JM48124 Member


  • This is crap. Thanks for googling an article and posting it here. I'm 5' 9" and don't pick a purse based on that nor do I choose clothing to make me appear shorter...I even wear heals! Unfortunately, OP you need to try cloths on. Try to find tall sizes! They fit better overall. I've had luck with New York and Company…
  • Worst: after losing about 55 lbs..."have you lost weight?" And "you have lost a TON of many pounds have you lost?" Because a ton is a lot and the number really matters??? Best so far..."what happened to your butt!?!"
  • First, I don't think that eating healthy is inexpensive. Beyond that, you should educate yourself on food...I did a lot of reading on what to eat and at which time in my day to eat certain things. Obviously fruit and veggies are a must, early on for me I made a goal to eat one serving of veggies and one fruit a day which…
  • That was last week. I didn't come up with tomorrow yet.
  • Good job people. My work out yesterday was a tough one and my whole body is sore so I'm being a loser and not planking today, I doubt I could hold myself up.
  • Done this morning. I feel kinda alone for a group of 38 people....
  • Anyone else want to tell us you did it?
  • Done! Who else???
  • The group goal is 4. If you do 5 great but we are looking for 4 here.
  • Reminder, this group has the same weekly goal, this week is 4 workouts. Doesn't matter what you do just four workouts. Next week we will choose another. If you have other goals for yourself that don't align with this group, please join a different group.