Skinny Cows [CLOSED GROUP]



  • MissKittyrina
    @Steph, don't worry about the no weight loss...have you been measuring too. I actually had a slight weight gain but I've been losing inches, especially around my hips and my thighs are feeling more solid.... you may have been gaining some muscle weight too and that's a very good thing!

    My REAL first name is Jonette (pronounced John-ett) but I think it sounds too much like some name a drag queen would pick for himself so I usually go by my middle name, Renee.
    I'm 40 and live in Lincoln NE with my fiance, soon to be 2 year old son, two cats (Kittyrina and Joopy), a Lab puppy (Lilly), and my horse (Cinny).

    I also have a daughter who will be 13 on Sep 27 who lives with her dad in Kansas City, MO. I used to live in MO too and when I moved to Nebraska with Rob I let my daughter stay behind to be with her friends/dad as long as she kept her grades up. She graduatec Cum Lada from Elementry (I didn't know they did that sort of stuff for elementary school) and do to unusually high "map" tests already has college programs seeking her out. I see her 2-3 times a month as I drive out and meet her dad half way, which is about a 4-5 hour round trip to pick her up and again to take her back, but it's worth it.

    My fiance is a train engineer for BNSF rail and is gone about 36-48 hours at a time, home for 10 and then on the road again. It's like being a single parent but without the money drama. My mom helps sometimes but I usually don't have enough time in the day for everything, including working out but I'm really trying my best. Also, when Rob gets home, it's junk food city at my house.
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Getting to know you -
    Name: Shayna
    Age: 25
    Location: San Antonio, TX
    Family info: I live with my long term boyfriend Ian (five years this year!) and our Border Collie Bailey. I grew up in Minnesota and all my family still lives there so I usually take a trip once a year to go visit.

    Mental Challenge -
    This one is easy today. I just had my hair colored and it looks awesome! It really makes my eyes look bright blue. Usually they look silvery blue.

    Todays starting weight is 203.2 up .6 since last time I checked but im not gonna sweat it. Overall im still down 4 pounds. My shirts and pants have been fitting much better and I've been getting a lot of compliments on the weight loss. If that's not motivating I don't know what is!
  • Terri813
    My real first name is Terri. I am 48 years old and live in Madison Ohio. I am married with two daughters ages 19 and 17 and a 30 year old step-son. I am a RN and work full-time in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit. I also have two dogs (Elvis and Milee) and 3 cats ( Cleo, Sox and Mickey). My youngest daughter plans to be a vet and is very good at convincing us that one more pet won't hurt.
    10 pushups are done for today.

    Steph- I get up early to exercise before work because I know I will never do it afterward.

    Jonette- mucking a stall sounds much harder than raking leaves.

    I am going to Bowling Green tomorrow for Parents weekend. The food will be somewhat of a challenge but I should get tons of walking in to balance it.
    Looking forward to a college football game.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all! This is so fun getting to know everyone...

    My real name is Elisabeth, but from day one my Mom called me Lissa (like Melissa without the Me...). At work I go by Elisabeth and socially I go by Lissa... it's like I have 2 different personalities... really it's just difficult to get people to pronounce it correctly. (yes, not that difficult, but so many people think that I'm mispronouncing my own name...)

    I live in Dartmouth, MA (1 hour southeast of Boston, just before Cape Cod) with my husband, Jack, my 4 sons - Jacob (10), Caden (8), Nathaniel (3), Harrison (2) and my cat, Boris. I grew up here and moved back home after my 2nd son was born (was calling my Mom 12 times a day and decided it was time to come home).

    I'm close to my goal weight - I started my weight loss journey on and off about a year ago. My heart wasn't in it and I would lose a couple of pounds and gain a couple of pounds... vicious cycle... I would work hard at it all week and self sabotage over the weekend.

    Then in May I made this be announcement to my husband that I would lose 20 pounds by his birthday (June 30th). Unfortunately I did the same self-sabotaging - but managed to keep approximately 5 pounds off... From that point I realized that I was only hurting myself, started Weight Watchers (the old program), eventually joined MFP, started exercising and here we are...

    Now for the rest of the challenges:
    1. Cardio - check - I aim for 45 min cardio, 15 min of strength and 10 min calisthenics a day.
    2. 10 push-ups - check - I can't do all 10 in set. I have to do 2 sets of 5... I'm trying not to do it with my knees down.
    3. Mental challenge - up until recently this has been hard. I feel like I'm working very intensely on my weight loss/fitness journey and am baffled that it's taking my body so much time to get into shape. My husband very nicely has said, "but in comparison to what you USED to look like, you look great..." of course I remind him that I never looked in the mirror when I was heavy, so in my mind, I always looked like this... FYI, my husband is always honest never sugar coats... so I never ask him how I look or if these jeans make me look fat... because he'll tell me the truth... lol

    BUT now, I look in the mirror and I see that my stomach has all these dents in it... and I think it's because it's no longer filled with flab and the dents are where the flab used to be... I had that realization this morning....

    Sorry this is so long.... I have a tendency to be verbose.

    Have a great day all!


    Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 130
    Weight Loss This Week: 0.5lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 ish (or whatever weight the belly dents go away)
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all! This is so fun getting to know everyone...

    My real name is Elisabeth, but from day one my Mom called me Lissa (like Melissa without the Me...). At work I go by Elisabeth and socially I go by Lissa... it's like I have 2 different personalities... really it's just difficult to get people to pronounce it correctly. (yes, not that difficult, but so many people think that I'm mispronouncing my own name...)

    I live in Dartmouth, MA (1 hour southeast of Boston, just before Cape Cod) with my husband, Jack, my 4 sons - Jacob (10), Caden (8), Nathaniel (3), Harrison (2) and my cat, Boris. I grew up here and moved back home after my 2nd son was born (was calling my Mom 12 times a day and decided it was time to come home).

    I'm close to my goal weight - I started my weight loss journey on and off about a year ago. My heart wasn't in it and I would lose a couple of pounds and gain a couple of pounds... vicious cycle... I would work hard at it all week and self sabotage over the weekend.

    Then in May I made this be announcement to my husband that I would lose 20 pounds by his birthday (June 30th). Unfortunately I did the same self-sabotaging - but managed to keep approximately 5 pounds off... From that point I realized that I was only hurting myself, started Weight Watchers (the old program), eventually joined MFP, started exercising and here we are...

    Now for the rest of the challenges:
    1. Cardio - check - I aim for 45 min cardio, 15 min of strength and 10 min calisthenics a day.
    2. 10 push-ups - check - I can't do all 10 in set. I have to do 2 sets of 5... I'm trying not to do it with my knees down.
    3. Mental challenge - up until recently this has been hard. I feel like I'm working very intensely on my weight loss/fitness journey and am baffled that it's taking my body so much time to get into shape. My husband very nicely has said, "but in comparison to what you USED to look like, you look great..." of course I remind him that I never looked in the mirror when I was heavy, so in my mind, I always looked like this... FYI, my husband is always honest never sugar coats... so I never ask him how I look or if these jeans make me look fat... because he'll tell me the truth... lol

    BUT now, I look in the mirror and I see that my stomach has all these dents in it... and I think it's because it's no longer filled with flab and the dents are where the flab used to be... I had that realization this morning....

    Sorry this is so long.... I have a tendency to be verbose.

    Have a great day all!


    Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 130
    Weight Loss This Week: 0.5lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 ish (or whatever weight the belly dents go away)
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all! This is so fun getting to know everyone...

    My real name is Elisabeth, but from day one my Mom called me Lissa (like Melissa without the Me...). At work I go by Elisabeth and socially I go by Lissa... it's like I have 2 different personalities... really it's just difficult to get people to pronounce it correctly. (yes, not that difficult, but so many people think that I'm mispronouncing my own name...)

    I live in Dartmouth, MA (1 hour southeast of Boston, just before Cape Cod) with my husband, Jack, my 4 sons - Jacob (10), Caden (8), Nathaniel (3), Harrison (2) and my cat, Boris. I grew up here and moved back home after my 2nd son was born (was calling my Mom 12 times a day and decided it was time to come home).

    I'm close to my goal weight - I started my weight loss journey on and off about a year ago. My heart wasn't in it and I would lose a couple of pounds and gain a couple of pounds... vicious cycle... I would work hard at it all week and self sabotage over the weekend.

    Then in May I made this be announcement to my husband that I would lose 20 pounds by his birthday (June 30th). Unfortunately I did the same self-sabotaging - but managed to keep approximately 5 pounds off... From that point I realized that I was only hurting myself, started Weight Watchers (the old program), eventually joined MFP, started exercising and here we are...

    Now for the rest of the challenges:
    1. Cardio - check - I aim for 45 min cardio, 15 min of strength and 10 min calisthenics a day.
    2. 10 push-ups - check - I can't do all 10 in set. I have to do 2 sets of 5... I'm trying not to do it with my knees down.
    3. Mental challenge - up until recently this has been hard. I feel like I'm working very intensely on my weight loss/fitness journey and am baffled that it's taking my body so much time to get into shape. My husband very nicely has said, "but in comparison to what you USED to look like, you look great..." of course I remind him that I never looked in the mirror when I was heavy, so in my mind, I always looked like this... FYI, my husband is always honest never sugar coats... so I never ask him how I look or if these jeans make me look fat... because he'll tell me the truth... lol

    BUT now, I look in the mirror and I see that my stomach has all these dents in it... and I think it's because it's no longer filled with flab and the dents are where the flab used to be... I had that realization this morning....

    Sorry this is so long.... I have a tendency to be verbose.

    Have a great day all!


    Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 130
    Weight Loss This Week: 0.5lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 ish (or whatever weight the belly dents go away)
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Darn, it posted twice... my computer said my reply didn't post, so I posted a second time... Forgot to add that I'm 42...

    Have a great weekend!


    Starting Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 130
    Weight Loss This Week: 0.5lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 ish (or whatever weight the belly dents go away)
  • MissKittyrina
    oops, looks like I forgot the mirror assignment, or rather, just didn't post it. I LOVE MY FRECKLES and I am going to miss them over winter as I do most winters..... I think they give my face personality :)
  • mugwump71
    Hello all,
    My name is Violet. So at today's weigh-in I weighed 3 pounds heavier than yesterday. I'm not upset about it, but wanted to point it out for anyone who sometimes gets really upset about what they see on the scale--unless I ate 9,000 extra calories sleep walking last night, I can't take Thursday's number as absolutely true, and today's number as absolutely true. I'm happy with the steady downward progression I'm on.

    I live in DC (my picture is of the Lincoln Memorial, btw), and just started my first job here a couple years ago--yes, I'm officially a yuppie. I'm 31 and live with my dog. Unfortunately, my family is part of the reason I'm here... Both my parents have adult-onset diabetes, which they are not taking care of. I'm worried about getting it myself, which is part of the reason I'm here. Everyone in my family has unhealthy attitudes towards food and exercise. Two of them probably need to lose at least 100 pounds, and 2 of them engage in pretty disordered eating. When I was growing up, my mother was always comparing me (negatively) to my sister, who was a size 0. (she was a size 0 because she was anorexic, which no one knew but me). I've gotten to a place where I'm healthy psychologically, and am taking a really proactive part in having more healthy attitudes towards food. But unfortunately, whenever I see my family I have to deal with food pushing, weight comparisons, analysis of what I am eating vs. not eating from people who lead really unhealthy lifestyles. And the last thing I want to do is do the same things to them.

    Ok, that was kind of Debbie Downer! On the positive side, it is friday, and we're having a joint birthday celebration with a friend of mine.
  • tyem1
    tyem1 Posts: 20
    Good morning Ladies.....I am loving the getting to know you!!

    So my turn...My name is Emily, I am 31, from Adelaide AUSTRALIA, I live with my 3yo son,Tyler, my dog, Ally, and cat, Zara! I have been a single mum since when I found out I was pregnant and havent had anyone around me to motivate me to loss weight....enter you are the ones to keep me on track!! I work as a police officer which is interesting...but can get a little boring (I only work part time so I work in the station and cells and nt on the road). Umm I dont really know what else t might have to come back to update....My starting weight (I just weighed in for another group is 117.1kg...I have tried converting to pounds but I keep getting different answers so ill stick with kgs cause that is what I know)

    Now the looking in the mirror thing.....well I didn't have a bruised face this morning from being punch in it last night at work....does that count....if not I got my hair done last week and I love the colour and cut!!

    Looking forward to hearing from you all!!
  • MissKittyrina
    Came up with a question today so I thought I would just put it out there. Do you guys have any specific time of day, routine, etc that you weight yourself? I have heard some people say they weight before bed, some at lunch... Just wondering.

    I usually weigh right when I wake up, after I use the restroom because I figure I have a good chance of accuracy if I have an empty stomach and no clothes ha ha.
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    @MissKittyrina - I weigh myself at the same time! Right after I get out of bed, use the bathroom and right before I get dressed. I follow the same line of logic :)
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    So im going down our Skinny Cows list and adding yall as friends (if I wasnt already) but MFP has a limit of 5 friends per 10 minutes lol.
  • tyem1
    tyem1 Posts: 20
    I am the same...first thin in the moring after the toilet...but i wear my pjs (I make sure I have the same ones on for it)
  • Terri813
    I also weigh first thing in the morning.
  • Gemmap77
    Gemmap77 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have had a really busy day, so I am just now finding time to write. My name is Gemma, I am 34 and I live in Chicago with my husband, 4 kids (ages 10, 8, 6 & 5months), a new 3mth old Boxer puppy and a cranky cat! I work from home as a freelance graphic designer (with the baby, which is very difficult most days).

    Ever since I began having children 10 years ago, I always seemed to gain too much weight with each pregnancy, lose a little bit (not all of it), then gain more with each following pregnancy. I was in a great workout/healthy eating routine last year, then got pregnant with my 4th son. I had every intention of keeping up with my exercise routines while pregnant, but had a difficult pregnancy and was on bed rest and in/out of the hospital for the last 5 months of my pregnancy. The sudden end to my workouts caused me to gain 50 lbs throughout my pregnancy. I also had my first c-section, ruining my core strength....and here I am!!

    I have been doing Jenny Craig to help with my eating (which I have had great success with in the past) and have already lost 15 lbs, which I feel great about. My clothes are finally starting to feel a little looser and I am gaining a little more self confidence. I have begun taking the baby with me to the gym every morning, while I do Spin classes and lift weights. I also try to get outside and walk the puppy most nights. To kick it into high gear, I also began Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred today, as a backup for the days I can't make it into the gym. Can you see I am desperate for this weight loss thing to work this time??? I am really trying to stay motivated and really need the help of you all! I do pretty good during the week but have a hard time on the weekends when I'm surrounded by my husband & kids eating junk! I weigh in on Mondays since I go into the Jenny Craig center. I stay far away from my unreliable scale at home :-)

    It is great to meet you all! Keep up the good work everyone.

    My own personal daily goals:
    -Over 8,000 steps daily (I sit at the computer most of the day, and after I began wearing a pedometer that I got at Jenny Craig, I realized I was not as active as I thought I was)
    -30 days straight of the 30 Day Shred (Day #1 complete!!)
  • MissKittyrina
    Hi Gemma, did they do you C the "old" way - vertical scar where they cut through the muscles or the more "modern" way, horizontal scar where they merely separate the muscles? I'm only asking because if they did it the new way, you shouldn't lose hope on getting your core strength back because it doesn't damage the muscles nearly as much as when they used to actually cut them. I've had 2 C-s the modern way and my doctor says with core strengthening exercises there is no reason why those muscles can't be as strong as they were before I ever had children, it just takes work. I'm lazy and if I can do it, I know you seem much more motivated than I am :)
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    I'm a first thing in the morning weigher too. After going to the washroom, completely naked!

    Getting to know me!

    My name is Lisa. I'm 31, and I live with my hubby (Sean), my two stepsons (Nicolas - 14, Stéphan - 11... we have them every other week) and our two cats Eddie and Ellie. I don't have any children of my own. We live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I work in the Canadian Federal Government in Communications.

    I was a fit kid (tons of sports, including dance, karate, hockey), but gained weight once I hit University. I lived at home with my family (mom, dad and younger brother). I started stress eating due to problems with my brother (drugs, gangs, two suicide attempts). I became an emotional eater, stuffing any feeling back with food. Physically, I'm pretty tall (5'8") with a bigger, muscular build. When I graduated highschool, I was a healthy looking size 10 at about 160 lbs. 5 years later, I was 275 lbs, size 20. I was diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder (essentially bulimia without the throwing up after), and underwent a year of therapy to deal with what I saw and experienced due to my brother's life choices and what he put me through.

    Now, I couldn't be happier. I have an amazing, supportive family, and I feel like I'm recovering from my disorder. I still have the urge to stuff feelings back with food, but I'm slowly learning how to deal with it. I recently found kickboxing, which is turning out to be one of the great loves of my life. I'm down 45 lbs, and I'm not looking back!

    I'm doing pretty well with our challenge. I'm getting at least 45 minutes of exercise daily. I can do a ton of knee push ups, but no push ups on my feet. I'll keep at it though! Maybe by Friday I'll be able to knock one out. As for the mirror challenge, the thing that has taken me most by surprise is my rib cage. My bras are fitting better, so they're lifting "the girls" up to where they should be, revealing a surprisingly small rib cage. I love it. It makes me think that I have a chance to possibly be smaller than I was in highschool. I'm hoping for size 6-8.

    Take care ladies!

  • Gemmap77
    Gemmap77 Posts: 22 Member

    My csection was the horizontal kind, so I'm hoping to eventually get my ab strength back. I've just noticed this go around, having a ton of trouble losing anything around my middle. I've always had more weight in the hips/thighs, but since this csection, it's around my middle as well and not budging!! My 3 vag deliveries were sooo much easier with a much shorter recovery & weight loss. Maybe it's just because I'm in my 30s instead of my 20s :-)

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • MissKittyrina
    Gemma, same way with me, I have a friggin Kangaroo Pouch down there! I hate it so much. But even if you have a kanga pouch, doesn't mean the muscles aren't strong. I'm hoping mine will go away with the other weight too, or at least get smaller. My mom keeps buying me all these stupid tummy shaper things thinking it will make me happier with my body (she's so cute) but in reality, I always know it's there and I'd prefer to NOT have anything that has to be hidden or sucked into one of those things.