Is anyone following the Beck Diet for Life and looking for a

This is a popular book, and I've been trying to find someone else following the program to (electronically) be my "diet buddy" as outlined in the book. I found few blogs and whatnot, but I figured that if there were a handful of people following this program, perhaps they can pair up based on interests or similarity.

Me specifically, I'm looking for someone where we can check in via email or gchat every night, provide support and motivation, etc.


  • emachine
    emachine Posts: 4 Member
    What is the Beck Diet "In a nutshell"? Just curious, never heard of it, and I thought I've heard them all LOL! Might be something I'd look into, and then could be a "diet buddy". Thanks
  • mugwump71
    It's a "diet" based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It's not really a food-focused diet (in terms of "just eat only X or Y" or "only eat Z calories and you'll be fine-- thus not changing any negative thoughts or habits about food). Although in the later stages you do go into what looks like a complicated food plan, although really what that is is watching calories, while increasing fruits, veg, whole grains, lean protein. The primary focus of the diet is using CBT methods to confront how our thoughts affect our feelings and our behaviors. It teaches you how to deal with the "I want to eat that but I know I shouldn't, but that's unfair because others are eating it" situation, and the "i've already blown my diet today, I might as well eat everything I want and start tomorrow" situation. It involves a lot of work about challenging the thoughts and feelings you have that sabotage the potential for good health. I like it because it was created by legit psychologists using methods that are clinically proven in the research world.