Your Love Story



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    We met at a keg party. He held my feet. A few month later, we went to the Bahamas, got completely trashed, and ended up married. Had two great kids, and managed 20 years of mostly happy.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    He was supposed to be a one night stand and a Call of Duty partner. 3ish years later he's so much more. :bigsmile:
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    Met him on MySpace going on 10 years ago. I put out on the first date. He traveled every weekend from VA to NJ to be with me.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    We used to work together. Apparenlty we both liked the other, but were always too chicken to say or do anything about it (workplace romances were a big no-no). We got drunk as hell one night, made out like kids, been together ever since. Kept it secret at work, too, only a few of our closest freinds knew. Shocked a lot of folks when she showed up with a big rock on her finger.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Me and my hubby met on a forum. I was the moderator, he was the troll lol. But the forum died and we kept in touch on Yahoo and Skype. I moved to America to be with him in 2011 and we got married right away. We have been through so much pain together, and some days it feels like we're both living with broken hearts. But it has made our marriage stronger, and we love each other more every day.
  • AlexiaLupis
    AlexiaLupis Posts: 27 Member
    I met my partner a week into my first year of uni. At first I thought he was weird (I was right), but after a few vodkas too many (before MFP) we ended up back at my place. Here I must state that we kissed and nothing more! We sat on my bed and chatted until 6am and then he went home. We were both pretty drunk so I assumed he wouldn't like me anyway, plus I had had a summer love which ended badly so I wasn't in a place to be in a relationship.

    I was wrong, he did like me, and he chased me for 8 months before I gave in and agreed to go on a date with him. It was a little bit of self preservation and a little bit of thinking he was weird that had stopped me before but he wouldn't let it go. He took me to a 'ball' at the uni, the night ended with us arguing over Margaret Thatcher (of all things!), he dropped me home and went off to sulk. A little while later I rang him and told him to come round.

    The poor sod had thought we were finished before we had started! Convinced by some numbskull friends that this little spat meant I didn't like him. He told me all this and I explained that people can have different opinions about MT... They can still really like each other!

    The rest, as they say, is history. We're still pretty new, it'll be our year anniversary on 30th April. But I've found someone who I care for so much, I've never met anyone so caring and loving. He has his faults, just as I have mine, but he really is the most perfect person I could have ever wished for. But I am glad that I waited those 8 months, I really wasn't ready for anything back then, and I'm sure that if we'd started when he first asked it wouldn't have lasted a month. Instead, we are moving in together and are very very happy!

    I'm sure you'll find someone great. They'll appear when you least expect it like my guy did. Just don't look to hard or you might miss it.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    Under the Tuscan Sun is a good movie for this subject.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    One time I was out drinking with a friend who was about to leave to go into the Army. These two guys come over and start hitting on us, sort of. Actually the one dude started arguing with my friend about if she should have gone into the Army or let her rich parents pay for college. Apparently prior to them coming over that guy was going to make the moves for me because they thought I was checking him out, and I might have been as he was taller. However yeah, he was a douche. Last call comes and the other dude (the shorter one) who'd been hitting on me while they argued invited me home with him. I told him he was drunk and I wasn't going.

    And that I only lived a few blocks away and we could walk there.

    12 years and 3 kids later it's like the one-night-stand that never ends.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    blah blah blah then i met this guy who loves me for exactly who i am. he's a king among men (i.e. totally secure with himself) and treats me like a beloved queen. the end.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Friends first..i thought he was in love with my best friend, but turned out it was me! dated a few weeks, fell in love and got married a little under a year after that :) He is still my best friend, my greatest support and the love of my life!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    True story... there's always that one magical BOB that stands out amongst the crowd.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We met at a dance club. I was just out with my two besties, having a girl's night and all of a sudden this guy comes up and starts dancing with me. I was pretty tipsy so I was into it. We ended up making out on the dance floor and having a great time. We exchanged numbers but I seriously thought I'd never hear from him.

    Boy was I wrong! The phone rings around 9am the next morning and it's him! And I pretty much started out by yelling at him for giving me the hicky I just discovered. LOL! He wanted to meet up for brundh but I was hosting a baby shower so we set up a date for Monday night. Went to dinner then to a bar for a couple drinks and talking then drove around a bit and he took me back to his place. He tried to make a move and I said I'm sorry but I'd rather get to know you a bit better so he took me home. I was kind of worried I'd never hear from him again but he called again the next day - come to find out later my wanting to wait kind of impressed him (only made him wait a couple weeks and we did plenty of other things in the meantime hehe).

    We pretty much spent all our time together so when the couple I was living with decided they wanted to get their own place, I asked him if he wanted to share a place with me and he agreed. So about three months after meeting each other, we were living together. Things were a bit rough on and off for the first year as we were still getting to know each other and we've definitely had our rough times over the years but all in all, it's been a great run. 16+ years together, married for 5+ years.
  • AlexiaLupis
    AlexiaLupis Posts: 27 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    What a divvy I am! I didn't read BOB and found myself thinking that you weren't very nice for sleeping with your mans friends!! Haha.
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    My husband is the best thing thats ever happened to me. We met when I was 20 and got married 4 years later.

    We met at work. I saw him from behind when he was training, and I leaned over to my friend and asked, "Whos the new guy with the great *kitten*?" No more than 3 weeks later, he was walking behind me and I heard him mumble, "Dear God, I want to take a bite out of that *kitten*." Needless to say, we both really enjoyed each others back side.

    Anyway, mutual attraction is key. Yes he is extremely handsome, but he is also goofy, strange, funny, etc etc. Weve only been married for 3 1/2 years, but he makes me smile everyday. Oh.....and hes great in bed.......wait did I just say that?

    When our son was born, I began to love him even more. The love he has for us is beyond measure.

    Before him? I had 3 boyfriends. They are happy with new women, and that makes me glad, because I know how happy I am and I wish nothing but happiness for them as well.

    The end.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    True story... there's always that one magical BOB that stands out amongst the crowd.

    I want a BOB
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    My fiance and I are from the same town. However I moved when I was in junior high but still went back often. He is four years younger than me and good friends with my cousin so in our early 20s I was around him often. I also loved hanging out with him. He was funny and fun and super sweet. But I never thought of it as a crush. My mind never even went there. One day five and half years ago, at a mutual friend's wedding, he told me that he thinks we should hang out and see where it goes. I was completely nervous about it. I lived alone, worked full time and was in college full time. I had actually gotten into the mindset that I was just going to get school completed and not worry about dating. I had never really dated anyone seriously...and I was 27. I was focused on me. But I hesitantly said yes. The next weekend we hung out for the very first time one on one. I was extremely up front with him with what I wanted out of a man, a relationship and my future. I didn't have time to waste. I said "if you don't want the same things, it's not a big deal. We will just hang out as friends and it's fine." But he did want the same things. He wanted me. He told me not long after that a year before he asked me out, he told a buddy that he was going to get some things in his life in order and then ask me out. As he saw it, he took a year to better himself so he had something more to offer me....even before he knew whether or not I'd say yes. I don't think he did it for me, but still to me, I don't know...I swooned ;). He moved in a few months later and in November it will be six years.

    This is the cheesy part: No relationship is perfect, but ours is pretty close enough for me. He is my home. After years of being...almost anti relationship, I can not imagine a life with out him by my side. He is my biggest supporter, the one who tells me the truth when I don't want to face it, and the one who deals with me when I realize he is right about those truths. He knows every part of me. And he loves me all the same. I never knew that was how relationships where supposed to be. I don't know many men like him. Do I wish that he'd not leave his clothes on the floor? sure...but that's just details. He is my partner and we are a team. No other guy before him matters. I think if he never came along, I'd still be single. I need to send him a text! haha
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    In to read later and have on my feed... love what I've read so far!!!!!!!
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    True story... there's always that one magical BOB that stands out amongst the crowd.

    I want a BOB

    I have some recommendations where you might be able to find a good one!