

  • Maybe YOU need to stop following HCG posts.
  • I admire MFP and think it is a wonderful tool for tracking our health goals. But it is a tool. It will be utilized differently by everyone. Saying that people could find out about the HCG diet on here then go try it out and get sick and later sue MFP, is like saying someone can sue Google because it's possible to Google…
  • So, are you saying that if my doctor puts me on a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) temporarily due to the fact that I have Type 2 Diabetes and he's trying to help me save my own life, that in your view I am utilizing a dangerous method not endorsed by MFP and therefore I do not deserve to use this site to help me track my…
  • D2Football, if I could "Like" your post, I would LOVE it instead :) Off to work at my pesky scientist job now! Bye!!
  • RachelSNO - glad it makes you feel better to laugh at me! But if you saw me in person now you would not be laughing. Jokes on you!
  • Fatassfairy: 1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged 2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't…
  • Obviously I could have figured out that HH is not healthy for my family to eat regardless, my point was, I never really used to think about it before. Until a month ago, I had never stepped foot in my Sprouts up the street, now I regularly shop there. It has changed me, and it was because I took the time to do my homework…
  • I also find it funny that the biggest nay sayers on this forum, also ask some of the most basic questions revealing that they have not researched the diet at all, they are just jumping on a bandwagon out of boredom. Here is a "cliffnotes" version of the diet plan: A. If you want to lose 15 pounds or less - you do the 21…
  • RachelSNO, if you really cared about people's health, why are you trying to make so many people feel bad? I posted those links about VLCD's for you my dear. Take a moment of your time to read please. You see, the VLCD phase can actually save people's life! People that are at risk or already have Type 2 diabetes from eating…
  • A lot of body builders have used HCG successfully to get more cut. I do not think that is the proper use of this particular diet, but people will do what they do. I am a former gymnast, so I used to be in much better shape prior to having my four kids. And having number 4 in my late 30's did not do me good for my…
  • A. This IS a lifestyle change B. This is NOT a starvation diet C. Yes, we take vitamins D. Yes we are consuming enough fat for vitamin absorbtion E. Yes we are losing a lot of weight in a right quick fashion F. No we are not losing muscle tone G. The VLCD phase is 21-40 days - NOT FOREVER! H. The point of the diet is to…
  • Forgot to say, that most of that reply was meant for those uninformed folks that love to attack the HCG diet because they fear that which they have not thoroughly researched and like to jump to conclusions, but I do emplore anyone considering this diet to look at the links I posted.
  • Deanna, there is an HCG group on here. Here is some information for you. Hope to see you on the group! Some of us that do HCG are also scientists, that study metabolic processes for a living and are professional researchers. Although, when researching this diet I was a little disappointed to find that there are lacking a…
  • I am only on my first round of HCG, and already I am getting a little creative with the ingredients during P2. I use Balsamic Vinegar on my salads for example, and have seen no issue. I have eaten lean turkey instead of chicken a few times with no problem, and even mixed protiens and veggies in a meal by making one of my…