Your Love Story



  • Mitzki5
    Mitzki5 Posts: 482 Member
    My wife and I met when I was a freshman in highschool and she was a junior. We loved each other so much and were inseperable. We got married when we were 21 and 23. We had two beautiful children and are still deeply in love at age 36 and 38. Unfortunately she was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer two months ago. It scares me to death that I could lose the love of my life. She means the world to me and there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect and care for her. Looking back, even knowing what I know now, I would do everything exactly the same way again with our relationship. I have always loved her with all of my heart. Don't give up on love. When you have true love between two people, it is an amazing thing. The loved one becomes more than just a part of you and the love you get in return is amazing.
    Wow. This cynical misanthrope just burst into tears as soon as I read this. Cancer is so unfair, so scary, so cruel. We just can't have any control over it, and that is unbelievably frustrating. I lost my precious cat in late October after a short fight with cancer, and I'm not comparing that at all. I can't even allow myself to imagine going through it with my twin soul. I obviously send my deepest wishes that she will be able to recover.

    The sentiment that you would do it all again just the same is just beautiful. Please give each other all your love every day, and remember that every day is a gift more precious than gold. Make the most of each one, and never let go of the love you have, come what may. All the best to you and your family.

    Thank you very much for your words of kindness. It is appreciated.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I have been fortunate to have only dated some wonderful women.
  • gertbunny
    gertbunny Posts: 4 Member
    It was a Tuesday after noon in late 2010. He was sitting there in all his cuteness holding a guitar, looking like a rock star! I dont know how I did it but I got the nerve to talk him. We started dating after two months of courting :P Five months later I moved in with him and now, three and a half years later here we are. It's not a perfect relationship, but like ANY relationship it takes work. Most days breeze by but some you have to remind yourself why you started a relationship with the person your with in the first place! lol He's my better half for the most part. Calms me down, makes me smile, and cares about how I feel. We talk about marriage and children on day to day basis. I'm working on becoming a nurse and he's getting his degree to become a professor. I think to make a romantic relationship last communication is key! Love is a fickle thing when you really think about it. You need to respect the person youre with. Y'all need to have mutual interests, and if you want children you have to ask yourself if your partner would make a good co-parent. That's my two cents anyway. :)
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I got nothin'

    But if you want to hear how someone can destroy you, I have one for that.


    However... I hold out hope!
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    "oooo ain't no pain like from the opposite sex. gonna hurt real bad, but don't take it out on the next" -Will Smith

    Having a properly broken heart makes a woman out of ya. And when it heals, you will know that you can live through a lot more than you thought you could.

    best wishes.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    I have been fortunate to have only dated some wonderful women.

    Well put weird. Ch 11, paragraph 2: Always speak positively about exes.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    We met online when I was 16, always went back and forth on who was interested versus who was taken. Finally, one day seven years back, he decided: "no, you're mine." So he learned about my Deaf culture, found a job out here, drove three days straight and that was the first time we met, the first time he moved in, and he's never left. That's my little love story, I still have the butterflies waiting for him to come home.

    Even with all that sappiness, I still want to kick him upside the head now and then, but he's mine, and that's all that matters to me.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    I met my BF at the lowest points in both of our lives, and we were actually donating plasma at a place that pays you for it. Anyway, I was in a relationship with an abusive man who was heavy into drugs, I was experimenting with drugs myself and just feeling lost. We were friends for quite some time, and he was there to help me through and convince me that I didnt need to stay with someone who was hurting me in soooo many ways. After being friends, one day we were at his house and he kissed me and we both always quote what he said afterwards because its like a movie line lol: "I just wanted to see what that was like" :smooched:

    3 months after that kiss I was pregnant :blushing: The funny thing is, we had both been told at young ages that we would never have kids, his due to a car accident at the age of 14 (legs and lower body completely hit by a car) and mine due to medical issues ("girly" stuff) He had been in a relationship for many years, trying to have a chld with no luck and that ended due to him supposedly being sterile.

    Now we have been together for 7 years and he is still my very best friend in the world... Well, now we are also BFF's with our two little girls... We even have a best friends song to prove it :laugh: :wink:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The second I got out of a horrible break up i started dating. once i had 3 guys about a month later that I couldn't choose from, my friend said if you can't choose neither is the one, why don't you date that guy you wanted ME to go out with so bad. so she set it up and we got along right away. been together ever since. it was an easy decision to stop dating the other ones. they just didn't have that extra something special.

    but yeah, you can find a good lasting relationship real quick after even the worst break ups. everyone says you can't or shouldnt' but if you have your priorities in order and know what you really want and can deal with ppl in a no bs kinda way, it can happen. you seem to be at that point, based on your OP.
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    I my 4 older kids father when i was around 16 yrs old when we worked together. He use to take me home most days. My father being very strict thought he was just a long haired lout lol. I ended up pregnant at 18 and we had 4 kids. We divorced after number 4.
    I later met my youngest daughters father. I was told I couldn't have any more kids. he had no kids, I told him to find someone else, but he didn't want to. So he stayed. I found out I was pregnant which shocked us, but was good news and also meant he was going to finally be a dad. Sadly, he was killed when she was 7 wks old. was all short lived. That was nearly 13 yrs ago. We looked to the future, had everything mapped out.
    Now, I still plan things but not to far, cosyou never know what will happen.
    Since then I dated,an old school friend turned out he was too maniuplative and loved cheating! Treated me like dirt and I was only about to be the baby sitter and his house maid. As if my studies, work and my own home and children werent enough.

    I still believe there is someone out there for all. But it all takes time. Sometimes you have to weed through the bad eggs to find the right one. Also believe love doesn't just happen, it takes time. You need to get to know each other frst up.. and let things grow.
    For me, I'm getting older, my youngest is nearly 13, time to work on my health and fitness, time to even work out my career and my life. One day she won't be living with me and I'll be on my own.
    I would love to find someone special that I can enjoy the last of my yrs with and we do our own thing.
  • bunnerfly
    bunnerfly Posts: 197 Member
    I married a man I had known since kindergarten. I was 22, and although there were warning signs letting me know it might be a mistake, I did anyway. He was charming, educated, smart... and at the time, it didn't matter that he had an anger and drinking problem. Eventually, after 8 years, 2 kids, 6 marriage counselors, 2 chaplain counselors and many, many nights spent crying, scared and alone, I left him. He threatened me any way he could, but I left... and that's where my love story begins.

    The night I left my ex, I literally packed what I could into the car, and the kids and I drove the 800 miles back to my home area. I had called my aunt on the way, and told her I had finally left. She welcomed us. I ended up getting lost, and my uncle told me where to meet him. I had been driving 13 hours with a 4 and 7 year old in the car and was exausted. He met me in a parking lot and had a friend of my cousin's with him. I mumbled hello and rushed back into the car.

    He and I ran into each other on and off, and my cousin (his best friend) was urging us to hang out more. I was going through a nasty divorce from an abusive man, working 40hrs a week and just trying to keep my sanity. The last thing I wanted was to hang out with some guy. However, eventually we did meet up and actually talk. We ended up having a lot in common, weird, kinda cool stuff. We kept it friendly, but we did want more. Eventually, we just kinda realized we were dating.

    Its been almost 3 years, and I have never met a more genuine person. We compliment each other so well and he is literally my best friend. He loves the kids and me, and after a lifetime of forcing relationships to fit, this one just does. :-)
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    My guy sent me Noodz on MFP and it was love.

    In other news, this will totally lift your spirits and make you pee your pants:
    omg these are funny!
  • jenrobiwan
    jenrobiwan Posts: 18 Member
    I met my husband when we were 17. Hw was friends with some guys that just enrolled into my high school. I did not like him all that much, then. He was standoffish and unapproachable. I hung out with the friends from school, and by proxy, him a few times but never really got to know him. We even were part of a 3 1/2 hour road trip caravan and he rode in my car. We fought about directions, but I got us there eventually.

    By the time I was 20, I had already had one loser boyfriend who had cheated on me. I met someone from another state, moved there and spend the next 7 years of my life in a relationship that was more like we were roommates with the relationship label by default. That relationship ended on a bad note and I felt heartbroken (even though I had known the relationship needed to end). I moved back to my hometown and got in touch with the friends I knew from high school. The friend was in a band, and I would go to the bar where they were playing, have a few beers and re-connect with old friends (I was 27 by this time). Then, there was this jerky guy that i could never really get to know. Then, by chance, we just started having a conversation during one of the shows. And he mentioned, "Yeah, I took my daughter to the zoo last weekend." I was taken aback, I thought, wait, "HE has a daughter? And HOW sweet he was taking her out to the zoo!"

    As I learned more, his daughter was born when he was 21 and he had spent the next several years getting his life in order so he could be a good father to her. The more I talked to him, the more I enjoyed being around him. Before I knew it, I was falling in love fast. We weren't in a relationship yet since I had just gotten out of my long term relationship. We spent more and more time together, and before I knew it, we were dating. Then within months, I became pregnant with our first child. After falling in love with him, there was never a doubt in my mind that he was the one that was meant for me. Now, seven years later, we have been married 6 years next month. We have two sons (6 and 2), and I have gained a 12 year old daughter since she now lives with us.

    We're not perfect, we have rough patches. We struggle financially, but we have lots of love and more happy times than sad ones. One of the many things I learned from falling in love with him is that you never know where that person is. He could be someone you've known for years, or he could be some complete stranger passing you by.

    My best advice to get over ended relationships is just to let go. Let go of the anger, of the pain. Forgive and move on. My previous 7 year relationship ended by my ex leaving me for his high school sweetheart. While it hurt at the time, had he not done that, I would not have the man I am with today, or the kids that I have today. So, even though it was a terrible feeling at the time, I am happier because of it!
  • Jennicia74
    Jennicia74 Posts: 31 Member
    Rewind about 5 years or so and there was this man. He was kind, smart, hardworking... and morbidly obese. In addition to exercising (several rounds of P90X and then he discovered heavy lifting), this guy also found MFP.

    About a year later and 850 miles away, there was this girl. She was smart, responsible, resilient... and morbidly obese. In an effort to get her mental health in order, she started exercising and this girl also found MFP to help get her body healthy, too.

    These people had, in some ways, parallel MFP experiences. Their physical transformations were pretty dang impressive. They both found confidence in their newfound health.

    Somewhere along the way, a little less than two years ago, they became MFPals. A couple of months later, they met to see if there was more to it and fell hopelessly in love, so much so that the girl performed her first ever truly impulsive act and picked up her life and relocated it to be near the guy after just a couple of months.

    In the year and a half (plus) that followed, the guy was the girl's rock as she fought to overcome a debilitating spinal cord injury and then, a few weeks ago, he proposed.

    They're getting married this summer. His son will be the best man and her son will give her away.

    ... And that's my love story.


    I'm loving all of these stories.

    I married at 27 because I wanted to be settled. I wanted the ring, the wedding (all my friends were getting married) and we had been together for several years and had a daughter. Thought it was the best logical step. It wasnt. But it took having another baby and him consistently cheating on me to realize I was never in love to begin with.

    I'm currently going thru a divorce after a year of separation and starting a new chapter in this thing called life. Hopefully the book ends with a happy ending.
  • I got married a while ago because I thought it was the right thing to do and the person I was with at the time seemed like a person that would support me no matter what. Thankfully I was very wrong and thanks to my divorce I met the best man I've known.

    We bonded at a coffee shop while I was playing board games with random strangers to clear my mind following the divorce. It was one of those cliche staying up all night talking and never wanting to say goodbye relationships when it started. To this day we still lay in bed talking until we finally have to tell each other to go to sleep. He's a complete gentleman who tries to spend every day making me feel valued and important. He's leaving for the Army soon and I support him 150%. It will be a rough year while he's gone but I can only imagine the letters and emails I'll continue to get because he is just a sweet guy.

    Long story short, if I had never gotten married the first time, I never would have met my wonderful man.
  • jaclync324
    jaclync324 Posts: 37 Member
    I was married before. I was 23 the first time and married a 30 year old man that I knew for 5 years. He cheated on me and broke my heart. I was devastated. We got divorced and I dated a lot of losers.

    I met my now husband on craigslist when I was 27. We got married 3 months after meeting and had a child a year later. We now have 2 kids, have moved 3 times, changed jobs twice for him and 4 times for me. He is wonderful, romantic, supportive, a good father, handy, sexy, tall, handsome....

    I could go on and on.

    I love him so much and our life together. Love does exist, it takes work but it is worth it!
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Love exists, but not "true love, fairy tale stuff". I think that is why some many relationships fail. People are looking for someone to sweep them off their feet and live happily ever after. Even the best relationship need constant work from both parties.
    I almost learned this the hard way after taking my relationship for granted for too long. Thankfully I grew up, wised up, and fought for what was worth saving.

    Hubby and I met in middle school, dated in high school, married at 22. This November will be 15 years together.
  • purplemurfy
    purplemurfy Posts: 95 Member
    Some really great stories here. I hope to have one someday as does get hard to believe in it sometimes, but I love the quote: Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen.

    Always have hope! I can't live without hope. :smooched:
    Don't stop believing! You have such a warm , open face...and redheads are catnip to lots of men ( women too!)

    Thank you cynner69 - You just made my day! :bigsmile:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I met my husband, Josh, when we were 17. We met on MySpace back when that was cool (ah, 2007). I was actually his first friend on MySpace back when we were both 15 and we talked briefly via PM before losing touch. Two years later, he sends me a "long time, no talk" message - and, to be honest, I had no recollection of ever speaking to him. I suspect it's because he didn't have a profile picture, which is a big 10 on the creep-o-meter. We started talking on MySpace and on Yahoo Messenger and then one day he was telling me that something really funny happened to him at work that day but it was "too long to type," so he asked if he could have my phone number. Yeah, smooth, psht! I remember not being able to understand a word he said on the phone and I told my best friend that he sounded like Forrest Gump.

    At the time, I had a stupid crush on this guy I worked with who was so very wrong for me. I was making a fool of myself with my advances toward him. I had recently broke up with my first (yes, first, I was a late bloomer) boyfriend and was feeding on all the male attention I was getting for the first time. I still had my V-card, but I spent a Summer doing stupid things like meeting guys in empty parks and going to their house in the middle of nowhere for a "party" that consisted of a handful of guys sitting around smoking weed. Oy...

    Well, I was on vacation in California and got mad at the guy I liked because he said he'd call me back and didn't. Being a stupid teenager, I thought I'd "get back at" him by calling Josh. I was also talking to a guy he went to school with, but had never actually met either of them. I ended up meeting the other guy first (he was the weed party guy) and that didn't go so great. I finally set up a meeting with Josh, along with my best friend and a male friend of ours. I recall him pulling up to the bar (yeah, bar, we were stupid kids) in his brother's old, loud, POS pick-up truck and my friend said, "Let's just go. Seriously, he doesn't know it's us." Ha! Well, we stayed and I finally met him.

    At this point, I thought I was sowing some wild oats, so while I thought he was nice and cute, I didn't really want to date anyone. Honestly, I just wanted to make out with the guy. After hanging out with him for a couple of weeks as friends, he kissed me and asked if I wanted to date him. His exact words, "So, do you wanna date...or do you wanna...wait?" And my brilliant response, "Okay." I said yes because I felt bad rejecting him. He was a really great guy, but I wanted to be a hoochie for awhile I guess. No such luck.

    It took about a month of dating before I realized something - I was actually starting to like this guy! I would go to his house after school and get butterflies before seeing him. You know, all that kid stuff. At three months, he told me he loved me. At six months, he got the infamous V-card. At 3 years, we got engaged and moved in together. At 5 years, we got married and bought our first home. We're now approaching 7 years together (2 married) and we're planning on starting a family toward the end of this year if all goes well.

    It's no Cinderella story, but there you go. Proof that the best things come when you least expect it and taking a chance can really pay off in the end. He's the hardest working guy I know, he supported me through college, and he's just a great person in general. He has plenty of faults, but he's mine. :) I just have to come up with a better story for our future kids than, "we met on MySpace." How embarrassing...
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I died laughint at the "lets just go, seriously, he doesn't know it's us"
