

  • Make sure you do the appropriate stretches b4 and after workouts/cardio. You can also do some squats with light weights next to you. 5kg - 10kg is sufficient. But the more you stretch the better of you will be. I've learnt that through personal experience and my physiotherapists screaming at me.
  • In my opinion, this is what I do, 30 mins of weight training, then I do 30 mins of cardio, You can do it anyway that suits you, but that suits me more. Also for my cardio im doing that c25k circuit thingy, seeing how far i can go =] on my third week now and going strong
  • In my personal experience, weigh yourself once a week. That way, you don't get pissed off seeing yourself gain pounds/kilograms of water of a small period of time. I check my weight and measurements each friday and usually after my workouts.
  • Well, Since I'm only going to having access to meals per day, I need something which can keep me going throughout the day without tiring. Since I love my pasta, like i LOVE it. My pasta which I make is literally, 500g of pasta, 400g tin of tuna, some sweet chilli + normal tomatoe sauce for the sauce, and once mixed…
    in help? Comment by tonmoii July 2011
  • My point being I'm not sure how large each serving is in terms of calories.
  • Well the thing is protein does 2 things, help build muscle, but if there's nothing to repair it turns into fat?
  • well is it wise to have a protein shake for breakfast ? Or even after a workout if I'm gonna sleep almost instantly afterwards, i might begin to have oats with some milk for breakfast, but yeah. and for my 2nd snack would a apple + a yogurt fruit bar thing be suitable? the uncle Tobys ones? I work in grams and kilograms in…
  • well the main problem I'm trying to overcome is that I'm trying to figure out how many calories I burn whilst walking around at school/ sitting for about 12-14 hours of the day, since I don't have much time at the moment to exercise regularly, so yeah. MFP says I should intake a minimum of 1200 calories but with my home…
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