Skinny Cows [CLOSED GROUP]



  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Just joined a walking challenge for November :) Yay!

    That's fantastic!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Hows everyone doing?

    Halloween I caved and had a few (5 *gulp*) pieces of candy and now im craving sugar like its crack! I didnt realize since I had not been eating it how easy it is to back slide once I have had one.

    A learning experience for me :)

    On a positive note i've decided that im going to learn how to jog/run. As an overweight asthmatic, i've always had the mentality that "I only run for my life, and even then im screwed" but i've put it behind me and taking baby (very baby) steps so my body can adjust and not trigger an asthma attack.

    Yesterday was day 1... and im still alive :)
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I think that's great about learning how to run. You should download that c25k program... it teaches you how to run a 5k (3.1 miles) over a 9 week period. The first week you do a warm up walk for 5 minutes, then you jog for 60 secs, walk for 90 secs - repeat 8 times and then you cool down for 4 1/2 minutes. I'm starting week 3 today...

    And the candy... sigh...

    I thought I was impervious to unhealthy foods... apparently candy is my nemesis... just can't have it in the house... and with 4 boys who trick-or-treated... there's a lot of it in the house... I had so much control on Monday... but on Tuesday... not pretty... I did indulge... and definitely had more than I should have (can't have just one)... but had exercised enough to compensate for the consumption. It's almost like having that sugar made me hungrier than normal... suddenly I wanted not just candy but I wasn't satisfied with my normal amount of food intake... I was SO hungry... so now today is Wednesday... so far so good... and I'll make better choices today, but it is easy to slip... the old me would have just said forget this... and eat a bag of chips and a pint of Ben & Jerry's...

    Well, I'm off... Ladies have a great day!

  • mugwump71
    Hi all,
    I'm doing okay here. At first, I was really feeling frustrated with this plateau. I felt like all my work wasn't doing anything, or that I wouldn't be able to keep losing weight without doing crazy unhealthy stuff (the lowest I ever weighed as an adult was in HS, when I had some disordered eating). I actually cheating on my diet three times in the past few weeks--this has been the only times I've cheated since starting it in August. That's how much it's been affecting me.

    Then I went back and started looking at my data. The way your weight is graphed on the iphone version of MFP is sort of misleading because of how they scale the Y axis. it makes small blips look huge. I did some graphing myself (because I'm a nerd, ok) and it turns out that I still have an overal graduate weightloss over time, and that my last plateau also lasted almost a month. I just happened, previous to this plateau, to experience a weird period of 2 weeks where I was logging some degree of weight loss almost every day. So, this is probably normal. I'm mixing things up, and signed up to meet with a personal trainer. I'm a bit wary of them (had one who sucked once) but I'm going to just try three sessions and see how i feel.

    A note about chocolate: having a tiny bit keeps me sane. ALSO !!!! just saw today that starbucks now has a "Skinny" version of the Peppermint Mocha!! (absolutely my favorite fall/ winter treat!) The original version had so much sugar
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Its my 2 mo. MFP "anniversary" and ive lost 14.2 lbs and one pant size! Yay!

    I want to thank you all for your consistent support cause honestly, without it, i doubt i would have come this far.

    Still a ways to go but im pretty damn proud so far :)
  • mugwump71
    SWilland, great job! you are so close to your goal.

    I'm on my second week of calorie cycling. Will let folks know if it looks like it's working.

    Anyone have thoughts/ plans on how to handle thanksgiving?? I was thinking of planning out a somewhat larger dinner than usual, but while staying in my caloric allotment. I did a fake "dinner" entry on MFP of an honest assessment of what I would have eaten at Thanksgiving previously. Last year I ate pretty healthy, but not for say, the previous 30 years, haha. Anyhow, it was something like 2400 calories! If that doesn't kill, it's also being trapped in my parents house, where there is little else to do but watch TV and eat. I'm staying in DC this year.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Great job SWilland! You're doing so well!

    Violet, I've put some thought into Thanksgiving... I used to be the person who would have seconds and thirds... and then dessert (and who am I kidding, my seconds and thirds of dessert

    So here's my plan... I plan on doing lots of cardio... realistically an hour of kickboxing and a run... I'm cooking, so I can control fat content up to a point... maybe make more veggies and mashed root veggies without butter for me and regular mashed potatoes for others, etc... and have only one serving - not three... BUT I'm not going to deny myself either... I'm not going to refuse pumpkin pie... but maybe I won't have the vanilla ice cream on top (or maybe I will)... I am going to log my food. Though, I won't step on the scale the next day. That's my plan... let's hope I can stick to it...

    What are your thoughts?

    Have a great night.

  • mugwump71
    This is my plan for thanksgiving. That thursday is already allotted to have 2000 calories because of the cycling I'm doing. I'm going to get in really good workouts that week, including that morning. Luckily, we are having thanksgiving for lunch (which I think makes it easier than dinner). I'm bringing 2 dishes myself, which I will make healthy (one veg, and one dessert). Turkey itself is a good lean protein. I'm going to eat one plate of food, normal servings. Sampling of desserts. Absolutely no eating if I start to feel full. The other hard part is not gaining weight later in the week because you are picking at the leftovers and overeating the rest of the week. (I avoided this problem by going to someone else's house to eat.) I sort of made a selfish decision to not go to my parents house. There was a lot of reasons for this, but a big one was my not wanting to be around a lot of binge eating. I got the guilt trip from my mom for that...but, I did it anyway.
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    I think im on par with your T-Day game plan as well. Ill be cooking everything (turkey, sides, desert) so I am darn well gonna eat it :) Just one normal serving, eat slow and stop when im full. Instead of the post turkey nap ill probably try to get a walk in right after eating and another one later in the day.

    Also, cooking counts as a calorie burn so ill be logging that in for Thursday as well.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! So far, I'm fairly focused. Did my run (week 7 day 2 of c25k) and will do all the cooking (great idea adding it as a calorie burn...) and plan on enjoying myself - focus on family, fun, etc... and not as much on food. We'll see how that goes...

    Enjoy all!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hope we all escaped the Thanksgiving weekend relatively unscathed lol. Before T-Day I weighed 192.0 and just for giggles (or frowns) weighed myself the day after... 194.4! But thankfully i recognized that while I did awesome with portion control I did eat a lot of salty food compared to what I normally eat, so im guessing its mostly water retention. Since today is Monday and im back to 100% focus (it was 80% at best this past weekend) i weighed in at 192.2. Im happy with only a .2 set back for such an awesome weekend of friends, family and food.

    Im considering either trying out the 30 Day Shred or starting to do some weights three times a week. Does anyone here currently do either? I would love some tips or advice. As of right now its all cardio and im looking to switch that up to help prevent flat lining and getting bored.
  • mugwump71
    Yeah, thanksgiving wasn't too bad for me, although I did eat more than I meant to. I did, however, eat WAY LESS than I would have a year or two ago, and a lot of what I ate was healthy versions of different things. (If you've never made chocolate pudding or pie from silken tofu, I definitely recommend it!) Also, I got a personal trainer few weeks ago and to say that she has been kicking my butt would be a gross understatement. Yes, it's a super hard workout, and I'm still sore from Friday, but I can tell I'm getting great workouts and I'm proud of my ability to execute whatever she asks me. (My attitude is, I'm taking advantage of this situation, and I will do everything she tells me to the best of my ability, with no kvetching about it)

    Swilland I've never done 30 day shred, but I'm been a serious weightlifter for some time. Have you ever done weights before? I recommend starting out with a total body routine (chest, back, shoulders, biceps, tricepts), three sets each, 10-12 reps. (you have to figure out how much weight to use for each exercise by doing a set with your best guess. record the number you hit when you reach the point where you are not capable of doing another rep at. This will tell you to add or subtract weight. If you hit 11 reps with 30 pounds, for example, stay at 30 pounds. if you do 12 or more, move up a few pounds the next time on that particular exercise. When you're starting out the most important thing is having the right posture, and secondly, using the right weight/rep ratio. (the rests you take in between will depend on what you feel comfortable doing, or how much time you have). There are a couple good books that aren't too expensive you could get, but you could definitely get videos online of the right posture. weights are the perfect way to shake things up. Also seeing some muscle tone is awesome, and really helps you feel strong. (also having more muscle increases your metabolism). if you have any questions let me know
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    I hit my first goal of 190 today! Im pretty stoked!