ladyheath Member


  • Hey, I started today. This is technically my 3rd round, but my first after having my second baby. add me :)
    in 21 day fix Comment by ladyheath May 2015
  • oooh love this!!! OK I met my hubby on MYSPACE!! lol I saw him on a mutual friends wall and I thought he looked really cute so I added him and we started talking from there. We met once but then I moved to a different city for school. We kept in touch here and there and then one night he drove 2hrs in the middle of the…
  • Im hoping to lose about 45 pounds but my first goal is 20, working on losing that by May 1st!
  • excellent job! very inspiring!
  • absolutely incredible! very inspiring!!! BEAUTIFUL, STRONG, DEDICATED!!!!!! You have done amazing, keep up that excellent work and I hope by the end of this year you will have met your goal. im sure your son is incredibly proud of you and thankful that you will be around for a VERY long time :D
  • Starting P90X on Jan 7th........ anyone else?! :)
  • lol congrats hun! that is a wonderful feeling for sure! :)
  • Interesting... I do not though sorry... you should make your own. The turbo jam strength workouts combined with turbo fire cardio would be awesome!
  • the back fart is hilarious! hahahaha I was expecting you to say you ripped your pants in the butt! Sorry you hurt your back though, ouchies!
  • Fabulous!!! You are doing wonderful, congrats on 50 pounds!!!!!!!
  • I have no advice but CONGRATS on all that weight loss, totally awesome!!! :)
  • Thanks for the input ladies, Im so excited to start the hybrid tomorrow. I added a few of you that replied to my post, looking forward to seeing everyones results and progress :) Good luck ladies!
  • I am starting the TF/CLX hybrid schedule on the 1st. anyone else?
  • great job!! congrats!
  • I am starting Monday! Anyone else starting soon or just start?
  • Thats fantastic!!! Excellent work!!!
  • thanks sweetie, im looking forward to measuring again when Im done with SN6, I remember last time i lost a good amount of inches. : )
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath June 2012
  • Since Feb I have lost 7.5 inches all over. I know its not much but I just had a baby and things are happening verrryyyy slowww for me. lol it sucks but its progress and Im damn proud of that!!
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath June 2012
  • oh forgot to mention.. for those who dont see my status updates all the time... didnt lose anymore weight this week :( booooo... also i will be measuring tomorrow and will post afterwards!
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath June 2012
  • Thanks guys :) great job azjenz!! thats why its so important to do your measurements because so many people get discouraged when they dont see the number on the scale go down but inches is what matters most!!!! Sorry you hurt yourself, hope you are good as new soon! June should be even better! :bigsmile:
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath June 2012
  • Congrats for last week weight loss ladies! @ jrecmcalliste I hope you had a better week! I am VERY happy to report that I have lost 6 pounds this week! Holy cow I can barely wrap my head around it! :) I hope everyone had a great week, looking forward to good news!
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath May 2012
  • No weight loss this week :( better luck next week I hope
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath May 2012
  • I too lost a good amount (40 pounds) on TJ a couple years ago. But I got pregnant and gained it all back :( Trying as hard as I can to lose it again but its extremely difficult this time around. But Im doing TJ as much as I possible can and I know it will come off eventually. :) Oh and I agree with you about being about to…
  • @shaymo10, we don't have to weigh in on the same days. I'm actually switching to Fridays. So if you wanna stick with mondays that works! :) @azjenz...that's great you lost inches! Guess the extra weight is muscle! ;) @jrecmcalliste that is so wonderful, great job!! So like I said I am going to switch my weigh in days to…
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath May 2012
  • Anyone weigh in this weekend? Im down 1 pound... lets hope it stays down!! :smile:
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath May 2012
  • thats fantastic!!! i love cardio party, i have 1, 2, 3 :happy: I havent done my measurements for this month yet so I am going to measure on monday and just measure every month on the 14th :) good job!!!
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath May 2012
  • YAY...sounds great! Make the next two days count for a good weigh in! Ive been juggling the same 3 pounds for a month! So im really hoping I will have something to log this week, fingers crossed!
    in RESULTS!! Comment by ladyheath May 2012
  • Feeling great, finally getting back into my workouts and trying my hardest to eat right or make up for my bad choices haha... im not very active on the boards because i use mainly mobile app and it doesnt let me go to the community. but im here and trying to keep up with everyone and everything!! keep up the great work…
  • hahah it doesnt seem like it now but eventually you will be ready and WANTING to do more! It took me about 5-6 months to lose 40 pounds but i was eating SUPER healthy and always trying new diets and eating clean... thats really the main part of it. you'll get there. : )
  • Hi Im Heather! I have had great success with TJ in the past. Unfortunately I gained back all the weight I lost the first time around when I got pregnant so now Im starting all over!!! Its a lot harder this time around because my body is still getting used to most things but Im just pushing through. :]