Your Love Story

MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

Please, tell me your love story :)

How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

Anything you got, spill.

I need to feel some love today! <3


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My husband and I worked together in a high end steakhouse. He was a cook and I was a waitress. I was 23, newly divorced with a toddler and I wasn't the least bit interested in him. He pursued me for 6 months before he finally convinced me to come to his apartment to watch the Super Bowl. That's when I realized that he had totally grown in me and I fell for him. About 3 weeks later, on Valentine's Day, he came home with me and he never left. That was 23 years ago and we'll have been married 22 years next month. He's my best friend and soul mate. We've had ups and downs, but we've always come through stronger each time.

    Before him, I was married to a loser whose only redeeming quality was that he was the father to my son.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Met my wife 25 years ago. I was working as a Massage Therapist during the day and teaching TKD at night. She was referred to me for therapy after a car accident. She was a divorced single Mom with two little girls. I used to sit out in the lobby and chat with the two little girls while Mommy was changing in the Massage room. They were 7 and 5. Very cute. After about 8 months of weekly massages, we decided to get together after massage one night and grab a drink when the girls were at their Dad's house.

    That led to a date. The second date, I asked her to marry me. She said yes and I have been happily married ever since. Those cute little girls are now 32 and 30 and we have had another little girl, who is now 20.

    As far as past history -- That was a lifetime ago, I don't even think about it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I can get really wordy. So basically I had a few serious and not so serious relationships in my late teens and 20s...then got married when I was 25 because I liked this guy and we got along well and had quite a bit of stuff in common. I was with him for 10 years total, but never knew what it was like to actually be in love, crazy about someone, all romancey-pants, etc. I basically thought "adult relationships" were boring and my marriage was normal. We barely slept together or hugged or kissed each other...for was more like roommates, really, raising a dog together and living a life in the same house etc. Then things happened (a tornado, a move, job changes, etc...all in one year) and we got a divorce. Best thing ever, in the long run :-)

    After that, I went online and met a half dozen guys who were totally wrong for me, but mostly cool & nice guys. Each time, my online profiles for dating got stricter and crazier to the point of it looking like I was one of the pickiest people ever. I started an account with one site (OK Cupid) and immediately saw this guy from my area who sounded like he met all of my ideals and had 98% in common with me on all of the questions we answered, but he was 5 years younger and much fitter. I messaged him first (only time I EVER messaged a guy first) and within a week we met up. My first thought was "OH SH**" because he was so handsome and sexy...I wasn't expecting THAT.

    The rest just happened naturally, if quickly...we are perfect for each other and absolutely crazy about each other. I seriously fell in love for the first time at age 35! We got married after about 1.5 years of dating. Our road has not been perfect at all, tons of crazy things happened...his mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer right when we were planning to move in together, and we had to be long distance 4 days per week for a year...his dad committed suicide when his mom passed away...lots more stuff I won't even go into. But I feel like we seriously have that once in a lifetime dream love thing. The lust, the commitment, the open communication, understanding, constant affection...all of it. It's pretty rad. ;-)

    I am a strong believer in seeking out what you truly want and not settling.
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Sending love your way!

    Ugh, I don't even believe in love! Love is "liking" the person in every aspect. Love is "committment" which people SAY they have and don't. Love is defending the person you are with. Love is not takng off when problems arise. Love is having similarities in life. Love is respecting and compromising with each other. Love is communicating. Love is making that person you are with feel wanted and appreciated.

    SHOOT !!! I am so NOT in a relationship of love, it's LUST. Darn. Taking applications for anyone who has a ton of love to give (and get it in return)...LMAO
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    IN to read the love stories! **wondering if true love actually does exist**
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    this is somewhat uplifting lol

    need more intel.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    My prior relationships are a non-issue. I don't think about them except to occasionally shake my head in disbelief. My hubby and I met in the Air Force. I had heard a ton of bad mouthing about him before I even met him, which wasn't the best start. The first time we talked he had come over to me to chat and asked what I liked to do to which I replied "nothing you do" and turned around and ignored him. Poor guy. Fortunately he took it as a challenge. After he rescued me from a party where I was completely inebriated, took me to his room for some hangover preventative and still managed to be a perfect gentleman, I realized he was worth a second look. It's been over 13 years since then and I'm thankful I found him early in my life.

    The lessons here: Don't believe everything you hear about people and true love does exist. I'm still kind of suprised that we love each other this much after this much time. Especially after the barrage of nay-sayers (old, married, bitter women) who said I'd hate him in 5 years :huh:
  • ladyheath
    ladyheath Posts: 35 Member
    oooh love this!!!

    OK I met my hubby on MYSPACE!! lol I saw him on a mutual friends wall and I thought he looked really cute so I added him and we started talking from there. We met once but then I moved to a different city for school. We kept in touch here and there and then one night he drove 2hrs in the middle of the night to take care of my drunk *kitten* lol... he won me over and we tried the long distance dating thing for about a month, i ended it because it was just a lot with school and work and going back and forth. We still kept in touch and dated different people, I moved back home a few months later and we reconnected. He had joined the Army so we spent every night together. After the most amazing two weeks back together he took me to an incredible spot with an amazing view and proposed, I was shocked and said yes instantly. It was just right and we both knew it. Everyone thought we were crazy and it happened so fast but we didnt cared. He went away to basic training, I got a phone call one day and he told me that they already had orders to deploy... I never cried so much in my life. So I planned our wedding in 3 months and now we have been married 6 1/2 yrs. Still crazy in love! ;)
    Oh and we waited to have sex a month before our wedding date... most people didnt believe that part. I think too many people have given up on the true meaning of falling in love. Dont give up... find someone who gives you butterflies and treats you and your boys like GOLD!
  • Met online on POF.

    First date we met at a local park.

    Met a skunk that same night. Funny story to tell.

    Happen to have same
  • ashliij
    ashliij Posts: 54
    I met my fiance online as well. We lived five thousand miles apart - we started talking and he eventually came to visit me in the Spring after we had "met," and the rest is history I suppose. We've been together for five years and are working on immigration now. Since that first meeting, we've collectively visited each other 15 times .. no small feat for low-income workers like us! He asked me to marry him last July shortly after my birthday, and someday we will definitely do so :)
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Don't lose faith in love, things get better :flowerforyou:

    As for my story. My husband and I met during 9th grade; and we lost contact until 11th grade, because he changed schools. But after he came back, we started hanging out until the end of high school and considered ourselves to be close friends, but not

    We lived in the same neighborhood, and he helped my family move, and it was during that time that I saw him in a different light, he continued to ask me to be his girlfriend, and I would deny, deny, deny. I only saw you as a brother, etc etc.

    but during this time, he signed up to leave for military service, he was 18 at the time, and it was at the thought of losing him that I realized I needed him, so we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Needless to say, we are both 30 now, and are still together.

    He was my first and only, so 15 years we've known each other, 12 years we've officially been together, married 10 years.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    My fiance and I met on Singlesnet. We texted for about 2 weeks (averaging 400 messages a day!) before we met in person. He lived 2 hours away and he drove to my town for our first date. It was an all day date. We went to the zoo, had lunch, shopped in Academy Sports and then ended at a local park. I left that date thinking "I'm going to marry that man." The next date, I drove to his town and we spent all day together and he told me he was in love with me and asked "did you know I was going to be your husband?" :smooched: Anyway, that was a little over 3 years ago.

    I dated a lot of guys, some great, some not so great before I got to him. I didn't date for 10 years after my divorce, so before my fiance came along, I only had one "relationship" between my divorce and him.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I met my (now) wife back in college. She was in my Biology class. At first, I really did not like her. Thought she was a bit pushy and loud. After about a week of classes, I actually thought sh was a total B! So the last day of the first week the instructor tells everyone to find a lab partner and she comes over and plops right down next to me and says something about since I don't like her she is going to be my lab partner and make the class miserable. Of course, she THOUGHT she was kidding and was trying to tick me off, but as it goes, at that moment the instructor says stop right were you are and that is who you have for the semester. We BOTH just glared at each other.

    Time went on and we did end up getting along. Never thought much about more of her than a school friend. We actually parted ways and I did not see her again until another Biology class. We decided to take our A&P together since we did pretty good in the previous class. Things kinda progressed from there and we became good friends, and eventually more.

    We spent a lot of time together and grew close, and in 1996 I asked her to marry me (I played a game of hangman with her and surprised her when she guessed one that said, "Will you marry me?" She was crying and I got down on one knee wit the ring. We married in 1997.

    I'll say, the surface of it is a good start to a love story. It was romantic, passionate, and fun. But even within the first year of marriage there were problems - many of which did not come out until almost 15 years later. It is always interesting to try and wrap your head around how there can be darkness in light of two people so much in love. But that is the real truth in all marriages.

    So maybe you are wondering what happened (or not, but I am going to tell ya anyways...)

    We are still married and are always growing stronger and wiser about love and commitment - about what a life together means and how we can stand by the vows we've made. If we have proven anything is that you will share the best parts of your life with people you love, and some of the worst as well. But there is hope and love for EVERYONE who is willing to put themselves out there.

    Don't be afraid to find the right person you will be willing to suffer and soar with.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    And here is a cute puppy to make the world seem right.

  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    I seriously thought I found my soulmate last year. Turned out it was a bunch of lies built upon a pipe dream.

    Not so sure there is such a thing as true love.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I got nothin'

    But if you want to hear how someone can destroy you, I have one for that.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I seriously thought I found my soulmate last year. Turned out it was a bunch of lies built upon a pipe dream.

    Not so sure there is such a thing as true love.

    This is my story as well lol
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    There is true love. It isn't always clear at first, and it is NOT always easy. I went through 4 long term relationships in college, found my dumped by said soul mate. Lowered the periscope, learned to be OK with myself and accepted that fate, then BOOM met my husband when I truly wasn't looking. He's an awesome man, he is not perfect, we are not perfect and our relationship has roses WITH the thorns. But, he loves me to the end of the earth, I the same with him. Some days I could strangle him, some days he could me. Most days, we love each other without question.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My guy sent me Noodz on MFP and it was love.

    In other news, this will totally lift your spirits and make you pee your pants:
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    This is my favorite love story.