

  • Yeah, thanksgiving wasn't too bad for me, although I did eat more than I meant to. I did, however, eat WAY LESS than I would have a year or two ago, and a lot of what I ate was healthy versions of different things. (If you've never made chocolate pudding or pie from silken tofu, I definitely recommend it!) Also, I got a…
  • This is my plan for thanksgiving. That thursday is already allotted to have 2000 calories because of the cycling I'm doing. I'm going to get in really good workouts that week, including that morning. Luckily, we are having thanksgiving for lunch (which I think makes it easier than dinner). I'm bringing 2 dishes myself,…
  • SWilland, great job! you are so close to your goal. I'm on my second week of calorie cycling. Will let folks know if it looks like it's working. Anyone have thoughts/ plans on how to handle thanksgiving?? I was thinking of planning out a somewhat larger dinner than usual, but while staying in my caloric allotment. I did a…
  • Hi all, I'm doing okay here. At first, I was really feeling frustrated with this plateau. I felt like all my work wasn't doing anything, or that I wouldn't be able to keep losing weight without doing crazy unhealthy stuff (the lowest I ever weighed as an adult was in HS, when I had some disordered eating). I actually…
  • I think my body is just saying "hold on a sec here". I don't eat a lot of sodium (I don't like the taste) and I think the people that add back exercise calories are on a much lower calorie diet than me. (If I added calories back, I could be eating 2000-2300 calories, which is pretty similar to what I was doing before…
  • Hope everyone is doing ok. I've hit my second plateau. While I also hit a recent milestone (went shopping because my work pants looked ridiculous and discovered that I am down a pants size) being at a plateau is really frustrating. Last time it was after my first 5 pounds or so, and I just stuck to what my plan said: stick…
  • write a bad yelp review about them. sometimes businesses really take a hint from those. and someone who has never been to the gym might use that info to make an informed decision. (I would recommend not going to a personal trainer that someone hasn't recommended to you). It's too easy to have you pay up front and not know…
  • There are some biological and psychological arguments for working out first thing in the morning, but fundamentally, for weight loss, working out when you CAN work out is better than not working out at all. I have worked out at night for most of my working-out lifespan. The morning just doesn't work for me. There's no way…
  • abjedi- we haven't been posting weekly weigh-ins, although I suppose we can start Swilland- staying on track during vacation is something to give yourself credit for! Maybe we can discuss how to handle the upcoming holidays this week. Halloween + Thanksgiving + Christmas = triple threat. Liss- no matter what you decide,…
  • Give yourself credit for getting back "on the wagon" rather than feeling bad that you fell off. Everybody falls off (I don't believe anyone that says they never had a misstep), and its harder to get back on than it is to just give up. Everybody's been in the position of "well, i've already had these 3 cookies, and my diet…
  • How was everyone's weekend? I was out of town at a huge party, and so am not looking forward to weigh-in, but i will do it first thing tomorrow morning.
  • I'm shooting for a goal dress size rather than weight.. It should really depend on your body type. I'm weirdly muscular, and thus expect to weigh more than most people who would be my ideal dress size.
  • Lissa, your first paragraph really spoke to me in terms of "food being at the forefront" of events. I have totally been the same way, for as long as I can remember: thinking too much about food, getting overly excited about food-related events, thinking that so much about social events was all the great food that would be…
  • Going to a bachelorette party tomorrow.. I'll try to behave. Food-wise, anyway.
  • I read something yesterday that I loved: Negative thought/feeling: "But everyone else is eating [insert unhealthy food]"! Response: "What other people are eating has absolutely no bearing on your own weight." Not that you can't have a slice of birthday cake, but that being in a situation where everyone else is eating…
  • You are not abandoned! I was thinking for some time about ways to overcome our general slow-down in motivation. I started thinking about a list of ways to keep motivated. I've always been really good about going to the gym, but the healthy eating choices part is harder for me. To stay psychologically motivated: 1. I'm a…
  • It sounds like a lot of people had a rough weekend! but kudos to everyone for logging in, staying on / getting back on track It seems like anything that throws people off their normal, safe routine can be a challenge. I'm still undecided about what to do about weekends-- normally I plan out my food the day before and stick…
  • Hello all, My name is Violet. So at today's weigh-in I weighed 3 pounds heavier than yesterday. I'm not upset about it, but wanted to point it out for anyone who sometimes gets really upset about what they see on the scale--unless I ate 9,000 extra calories sleep walking last night, I can't take Thursday's number as…
  • Hi everyone, Another idea is to also consider non-exercise related challenges. I'm currently working on NOT standing up while eating (grazing, formerly thought to be calorie-free...;) Sitting down when I'm eating my food, eating slowly, savoring it. My past week has been good, in terms of hitting my calorie and exercise…
  • Hi, I would also love to meet some people for daily motivation. I use the site on a daily basis and finding and talking to "diet buddies" is supposed to be part of my daily routine. In general, I'm really trying to change the way I think about food, hunger, and feeling satisfied into something that's more healthy. (I've…
  • It's a "diet" based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It's not really a food-focused diet (in terms of "just eat only X or Y" or "only eat Z calories and you'll be fine-- thus not changing any negative thoughts or habits about food). Although in the later stages you do go into what looks like a complicated food plan,…