grimthegrim Member


  • You look absolutely amazing!!! Keep up the hard work!
  • Isn't that the best feeling? Putting clothes on that is TOO big! Yea for you!! Great Job
  • Do they have a hibachi or Mongolian grill? If they do, you choose your own veggies, limit your meet, no sauce, and have them cook it at is. Tell them not to add any oil or butter to the grill, just use water as they cook it.
  • Congratulations! It is an amazing feeling. I just hit my first 20 lbs and it feels great! You keep it up. I saw your starting picture and current picture...WOW! Keep up the hard're worth it!
  • If you are in a multistory building you could walk the stairs for 15 minutes during your breaks and at lunch
  • Welcome from a fellow Texas, Aggie, and Houstonian!
  • Thanks everyone for the support! It is a great feeling. And yes... I CANT WAIT to get rid of ALL my fat clothes!!!
  • It has become sort of a game for me. I actually enjoy entering my data into MFP. I like to see the progress and I am constantly updating my info. If you stick with it for a few days, you will actually become accustomed to the data entry part. By doing this you will be able to see your progress. To steal Nike's line..."Just…
  • Just get up and do it! Once you get started and stick to for a few days, it becomes part of your routine. I actually have gotten to the point where I enjoy logging in my daily diary. The rewards for you are endless!
    in Hello Comment by grimthegrim August 2011
  • Add me...I have a total of 80 lbs to lose and have lost 13 so far. The more the merrier!
  • Welcome aboard. Stick to it and your rewards will be great! The program is so easy to use and it has become fun for me.
  • Thank you for the encouragement! are right...Mc D's sounds good, but looking at that scale drop does sound better!