Howdy all!

So I started last Monday and its been a week and a day. So far so good. I started at 262 and my goal is 180. So far 7 pounds in 8 days. Im doing good on the cravings, I thought it would be a lot more difficult trying to fight the cravings. The only craving I am having a hard time with is FRENCH FRIES!!! ARGHHHH.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • jesscowart0501
    jesscowart0501 Posts: 17 Member
    yes i would love to hit up mcdonald's drive thru for a med. fry right now too...BUT, I would rather see my scales drop down more
  • waterlily
    waterlily Posts: 55 Member
    Hello and Welcome!! Way to go on your 7 Lbs loss!! Great job!! Keep on,keeping on!!
  • grimthegrim
    grimthegrim Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement! are right...Mc D's sounds good, but looking at that scale drop does sound better!