Skinny Cows [CLOSED GROUP]



  • Terri813
    Hi everyone,
    I just got back from parents weekend at my daughter's university. Had a great time but ate way too much. Looking forward to getting back to my routine tomorrow. I did come home and do my exercise for the day. Felt good after sitting in the car all morning.
    For the mirror challenge- I really like my calves- they have a great shape.
    I am off to do my 10 push-ups and then more laundry.
  • MissKittyrina
    Todays mirror challeng. I really like that my jeans look so baggy...wait, they look crappy like they don't fit, but wait, that's a good thing, right?????
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I had a terrible weekend (well a wonderful weekend, but a terrible diet/ fitness/ health weekend) and just ate rubbish with no exercise - what a disaster!

    Today is a new day though, and I am back on track! (Although I'm going out for dinner this evening, so we'll see how well I fare there!)

    Have been crazy busy, but have read through all your posts above - Lisa you are doign so well to overcome your eating disorder, I can't imagine trying to deal with that, so congrats!!

    MissKittyrina - it definitely is a good thing that your jeans don't fit - but I think a shopping trip is in order to get you some figure hugging jeans! (I am also in need of this trip!)

    Terri - great job on the pushups and mental challenge! I can do 3 "real" pushups and then have to do 7 modified, but I'm hoping that towards the end of the week I'm at least doing 5 real and 5 modified.

    Lisa - I found that a nice in between stage to move from pushups on your knees to "real" pushups is to do them off the side of a couch or something. That way you can start with your knees on the sofa and then move to calves, and then to ankles, and then you're at your toes! (I have just re-read this and that is not a good explanation of what to do!!! Start in plank position, and then raise your legs onto a couch or sturdy raised platform as far down as you need to in order to be able to do a pushup - and then just move further away from the couch as and when you're ready to!)

    I am a bit bummed out this morning because I was looking through my wardrobe for something to wear to work and I am met with a wall of bland clothing. Does anyone know of any good ways to get inspired to go shopping? Or even to figure out "fashion" trends that are wearable while I'm still very much on the larger side? I feel completely overwhelmed in most clothes shops and I just have no idea where to start! I'm a little tempted to have a go with a personal shopper - i think it's a free service offered in some places around me - any ideas ladies?

    Steph x
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hey all! I'm going to try to only post this once... ha ha.... I'm having the same fashion crisis as you all are... I've been slowly going through my closet... I have 3 pairs of jeans that fit, 1 pair of capris, 1 pair of khakis and 1 pair of boot leg... I haven't worn some of these in YEARS. I'm a recovering pack rat... and thank goodness I did save all this stuff, because it's getting cold here in New England and I wouldn't be able to wear shorts for much longer... Also financially speaking, a shopping spree isn't in the immediate future... I want to get to my "size" and stay there for awhile before I invest in clothing. What I am doing now is donating all the clothes that are too big - thus the recovering pack rat comment... Hopefully that will keep me in check...

    I too have had a horizontal c-section... with my first child - the other 3 were v-backs.... I never truly exercised enough between the 4 kids to comment on what happens with diet and exercise. I am only a couple of pounds away from my original goal - but am not happy with how my body looks. Not in an unrealistic way - don't think I should have a body of a 21 year old super model - but my back thighs, bum and stomach still have jiggly dents and dimples... I have a pretty defined ledge/mound/cliff/bump (I can't describe it well) on my lower abs where my c-section incision was. I'm thinking that it won't go away (and I'm okay with that) that is, won't go away unless I become a gym rat which isn't in my immediate future... As it is, I exercise with the two little ones running in between my legs.... My baby (2 - so not much of a baby any more), likes to sit on my stomach when I do my crunches...

    Well, I'm going to say au revoir... Have a wonderful day, my fellow skinny cows. I'm VERY proud of us!

  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Hi ladies...

    I had a devastating weekend. My brother attempted suicide for the third time on Saturday afternoon. The past two were more of a cry for help, whereas this time, he took a bottle of Asprin and washed it down with a bottle of vodka. His kidneys and liver nearly shut down. He's lucky he's young and fit, or he probably wouldn't have made it through Saturday night. Even still, he was close to needing dialysis yesterday. He's being moved to from the ICU to the psych ward tomorrow, and I couldn't possibly be more relieved. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted.

    It's funny... I wrote my last post right before I got the call. I must have known something was coming, because I wanted to talk about it. Strange how things happen...

    Anyway... I've taken the week off from work to offer help to my sister in law where I can, and to get myself centered again. I know I'm fragile in my own recovery, and I can't allow myself to fall in to a tailspin of poisoning myself with junk food. I'm very emotional (pretty much anything sets me off in a flood of tears), so not being at work and focusing on myself sounds like exactly what I need. I'm incredibly thankful to have a flexible job, and an understanding boss.

    About clothes, I'm loving getting out and hitting the malls. I'm still a size 16 in pants, so a little big to shop in "normal" stores, but I'm much smaller on top, so I'm fitting in XL shirts. I haven't spent money on clothes in years, so I'm not feeling too bad about splurging a little. Steph, I'm finding that you just need to try everything on, even if it's not "you" or what you would normally wear... Some styles are a little more flattering while you're a little bigger. Sometimes the hanger just doesn't do it justice.

    Hope you all had a good start to your week! I'm looking forward to seeing how well we all do on our weekly challenge. Does anyone have any ideas for what to strive for starting this coming Friday?

    Take care!

  • Terri813
    Lisa- So sorry to hear about your brother. I am glad he is doing better- how scary, Take care of yourself.

    Lissa- have you every tried shopping at the thrift stores. My SIL suggested it to me until I am down to my size. I actually found some very nice brand name clothes for a very low price. You have to hunt but it does save money. My picky teenage daughter was even having fun looking for things.

    Steph- I'm with you the weekend was rough. A personal shopper sounds fun.

    Jonette- Isn't it great when you're excited for saggy jeans.

    I got my 10 pushups in this morning. Stayed on plan at work despite the employee appreciation cookout. I got a plate and then gave it to one of the guys.

    Take care everyone,
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I went home to visit my parents and since I wasn't watching what I ate, I didn't really check this website.

    Getting to know you:
    My real name is not Trissie, but I use it as my name frequently online, and I'll respond to it just as well as my real name at this point. I just feel weird giving my actual name.
    I'm 20 and I go to college in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I live alone in an on campus apartment, which makes cooking difficult- It's hard to motivate myself to plan, shop, cook, clean and store for one person, when I can easily open a can of veggies or soup. I'm also vegetarian.

    I'm getting used to living away from my parents (I just moved three hours away) and I'm trying very hard to not use food as my comfort, which is probably my biggest struggle lately. And other than that I can't think of much to say about myself.

    Mental Challenge:
    I can't see them in the mirror, but i just got my nails done this weekend and that little splurge has made me feel better all over :)
  • mugwump71
    It sounds like a lot of people had a rough weekend! but kudos to everyone for logging in, staying on / getting back on track

    It seems like anything that throws people off their normal, safe routine can be a challenge. I'm still undecided about what to do about weekends-- normally I plan out my food the day before and stick to it. This is harder on the weekends, because typically my time off involves doing social things with my friends, and eating out at places that are decided at the last minute. In between this weekend, and having to leave my house for an overnight training thing for work, I think I made it work as best I could.. I typically hang out with my bf over the weekend, who can is the sort of person who can eat an entire pizza and still be in way better shape than me. Anyhow, he ended up being in town, so I met up with him at a bar at the last minute. I did not drink because I had already ate all my calories for the day. It would have been incredibly easy to say "Well, it's only one beer" but I resisted. Ultimately, it didn't matter-- I just had some water and no one cared because we were just there to socialize. I find one way to deal with hanging out with someone who can and does eat unhealthier than me is to do a good amount of cooking for the both of us, which I did for one meal, and the other two meals I ordered things that were healthy. Also, I had zero control of what would be served while at training, but managed to make decent decisions (Kashi instead of a particularly good looking biscuit this morning...ignored the temptation of "all you can eat for free" eating beyond how hungry I actually was )

    One suggestion for a mental challenge for the next week: writing down instances where you chose a healthy choice over an unhealthy choice. This reminds you that you CAN do it, and can motivate you to do it again the next time.
  • Gemmap77
    Gemmap77 Posts: 22 Member
    Evening ladies,

    Lisa- I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Stay strong for yourself & for those around you that you care about. Every day will get easier. Hopefully he will get the help he needs, it sounds like he is really hurting.

    I had a tough weekend with no exercise and too many bad food choices. I didn't feel like I ate too bad last week, and I did great with exercise, but when I weighed in today...exactly the same as last week! Ugh! I feel like I've completely wasted a week where I could be that much closer to my goal. So frustrating. Oh well, after moping a little today, I'm going to get back with the program tomorrow. It's so hard to stay motivated when you don't see much improvement!

    I'll at least go do my pushups before bed...better than nothing, huh?

    Take care :-)

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi again ladies!

    Lisa - I am so sorry to hear about your brother, I have no idea how hard that must be to deal with, but it sounds like you have a handle on it and you're very aware of the pitfalls that are lurking for you. That must demonstrate how far you've come - you should be very proud of yourself.

    And I'm very emotional too - just can't stop those tears flowing when something upsets me! (And it's not usually a very upsetting situation!)

    I think you're right about the shopping thing - I'm sure once I get started there will be no stopping me, but it's just getting started that is scary and hard!!

    I have eaten so much in the past 3 days - I seriously felt like I couldn't stop eating - but today it is STOPPING. There's no way I'm letting any more bad food pass my lips today, I can't let my hardwork over the past couple of months be ruined now!!

    My challenges haven't gone well this week - but I have time left to go and I can make up for it - so I'm doubling up my pushups, one set in the morning, one set in the evening, and upping my exercise. Today I'm thinking I'll do the 30 day shred - it's short enough to fit it in, but hard enough to get a good sweat on.

    I think Violet's suggestion of writing down the times when you made a good choice over a bad choice is a wonderful idea - sometimes those choices are SO hard to make, and sometimes they're so easy - but anytime you make that choice it's a definite plus for you're life!!!

    Stay strong all

    Steph x
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Steph - Im with you there. I feel like ive back tracked the last few days and dont feel as motivate as I was the past few weeks. Ive been in the green for my net calories but i think its because i tried out some new execises (as opposed to my normal night time walk) and was sore for days! Not too motivating when you can hardly move haha. But today is a new day and its time to get back into feel good mod. I know you can do it! Your absolutely right. You don't want to loose that hard work you've put in.

    Let me know how the 30DS is. I have a copy but im scared to try it lol.
  • MissKittyrina
    I'm with you guys on the UNMOTIVATED end too. I just can't seem to get myself to do much exercise. The only time I can REALLY work out is after my son goes to bed and by then, I'm too tired after chasing him around, trying to give the dog the interaction she needs so she doesn't tear up the furniture and making DH happy too! Oh, and don't forget the housework which I can never seem to catch up on these days as I can't seem to train ANYONE in this house to just clean up after themselves and put stuff away.

    At least I"m eating better, but I'm still constantly wanting a cola. It's been a week and I was sure the cravings would be gone by now, but they aren't. I think I used up all my will power today when checking out at walmart to just ignore that soda fridge by the checkout, I hate that they are there.

    And then I got a flu shot today and my shoulder is KILLING me. My whole arm, even below the elbow seems to be swelling and I've never had that happen before.

    I did buy some more workout supplies today. A couple of 3 pound dumbells and some resistance bands. I also have good shoes now and one of those huge bouncy balls (My toddly likes to sit on my lap and bounce with me). No excuse to not exercise. And tomorrow is horse day....I know I will work out there, but last week I didn't even feel like riding for some reason.

    I think I'm falling into a slump :(
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    I'm slumping too. Thankfully, I have a karate class tonight with my 14 year old. At least I know I'll be getting 45 minutes of solid exercise.

    My week has been horrible, but it's no reason to allow myself to continue slumping. Let's re-commit ladies! Push for the last two days of our challenge, and meet those goals. Slumping is instant gratification because we don't have to work hard, but working hard leads to the ultimate gratification of meeting your weight loss/fitness goals. Don't let yourself fall by the wayside.

    Let's rally, Skinny Cows!! I know we can do it.

    Lisa :)
  • MissKittyrina
    I rallied last night and pushed myself through my favorite workout video, which for some reason seemed boring. I then looked through 30 day shred and it really looks like fun. So now I'm excited to add a new video to my workout. It also helped that as of this morning I am only a few ounces away from my first 10 pounds. Wow, if I do this in a slump, what can I achieve if I buckle down and try harder? I know I owe my current success to proper eating, but if I don't exercise I will plateau.... I am feeling so much better and...

    I am Cola free for a week!!! Now that is a real achievement for me :)

    Come on ladies, if I can do it, you can do it. What is your worst demon???? That's always a good place to begin, I know if you set your hearts to it, you can get rid of your demons too!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Lisa, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. I am so sorry for you and your family. My heart aches for your brother. I can't fathom the pain he must be feeling to want to end his life. And the impact that his pain has on you and your family... Remember if you ever need to talk to anyone, the skinny cows are here for you. Focus on healing this week - his pain had been your eating trigger... applaud the fact that you are choosing karate instead of food. That is an amazing accomplishment of which you should be proud!

  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you very much for your kind words and sympathy. I'm really grateful to have an amazing group of people here I can lean on.

  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Alright guys... ive had a eureka moment. And I know i knew this before but it just didnt sink into my thick head. So with this new weight loss endeavor ive been really careful about what I eat and keeping my calories under 1200 (since im on the 1200 plan) but with all the increase of exercise ive had, ive been burning a lot more calories as well. I think my slump is coming from not eating enough. Sounds weird when im trying to loose the pounds but calories are energy too. I just need to start making better choices and timing in the foods I do eat.

    I found a calculator for BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate (MFP has one under tools) and my resting BMR is 1721 so to loose weight your suppose to subtract 500 from that for women. So in order to loose optimal weight i need to net at least 1221 calories per day to avoid "starvation mode" Looking back at my food diary the past two weeks ive consistently been under 1200 calories almost every single day.

    I think now that I have possibly pinpointed my issue im going to try and change it up and eat a little bit more and hopefully that will keep me boosted on energy and motivation.

    Sorry if this crosses into the TMI section but I woke up this morning and my boobs looked great. They feel a bit perkier than before :) I think its all those push ups ive been doing every day. Even if its just the 10. I can feel it getting easier every day.

    ~ Shayna
  • Terri813
    Hi everyone,
    I am fighting a bladder infection so not too much energy today- Laid around and watched Season 4 of Army wives. I did get my turbofire workout in this morning before the doctor. It included well over 10 pushups.
    Hopefully tomorrow will bring more energy.
    Shayna- I have heard that too that you have to eat some of your exercise calories or your body starts hanging onto pounds. I am going to have to check out the BMR calculator.
    Take care.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Shayna, I think you're definitely on to something. I was in a huge plateau and was doing the same thing... staying close to my 1200 calories and ignoring my exercise calories... I lost .5 lbs in a 3-4 week period. On a positive note, I was proud of myself that I kept plugging away and didn't give up... but I was not being healthy. So, about 2 weeks ago I had my eureka moment and started eating my exercise calories. I bought some mixed unsalted nuts, sunflower kernels... healthy calories... though I've been SO tempted to eat the pecan caramel brownie that my Mom keeps offering... just 300 calories...sigh...why does she always seem to have them? Back to the story, so since I started consuming close to my exercise calories, I have lost 3 pounds!!! Now, I don't eat all my calories, because with the exception of my once a week journey to the gym and the elliptical machine, I have no true idea how many calories I'm burning... so I try to stay 100-150 shy of consuming all the calories. Try it... give it a couple of days... you will break out of the slump.... If that doesn't work... which I know it will... there are people who believe in zigzagging with their calories... meaning one day you consume x number of calories, the next day you eat x+500, the following day you eat x-500... so that the end of the week you consume the average of x... and I think x consists of BMR-500+exercise (but double check me on that) I was going to try it if I was still in a slump after a couple of weeks of eating my exercise calories.

    Must go all... have a great night!

  • smileyav
    smileyav Posts: 6 Member
    It sounds like most everybody is doing a great job and staying motivated. I don't know what my problem is...well, I do know. I'd love to start eating non-processed food, but it takes a lot of planning out and more than once a week grocery shopping. I feel like I don't have the time to do all of that. I think I am addicted to Diet soda and carbs and I know that both are what is holding me back from losing weight. i just can't kick the habit. My work provides pop, so it is always available. That makes it worse. On top of that, I was on a roll with working out and now have hurt my foot and am supposed to stay off of it.

    Sorry to sound negative - I'm usually not. Just having a hard time figuring out what to do. Any advice would be appreciated :)

    I hope you all are having a great week!