Best/Worst Thing People Said on your Weight Loss Journey?



  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    You look so good/hot/sexy!...for a mother of four kids.

    Not sure which one that qualifies for--I'm glad I "look so good/hot/sexy", but what does "for a mother of four kids" mean? Are you saying that moms are supposed to be overweight and/or unattractive and I'm just some sort of bizarre exception to this rule?

    Thanks...I think.:huh:

    Edited for clarity.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    2nd Best: My friend today, actually, lol. She pulled on my loose jeans and said, "Time to go shopping, starting to get a tad loose!"

    1st Best: "Now THAT'S a figure!" - My boyfriend when I pulled back my oversized t-shirt to show him how much I'd lost.

    Worst - "You need to stop, you're getting too skinny." My relatives acting shocked and almost disgusted when I wanted to lose 30 more pounds (I was 160 at the time which is way overweight for my height). I'm 145 now, their comments were ignored :D
  • mis792
    mis792 Posts: 5
    Best #1: Wow, I saw you from behind and I didn't even recognize you, I thought they hired a new guy. You seem like you're working really hard, that's awesome!

    Best #2: "I was ready to just do something dumb and eat whatever I thought I wanted, but you've inspired me to get back on the wagon." A friend of mine after I posted a picture of my scale showing I'm under 300 pounds for the first time in 3 years on facebook.

    Worst #1: You look good, wow...hey though, you'd look incredible AND I MEAN INCREDIBLE if you lost another...oh I'd say 50 pounds, yeah.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Fill in the blank: The best/worst thing someone did or said to me while on my weight loss journey is . . .

    "It's about time, you'r f#$%ing enormous."

    It was a friend of mine, and I have to admit, while I shrugged it off, I wanted to bash his face into the bar until he was a gummer.
  • JM48124
    JM48124 Posts: 18 Member
    Worst: after losing about 55 lbs..."have you lost weight?" And "you have lost a TON of many pounds have you lost?" Because a ton is a lot and the number really matters???

    Best so far..."what happened to your butt!?!"
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    The best/worst thing someone did or said to me while on my weight loss journey is . . .

    BEST - "I never saw you 'that' way" - When they see old pictures of me, because they always loved me for the person I was

    WORST - "Maybe he wouldn't have found someone else if you hadn't gotten so big" - Quoted from my EX father-in-law

    :noway: Chip off the ol jack@ss, eh?

    Yeah, not so fun that is for sure. However, live and learn and I may not be where I need to be, but THANK GOD I'm not where I used to be!!! :)
  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    Best #1: "Damn babe, you are so hott! I just can't keep my hands off you!"~ Hubby :)
    Best #2: "You have really worked hard and I can really see a difference in you. You have come a long way."~ Male friend from HS

    Worse #1: "You are becoming an exercise nut and sort of obsessed with it!!!"~ Overweight friend trying to lose weight with diet pains :huh:

    Worse #2: "If you lose anymore weight you are going to look discussing and sick!"
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    best - "You are such an inspiration!"

    worst - "You know, you will gain all the weight back once you get married..."
  • luvinna
    luvinna Posts: 50 Member
    Best - I guess it's when anyone notices that I've lost weight and they tell me how good I look. :blushing:

    Worst - When I was 40 lbs overweight (technically an obese BMI) and people would tell me I didn't need to lose weight. :grumble:
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    "Hold on to your clothes in case your weight goes back up, after all you've
    regained before". This was one of the worst.

    Best was, I'm so proud of the weight loss, and you look so much younger!
  • mellypeters09
    mellypeters09 Posts: 35 Member
    I haven't lost much yet but last year when I was trying, I managed to lose a little more than ten pounds...
    Best: Wow, you look a lot smaller!
    Worst: Don't get your hopes up about losing weight, I don't want you to get excited about something that probably won't happen...
  • finallydetermined
    finallydetermined Posts: 70 Member
    Best - After coming home after our family Easter get together (where I got lots of positive reinforcement) my husband say - Wow - lots of people noticed how great you look!

    Best #2 - Reached to rub my nexk and my BFF says Holy S### look at your arms

    Worst - How much weight did you lose? I never know how to answer this - feels like "how big were you before" There are very few people that I want to tell I lost 30 pounds because it's none of their business!
  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    The Worst (my family): " You look so good after losing weight...But you really need to lose 20 more pounds!" All the female relatives on my mom's side of the family weigh about 100 lbs each... I haven't weighed that (nor will I EVER) since 8th grade.

    2nd Best (random dude at the grocery store): "DAMN! Look at those calves! What do you do to get those?"

    Best (DH): "Let's plan our meals and go to the gym're losing weight, and I want to do the same." :heart:
  • Mavrick7a
    Mavrick7a Posts: 1,353
    Best thing:
    Went in for my annual physical at the doctor's office (last two years, my doctor threatened to put me on cholestrol meds)
    nurse weighted me on the scale, walked out to the front desk and showed everyone, including my doctor my new weight, losing 32 pounds! She walked back into my room, calmed herself and asked professionally " did you lose over 32 pounds, since last year?"
    Later, my doctor (also acting professionally serious) looked over my charts, blood work and said "well, looks like you lost a few pounds and your cholestrol is very healthy! Looks like you listened afterall!"

    Worst thing:
    At the bar with my buddies and their wives. My friend's wife loss the use of her legs in a surfing accident. She kept eying me the entire evening, and kept feeling my arms. Later put her hand on my navel (belly button) and said, wow! Love your rock hard abs. I felt bad for her, but felt uncomfortable about being groped by my buddies wife. Never went out with them again.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Best: Daughter hugged me and told me "You are just a "little peanut" now!"

    Worst: You shouldn't lose anymore, you are getting too thin.
  • bostongrl13
    bostongrl13 Posts: 58 Member
    Best: A lady at my gym dragged her personal trainer over by me, tapped me on the shoulder and said "I want you to know that I told my trainer my goal is to have arms like yours."

    Worst: Twice while walking past each other, a girl at my office said "Ugh, would you please go eat a cheeseburger or something, you are too skinny!"

    ~Lucky for her, I'm a professional and didn't reply back with "And maybe you should try laying off the cheeseburgers and you might have that problem."
  • cindygretz
    Best, today at work. First time wearing shorts this season, co-worker my son's age

    "Holy Crap, Cindy, you've got legs to your chin, I'm going to love working with you this summer"

    Worst, my ex husband while visiting with my son last week: "You know if you hadn't gained all that **** in the first place you wouldn't have all that saggy skin" said while he flipped the loose skin on my arm.
  • cindygretz
    Best: Daughter hugged me and told me "You are just a "little peanut" now!"

    Worst: You shouldn't lose anymore, you are getting too thin.

    I'm getting the 'shouldn't lose anymore' comment a lot from family and co-workers. I'm not even in healthy BMI range :(
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Best: Wow, you have lost a lot of weight!

    Worst: What you are doing is stupid. (from my husband)
  • chaoticxinsane
    Worst I ever heard?

    "You used to fill those jeans out better when I saw you last! I should find out what classes you're taking next semester so I can stare." From a middle aged, married, father of two, old classmate of mine. While I was at work. I was 21. That's not a compliment. That's harassment.

    "How are you still losing weight eating THAT MANY calories!?" - From my mother, who still seems to think nets in the triple digits (or below) is healthy.