Wedding.. Ughhhh

1st of all I hate going to weddings... and my cousin, that I barely know, is having one tomorrow.. and my parents want me to go too...

and I dont want to.. so baaadly!

But even if they make me, Im not sure what to do there..

because Im on a diet, and the food they'll have is good, but its the kinda food Im trying to stop eating...

And im scared that eating it might ruin it for me.. and make me feel bad for eating it too...

And yes they will probably have a salad.. with a bunch of stuff in it that i dont like... like pepper, so I cant eat that.

So Ive been trying to think of excuses why i cant go... like making my hair purple lol, or pretend to get sick..
Because I dont want to go and then sit there picking at the food...

Im not sure of what to do...

Any suggestions?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Sooooo, the only reason you don't want to celebrate a joyous occasion with your family is that you are worried they won't give you food that you like to eat?

    Don't focus on the food. Focus on the day. Enjoy the company, eat half of whatever you are served and accept that there will be lots of occasions throughout your life when you don't choose what is on the plate in front of you. Learning to deal with that is a critical step in the process of getting and staying healthier.

    Alternatively, if you barely know her and really don't care, just don't go. She will have a wonderful day whether you are there or not and really, it's not about you!
  • tinahelton
    tinahelton Posts: 65 Member
    Try eating a healthy, filling meal BEFORE going to the wedding if you are more worried about the food. If you don't like weddings...well, can't help you there. I enjoy them :)
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    "Don't focus on the food. Focus on the day. Enjoy the company"


    Stay away from the food tables! :)
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    Go and have a good time. You are going to attend so many weddings in your lifetime and are you really going to try not to go because of food?

    I do get it you are trying to eat good but this won't be the first time or the last that you will be tested to make better choices then you had in the past. Eat half, have a slice of cake it's not going to make a difference in the the long run. Honest.

    Oh and have a great work out in the morning. It will give you a bit of flexibility.

    And don't weigh yourself the next day. =)
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Call it a cheat day, and get back on track the next day. That's what I do for family events. Like my brothers college graduation, I was over by almost 3000 calories. I sure the heck had a great time with my family celebrating :) Just have fun
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sooooo, the only reason you don't want to celebrate a joyous occasion with your family is that you are worried they won't give you food that you like to eat?

    Don't focus on the food. Focus on the day. Enjoy the company, eat half of whatever you are served and accept that there will be lots of occasions throughout your life when you don't choose what is on the plate in front of you. Learning to deal with that is a critical step in the process of getting and staying healthier.

    Alternatively, if you barely know her and really don't care, just don't go. She will have a wonderful day whether you are there or not and really, it's not about you!

    Well said and I agree except one thing - if there was an RSVP, you should attend. the host is paying for your meal. Some people get really upset at no-shows. If it isn't a situation where you have already RSVPd, I agree.

    Oh, and pick the peppers off the salad - still edible.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Go, but eat before you go and spend as much time on the dance floor, then log it as exercise. Who cares if you don't think you can dance. Most people can't or aren't very good at it anyway. You wouldn't be there to impress anyone, so just try to have as much fun as you can eating as little as you can. If it's going to be a long day and you can't eat a full meal that will last the whole time, take some fruit and healthy snacks that you can eat in the car after the ceremony but before going into the reception.
  • Cheetahgirl88
    Cheetahgirl88 Posts: 15 Member
    As others have said, there will always be challenges. I agree with suggestions such as eat half od what is served, and eat before the wedding. Drinking a glass of water before dinner will help fill you up and eat less. Also, remember that id you are dancing and having fun, you are also burning calories!! have fun and enjoy yourself.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Sooooo, the only reason you don't want to celebrate a joyous occasion with your family is that you are worried they won't give you food that you like to eat?

    Don't focus on the food. Focus on the day. Enjoy the company, eat half of whatever you are served and accept that there will be lots of occasions throughout your life when you don't choose what is on the plate in front of you. Learning to deal with that is a critical step in the process of getting and staying healthier.

    Alternatively, if you barely know her and really don't care, just don't go. She will have a wonderful day whether you are there or not and really, it's not about you!

    Well said and I agree except one thing - if there was an RSVP, you should attend. the host is paying for your meal. Some people get really upset at no-shows. If it isn't a situation where you have already RSVPd, I agree.

    Oh, and pick the peppers off the salad - still edible.

    Yup, very good point.... if you have already committed to going - go! Treat it as a learning exercise, on how to eat well when you aren't in control of your food choices. And if you eat more than you need on one day? - not a big deal, get back to healthy eating the next day.