down. Let's do this!
  • I'm from Sac too!!
  • As others have said, there will always be challenges. I agree with suggestions such as eat half od what is served, and eat before the wedding. Drinking a glass of water before dinner will help fill you up and eat less. Also, remember that id you are dancing and having fun, you are also burning calories!! have fun and enjoy…
  • Actually, "The whole metabolism thing is myth" is WRONG!!!!!!!! Metabolism is definately not a myth. I have taken biochemistry and know how everything is metabolized in your diet. It is imperitive for your health that you eat on a regualr basis, whether you are hungry or not. If anything eat a piece of toast or something…